TFTC-TC 6: The Career of AD Adrenaline

Battle Information

Game platform: TIE Fighter Total Conversion for XWA
Missions: 5
Release date: 2024-08-09
Last updated: 2024-08-09
Average rating 4.3
Reviews: 3
Bug reports: 1
Times completed: 15
Patches used: None
Download Wav pack
Hero of the Immortal
Battle Medal:
Hero of the Immortal

An updated version of XWA-TC #22

Battle Reviews

I agree with Master on this one. The missions are not that memorable, but it's still worth it to play, because of the additional effort put into this remaster.
TFTC graphics, all texts are voiced, even the battle and each mission has a custom image in the simulator!

Worth playing but not exactly memorable. Voice acting is great but the rushed career portrayed in the story leaves it falling a bit flat.
That aside it translates into TFTC really well and looks great.


I really enjoyed the story of the original battle, and that is why I chose to remaster it into TFTC. I like these battles that tell the "history" of the EH and I find the missions fun to fly.

Thank you to VA Setzer and my wife in helping do the voices for this battle too.

Please Post A Review! Only way I can improve as a mission designer and check out the battle images in the Combat Simulator too.

Battle Bug Reports

CM Vanguard88


Mission 1: ISD Immortal can be issued orders in region 2. Bringing only one ship into region 2 hard locks the mission.

High Scores

Battle Total: 55,038 CM LPhoenix 2024-09-04
Mission 1: 5,220 CPT Jagged Fell III 2024-09-01
Mission 2: 9,485 CM LPhoenix 2024-09-04
Mission 3: 16,125 CM LPhoenix 2024-09-04
Mission 4: 11,210 CM LPhoenix 2024-09-04
Mission 5: 12,998 CM LPhoenix 2024-09-04

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 55,038 CM LPhoenix 2024-09-04
2 48,599 CM Vanguard88 2024-09-03
3 32,961 CPT Jagged Fell III 2024-09-01
4 27,289 CPT Jagged Fell III 2024-08-10
5 22,715 FA Pickled Yoda 2024-08-09
6 16,499 CM LPhoenix 2024-09-03
7 5,131 LCM Rosh Nyine 2024-09-05
8 1,948 GN Master 2024-09-01
9 633 COL Westric Davalorn 2024-09-03
10 434 MAJ KEBLAOMEGA 2024-08-16

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 10 pilots a total of 15 times.

CPT Jagged Fell III - 3 times, last on 2024-09-01

MAJ KEBLAOMEGA - 2 times, last on 2024-09-14

VA Locke Setzer - 2024-08-09

CM LPhoenix - 2 times, last on 2024-09-04

GN Master - 2024-09-01

FA Pickled Yoda - 2024-08-09

LCM Rosh Nyine - 2024-09-05

COL TheBlackxRanger - 2 times, last on 2024-09-03

CM Vanguard88 - 2024-09-03

COL Westric Davalorn - 2024-09-03

Title    : The Career of AD Adrenaline
Authors  : SQXO-TACA/CPT Jagged Fell III/Typhoon 2-1/Wing X/ISDII Challenge/Battlegroup III
           COL RogueWing
Platform : TFTC-TC
Number of 
missions : 5
Medal    : Hero of the Immortal

Required patches

Installation instructions

--Backup Files--

1] Create a backup of the following original files so that you will be able to restore
   them after uninstall.


--Optional Item Installation--

2] To use the custom Crests name, install the following files in the indicated

\fronttext.txt                 >>>> \TFTC\
\Frontres\Tour\squad1.cbm      >>>> \TFTC\Frontres\Tour\
\Frontres\Tour\squad2.cbm      >>>> \TFTC\Frontres\Tour\

3] To use the custom battle medal, install the following files in the indicated

\MedalsDescriptions.txt        >>>> \TFTC\
\Frontres\Medals\Battle0.cbm   >>>> \TFTC\Frontres\Medals\
\Frontres\Medals\LBattle0.cbm  >>>> \TFTC\Frontres\Medals\
\Frontres\Medals\MEDALS.txt    >>>> \TFTC\Frontres\Medals\

4] To install custom audio files copy the Wave folder into the \TFTC\ root directory.

5] To install custom ship skins with unit patches copy the \FlightModels\Skins folder
   into the \TFTC\FlightModels directory.

6] To install custom Battle images for the simulator room copy \Resdata\FrontEnd2_TFTCReimagined.dat
   into the \TFTC\Resdata folder

--Manual Installation--

7] To install the missions, copy the mission.lst and mission files with config files
   from the zip folder into the \TFTC\Missions folder

8] Use Included Blank Pilot File

--Uninstall Steps--

9] If you installed the briefing audio files, you MUST delete and restore the custom
   WAVE/Frontend folders, otherwise the briefing audio will play during every custom
   EH Battle.

\TFTC\WAVE\Frontend\B20M1 >>>> delete
\TFTC\WAVE\Frontend\B20M2 >>>> delete
\TFTC\WAVE\Frontend\B20M3 >>>> delete
\TFTC\WAVE\Frontend\B20M4 >>>> delete
\TFTC\WAVE\Frontend\B20M5 >>>> delete

10] Restore the following from your backup:

\TFTC\fronttext.txt             	    >>>> restore
\TFTC\Frontres\Tour\squad1.cbm    	    >>>> restore
\TFTC\Frontres\Tour\squad2.cbm    	    >>>> restore
\TFTC\MedalsDescriptions.txt      	    >>>> restore
\TFTC\Frontres\Medals\Battle0.cbm  	    >>>> restore
\TFTC\Frontres\Medals\LBattle0.cbm 	    >>>> restore
\TFTC\Frontres\Medals\MEDALS.txt  	    >>>> restore
\TFTC\Missions\Mission.lst         	    >>>> restore
\TFTC\Resdata\FrontEnd2_TFTCReimagined.dat  >>>> restore


This battle uses a mixture of AI Text-to-Speech, AI Speech-to-Speech, and human voices.
Thank you to all who helped make this battle by contributing your voice work to the

Cast - In Order of Appearance
Narrator - Amazon AWS AI
Adrenaline - Shiri'ala (Jagged's Wife)
Dras Hempor - Locke Setzer
All other roles - Jagged Fell III
Sound Effects from Pixabay

Some of my favorite stories in the XWA database were written and made by RogueWing. He
graciously has given me permission to remaster his battles into TFTC and I have chosen
to remaster XWA-TC 22: The Career of VA Adrenaline.

This battle tells the story of AD Adrenaline from her days as a new recruit up to her
ascension to the command of Wing XI.

Note 1: Adrenaline was promoted to full Admiral after the original battle was made and
that is why this version has a different name than the original. Also, I have adjusted
the rank of Adrenaline to match what the system says her rank was at each stage of her
career depicted in this battle.

Note 2: We do not currently have a TFTC version of the SSSD Sovereign so a SSD is being
used instead.

Below is the text from RogueWing's original Readme for the battle.


This battle is a history of VA Adrenaline's career. She is one of the finest officers
that I have ever had the pleasure of working under and this mission is dedicated to
all the hard work she puts into her job as commodore of the ISD Immortal. 
Thank you.
