XWA-F 151: Wing Commander's Own 2009 #3: Pirate hunter

Battle Information

Game platform: X-Wing Alliance
Missions: 1
Release date: 2010-07-09
Last updated: 2010-07-09
Average rating 3.7
Reviews: 3
Bug reports: 1
Times completed: 23
Patches used: None

Created for the intended Wing Commander's Own competition that never saw the light of day. Storyline by COL Domi.

Battle Reviews

It was an average mission all around from the combat to the story

Finally a mission where a Star destroyer attacks the big targets (as opposed to just lurking in the back) while you take care of the fighter defence. This is the way!

A very good mission, nice to destroy fighters, capital ships, platforms. Actually I would prefer a bit more fighters for full fun.
One thing was not clear, why the enemy ships can withdraw from the battle when there is Interdictor. Keeping the enemy capital ships in the battle would make it also more interesting.

Battle Bug Reports

CM Vanguard88


Message about the two cruisers plays too early, it plays in region 1 instead of in region 3.

Bonus for inspecting pirate base awards 0 points. Goal % for inspecting the pirate base exceeds 100%.

message about being unable to stop both cruisers is incorrect as you have until the challenge/fairchild arrive to destroy them which is possible.

High Scores

Mission: 16,787 CM Vanguard88 2024-05-13

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 16,787 CM Vanguard88 2024-05-13
2 15,282 LC Rando 2017-12-09
3 13,504 HA Pete Mitchell 2017-09-30
4 13,486 HA Pete Mitchell 2017-12-09
5 10,606 HA Daniel Bonini 2011-10-23
6 8,204 HA Anahorn Dempsey 2017-09-29
7 5,601 FA Pickled Yoda 2014-06-22
8 4,610 HA Anahorn Dempsey 2010-07-14
9 4,329 GN Jarek La’an 2013-03-17
10 3,949 CPT Jagged Fell III 2024-02-11

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 20 pilots a total of 23 times.

CM Aaron Cremel - 2020-09-08

HA Anahorn Dempsey - 2 times, last on 2017-09-29

LC andr3 - 2023-02-03

HA Daniel Bonini - 2011-10-23

CM DarkSith_99 - 2019-02-15

GN Earnim Branet - 2017-12-03

GN Elwood the Brave - 2 times, last on 2019-02-14

COL Gyssler - 2019-02-11

MAJ Hermann - 2020-09-05

CPT Jagged Fell III - 2024-02-11

GN Jarek La’an - 2013-03-17

MAJ Kazraran - 2021-03-09

GN Mark Schueler - 2011-09-16

LT meleagris Gallopavo - 2011-03-31

HA Pete Mitchell - 2 times, last on 2017-12-09

FA Pickled Yoda - 2014-06-22

LC Rando - 2017-12-09

GN Silwar Naiilo - 2020-09-26

CM Vanguard88 - 2024-05-13

MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana - 2022-06-12

Title               : Wing Commander's Own 2009 #3: pirate hunter
Author              : TAC-PROF/FA Dempsey/CS-3/SSSD Sovereign (#PIN 12519)
Platform            : TIE Fighter
Number of missions  : 1
Medal               : N/A

Required patches

Installation instructions
1] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle
2] Create a new XWA pilot, prepared for an EH battle
3] Press the X-wing Alliance button on the EHBL to start the game
4] Fly the mission

This is the third mission in a 9 mission series across 3 flying platforms for the Wing X
"Wing Commander's Own" competition. Plotline based on a story layout by the Wing X Wing
Commander, COL Domi.
