EH Battle Center high scores

HA Kawolski

30 September, 1999 19:22

Some TC-TIE high scores past Battle 30 might be inaccurate at this time. Turns out they weren't entered in as thought to have been before.

RS Imp Craft Tournament

CPT ShadowXX

30 September, 1999 15:44

Attention all EHers! The RS will be having an Imperial Craft Tournament in
the near future. The date will be announced later. But seeing how the EH
and RS are good friends on a non-SW basis, and since we are Imperials
ourselves, the RS has invited us to join them in this tournament. This
would be extraordinarily good fun, and we'd also get to fly only Imp Craft,
and no Reb craft! I hope to see as many of you there as possible. Game
platform will more then likely be XvT, since it is more common, but XWA may
be allowed. Look for more details in the future and thank you for your
time! (Also, credit should go to RS Likott, since he is the one who told me
of all these details thus far)

WCs, COMs, BGCOMs may now award CoBs

HA Kawolski

30 September, 1999 00:05
Grand Admiral Ronin has declared that the Commendation of Bravery (CoB) may now be recommended by a Wing Commander (or higher) for pilots whom have shown consistent diligence in completing more than six battles, 30 multiplayer engagements, 30 free missions, or any combination where the total number of missions played is more than 30.

The Commendation of Bravery, however, cannot be displayed on the ID Line, cannot be awarded more than once, and cannot go to someone who already has one. It's a one-time given certificate of activity.

TO Comp #4 submissions being taken

FA Astatine

29 September, 1999 23:02
The Training Office is currently taking submissions for content for Training Office Competition #4. These submissions can include such things as possible fiction topics, TIE/XvT/XWA battles, as well as themes for graphic sections and so forth. In addition, feedback on Training Office Competition #3 is now being accepted. Submissions and feedback should be directed to the Training Officer at

High Scores Updated, BSF processing delayed

HA Kawolski

29 September, 1999 22:00
All high scores listed on the EH Battle Center should be updated to match the scores that were previously on the old Battle Board. Fleet Admiral Dev reports that his Battle Board was up-to-date, so corrections will be unnecessary. New scores will simply be reported via the BSF form (which automatically checks the database for high scores).

A new BSF approval form is in the works, so there will be a delay (no more than a few days) on approving pending BSF requests. BSF requests are still being accepted! Do not e-mail the Tactical Office with new high score reports.

TC-TIE Battle 12 Corrected

HA Kawolski

29 September, 1999 21:44
A new updated version of TC-TIE 12 has been added to the EH Battle Center with a fixed Mission #4.

From the Combat Operations Office

VA StarLion

28 September, 1999 22:28
A few new webpages from the COO:
COO Office: http://starlion/
XWA Zone Competitions Website:
(More to come when i finish the HTML.)

On another note, I have decided to appoint Captain ShadowXX as my COOA2. He has been extremely helpful while i've been doing various things that need doing. Congratulations to him.

Battle 31 rediscovered!

HA Kawolski

28 September, 1999 18:34
Special thanks (and a Palpatine Crescent) go to Rear Admiral Sarok for locating the long lost copy of the original uncorrupted Battle 31, Hidden Agenda!

The EH Battle Center has been updated with the uncorrupted Battle 31.

Project Board Offline

HA Kawolski

28 September, 1999 07:13

The Project Board has been taken offline for reconstruction.

New Battles

HA Kawolski

28 September, 1999 06:47
The following new battles, which have been pre-approved for posting in Newsletter #56, are added to the Emperor's Hammer Battle Center:

  • TC-TIE Battle 112 - Super TIEs
  • TC-TIE Battle 113 - Raid on Casserine
  • TC-TIE Battle 114 - Stop the Press! (Fixed)
  • TC-TIE Battle 115 - Project Emperor's Revenge
  • TC-TIE Battle 116 - GA Ronin vs. Rogues

Updated battles

HA Kawolski

28 September, 1999 05:16
The following battles have been updated and fixed on the EH Battle Center:

  • Battle 60 - Operation Harpoon
  • Battle 87 - Withdrawal From Endor
  • Battle 94 - The Ultimate Shield
  • Battle 99 - Cleanse the Rim

I will personally award the Palpatine Crescent to the first person who e-mails me the original uncorrupted version of Battle #31, Hidden Agenda, by Major SureFire. If my memory serves me correctly, a fixed version of this battle was submitted in the newsletter right after Battle #31 was originally posted.

Battle High Score Totals

HA Kawolski

28 September, 1999 05:00
A new addition to the Battle Board, which has been incorporated into the Emperor's Hammer Battle Center, is that the Battle Board now keeps track of pilots who have scored well overall!

The TIE Corps database has been secretly collecting data from the incoming BSFs forms over the last two months and already has started a preliminary listing of high score totals for each battle.

Quick update

HA Kawolski

28 September, 1999 02:54
The Commendation of Excellence (CoE) has been officially added to the medal board.

From the Training Manual:

Commendation of Excellence: (CoE) - The CoE is awarded for consistant support, maintaince, and creation of Official Emperor's Hammer web pages and websites.

HA Kawolski named the new TAC

HA Kawolski

28 September, 1999 00:43
High Admiral Kawolski (that's me!) is the new Tactical Officer for the Emperor's Hammer.

FA Dev resigned from TAC position

HA Kawolski

27 September, 1999 23:15
Fleet Admiral Dev has resigned from his position as Tactical Officer to replace retired Sector Admiral Havok as the new Imperial Sovereign Protector (ISP).

Database Updates

HA Kawolski

26 September, 1999 20:33
A few new updates have been made to the TIE Corps homepage:

1. The Message Boards page now contains URLs to all of the Battlegroup, Ship, Wing, and Squadron message boards (if available). If you have a link to a TIE Corps based message board that's not on the homepage, submit the new link to Admiral Eric O'Flynn.

2. A new TC Homepages link has been added to the list of Data Center links on the navigation bar. This page contains easy access to all TIE Corps homepages from Flights to Battlegroups.

3. TC Banners link has also been added to the navigation bar for easy access to all TIE Corps banners from Flights to Battlegroups.

TO Comp #3 Deadline Approaching

HA Kawolski

26 September, 1999 18:08
Training Office Competition #3 deadline is this Thursday! Make sure you submissions are in by then! You can find details at:

Alliance HQ Tournament TONIGHT!

HA Kawolski

26 September, 1999 14:25
The Alliance HQ X-Wing Alliance Tournament on the Zone is tonight from 9pm EST to 12am EST. Show up with your EH_Zone-Names and give our homepage URL out to anyone who wants to join the EH (but DON'T spam the chat room in there)!

Rules, details, and a sign-up form for tonight's tournament can be found at:

Zone Competition Update

VA StarLion

26 September, 1999 06:49

Due to the MSN Gaming Zone updateing its software and removing the Room in which we were playing every week, the contests will now be held in the room "Combat Engagements".

ISD Relentless Commodore Appointed

VA Kessler

25 September, 1999 21:13
After reviewing applications from close to twenty highly qualified officers, Vice Admiral Kessler today selected Commander Val Ricaud, formerly of Mu Squadron, ISD Colossus, to become the next Commodore of the ISD Relentless.

The newly promoted Rear Admiral Ricaud follows in a long line of illustrious Relentless Commodores, including, but not restricted to, the former Flight Officer - High Admiral Kawolski, former BGCOM - INQ Admiral Piett and the Science Officer - Fleet Admiral Zoraan.

Congratulations to Rear Admiral Ricaud, and commiserations to the other unsuccessful applicants.

High score battle submissions

AD Eric O'Flynn

25 September, 1999 14:58

I would like to remind you the official procedures for High-score submissions:

High Scores should be submitted by Squadron Commanders for their Squadron, and for WC's and COM's, the next person up the chain of command should do it. They should be emailed to TAC/FA Dev and CA2:TAC/VA Striker. They should contain the TFRs of the completed battles, zipped would be preferable.

These files should be in the following format, in order to make easier the storage of all submitted TFRs: Battle-Pilotname.tfr. ( for example, TC01-Dev.tfr )

The full battle must be completed on the TFR, which means that if the battle has 6 missions, TFRs with 5 or 7 missions won't be accepted. Also TFR for free missions should only contain the played free-mission. "Collections" of free missions on a single TFR won't be accepted.

Also, any cheating found will be dealt severely by the SO and HCI.

ONLY High Scores should be sent, Battle Completions go through the Operations Office.

HS Reports should be in the following format:
   Pilot ID Line (email address)
   Battle, Mission - Score

The main battle board is located at, and you will find scores for free-missions as well as pilot rankings at (as well as the Project Phoenix Site)

Pilots should be responsible for reporting their command officers the High-scores they made... make your CDMR's life easier ;-)

I would remind you that the Mission Compendium is up at 115 TC Battles, and that there are very good recent battles still not very played... be sure also to give ratings and comments for battles you play in the TC Battle Center

Thank you for your time...

Vice Admiral Striker outages

HA Kawolski

25 September, 1999 11:27
Yesterday, the domain experienced several outages because of a faulty hub in Washington D.C. going down and effectively cutting the domain off from the rest of the world. The problem should be fixed by now.

Just a reminder: If you can't access the site at ANY time in the future for ANY reason, report it immediately to so the problem can be reported to LCO Internet and fixed sooner.

Palpatine Pictures Insider - Issue #02 Released

HA Kawolski

23 September, 1999 17:29
General Wolly has released the latest news and information about "Emperor's Hammer: The Movie."

Some important information from the notice were as follows:

New URL: [added to the links page]
Casting Rules: [#]=Phase Number

  • [1] Clones are not allowed (i. e. TC and DB); subgroup members are allowed and invited to participate but membership in the TC should come first
  • [1] Dead charcters and creatures are allowed (computer-generated)
  • [2] Portraits are highly recommended, JPG prefered, GIF and BMP if possible
  • [1/2] Phase 1 and 2 submissions are to be sent to General Wolly
  • [3] All participants must stick to the general storyline/plotline
  • [3] Submissions must include at least the following information: setting, mood of the scene, music, information about the actors' gestures, etc.
  • [3] Phase 3 submissions are to be sent no sooner than October 1st to Lieutenant Colonel Callista, Colonel Fireclaw, and Lieutenant Commander Andronicus, and CCed to General Wolly (and try to follow the suggested plotline)!
  • Anything questionable/objectionable etc. will be tossed out by the Palpatine Pictures crew
[4/5] Possible TO competition (graphics/video), details will follow
Estimated Release Date: January 10th, 2000!

Phase schedule:

  • PHASE I, Casting (September 1st - October 31st, 1999)
  • PHASE II, Photos (September 15th - November 30th, 1999)
  • PHASE III, Fiction/scenes (October 1st - November 30th, 1999)
  • PHASE IV, Poster (October 1st - December 24th, 1999)
  • PHASE V, Cutscenes (November 1st - November 30th, 1999)
  • PHASE VI, Screenplay (December 1st - December 30th, 1999)
Any questions or comments about Emperor's Hammer: The Movie should be directed to General Wolly.

DirectX 7 Released

HA Kawolski

23 September, 1999 15:27
Microsoft has released DirectX 7 for download and distribution.

You can download it here:


"The newest update to Microsoft's popular multimedia API delivers enhanced three-dimensional graphics and sound effects and a significant performance boost, among other exciting features...Notably, there is increased support for hardware-accelerated transformation and lighting through a dedicated 3-D accelerator, freeing up the CPU for tasks such as physics calculations or artificial intelligence algorithms. The end result is a much higher polygon count, allowing 3-D objects and characters to appear more seamless and complex. Additionally, DirectX 7.0 supports environment mapping, allowing users to create lifelike visual effects such as reflections in a pool of water or light passing through a stained-glass window. The API also supports smaller features like stereo goggles, which contribute to a more immersive gaming experience. In addition, applications using the DirectX 7.0 API run about 20 percent faster than applications using version 6.1, improving overall game performance. Audio effects have also been improved with new software algorithms for 3-D sound and greater flexibility for managing hardware mixing capabilities."

New Command Openings listing

HA Kawolski

23 September, 1999 14:54
The URL for Open Squadron Commander positions has changed to as "Command Openings" on the navigation bar.

You can now find listings for ALL available Squadron Commander, Wing Commander, Commodore, and Battlegroup Commander positions pilots and officers can apply for in the TIE Corps.

Relentless Commodore opens

AD Eric O'Flynn

23 September, 1999 07:12
With the recent resignation of Rear Admiral Scoser, the position of Commodore of the ISD Relentless has opened. Vice Admiral Kessler is now accepting applications.

Zone XWA Tournament

HA Kawolski

22 September, 1999 15:15
The Alliance HQ and the NSWL have announced an X-Wing Alliance Tournament on the Zone on Sunday, 09.26.99 from 9pm EST to 12am EST. The three-hour combat elimination tournament is open to ALL people, so Emperor's Hammer pilots will be going against other clubs, squadrons, and clans.

Rules, details, and a sign-up form for the upcoming tournament can be found at:

The sign-up sheet says something about needing a partner, but the rules don't say anything about wingmen. Just in case, find a partner to fly with and if you don't have one by tournament day, show up 30 minutes before the tournament to be assigned a partner!

It will be determined later how Legion of Combat medals will be awarded for this particular tournament.

Completed IWATS Courses

HA Kawolski

22 September, 1999 13:44
Just as a reminder: the database does keep track of completed IWATS courses, but currently there are no personnel available to enter in lists and lists of past graduates into the database. Please do not send correction forms regarding IWATS courses not being displayed on your personnel record.

New EH Polls

AD Manesh

22 September, 1999 01:39
There are currently three polls open right now:

  • #34 - If support for the game "Total Annihilation" (with Star Wars Total Conversion) were added to an EH subgroup, what would your response be?
  • #35 - What is your style of Piloting?
  • #36 - Should Darth Maul be Cloned for Episode 2?

You can vote on these polls at the Poll Center.

CA:FO Update

AD Eric O'Flynn

21 September, 1999 16:22
This is an update from the past posting on CA:FO. I do not want recommendations yet. Once I narrow it down, I might, but for now, anyone who sends them in without me asking for them will be taken off the list. I am getting pestered more then I would like concerning this position, so if everyone would just wait a little while I'll make my choice.

IWATS passes 2K

FA Astatine

21 September, 1999 07:17

IWATS has finally reached two thousand graduates under the tenure of FA Astatine.

Message Boards

HA Kawolski

20 September, 1999 18:49

The TIE Corps Rosters now support "Message Boards" for all TIE Corps Squadrons, Wings, Ships, and Battlegroups. Submit URLs to the Flight Office for Message Boards as you would a homepage for it to be displayed on the rosters.

Promotions/Medals Awarded to Key Command Staff

GA Ronin

20 September, 1999 14:28
Due to the recent hard work and effort displayed by the following officers, they have been awarded accordingly:

   Admiral Astatine (TRAINING OFFICER/TO (CS-6)) - "re-promoted" to Fleet Admiral with the provision he behaves and follows IRC CoCs...!...:)
   Admiral Zoomba (COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER/COMM (CS-8)) - promoted to Fleet Admiral
   Admiral Zoraan (SCIENCE OFFICER/SCO (CS-10)) - promoted to Fleet Admiral
   Vice Admiral Eric O'Flynn (FLIGHT OFFICER/FO (CS-4)) - promoted to Admiral
   Admiral Maestro (Commander of the Infiltrator Wing (IWCOM)) - promoted to Fleet Admiral

In addition, the Fleet Commander awards the Emperor's Hammer Imperial Cross (IC) Medal to Reconnaissance Officer (FA Telf) for his recent compilation and release of the Emperor's Hammer Imperial EXCELLENT Emperor's Hammer Encyclopedia-type reference...!

Battle bug reports

VA Striker

20 September, 1999 13:15
In a continued effort to improve the quality of EH Battles, an email list has been set up to report bugs found in custom battles; please report bugs at, with any detail you can provide. Members with a good experience of mission creation willing to give some help in bug corrections can email Vice Admiral Striker.

Applications for CA:FO

VA Eric O'Flynn

18 September, 1999 16:22
I will now be accepting applications for CA:FO.

The requirements are:
  • Atleast half a year membership in the Emperor's Hammer's Tie Corps.

  • Is currently or has hold the position of CMDR or above for atleast 4 months.

  • Be a member of good standings, no past convictions of CoC or AoW violations.

  • Must know rank system and command setup well.

Send all applications to me at

IWATS Squadron Management II Course opens

HA Kawolski

18 September, 1999 02:50
After many months of waiting, the IWATS Squadron Management II course finally comes online to completely replace the older course. The new course includes updated procedures, new topics, and a more challenging test!

The offline texts are currently not available, but will be brought online in a few days.

Emperor's Hammer Codex

FA Telf

17 September, 1999 15:18
Members of the fleet, it is my honor and priviledge to present to you THE EMPEROR'S HAMMER CODEX!!! We've worked months making this the best resource this fleet has ever had, and we hope you'll agree that it is! We realize some sections are incomplete, but they will be finished in no time once we have more resources.

Be cautioned, it may take days to read and browse the entire archive, so take your time and keep food near by. Please feel free to send the Reconnaissance Officer, Fleet Admiral Telf and his CA, Vice Admiral Kaek any questions or comments you may have. We may have missed a minute error here and there on the site, so please feel free to communicate with us!

And now, the moment we've ALL been waiting for...the URL of the Emperor's Hammer Codex...

The Codex will be updated as necessary, so please notify us if we miss something. Thank you all for your support. The letters EHC will have an eternal meaning in this fleet.

Flight Office Report #1 released

VA Eric O'Flynn

16 September, 1999 16:39
Vice Admiral Eric O'Flynn has released Flight Office Report #1 to the Fleet. TIE Corps membership current stands at 1129 members today.

FA Horn Resigns - VA Eric New FO

HA Kawolski

15 September, 1999 13:51
Fleet Admiral Horn has stepped from his position as Flight Officer to become a member of the High Court as an Inquisitior. Command Attaché Vice Admiral Eric O'Flynn is now officially the new Flight Officer for the Emperor's Hammer.

The domain will be updated tonight to reflect the changes.

Membership Count

VA Eric O'Flynn

14 September, 1999 17:15

Some of you might have noticed recently the membership count has dropped a bit. The reason is that several emails on the PLT Daedalus have turned up bad. But because of this we now know who are the active ones which can only make the Tie Corps and Emperor's Hammer better.

Security Improvements Complete

HA Kawolski

11 September, 1999 14:05
The new security coding is now in place and operations should return to normal. Please report any bugs you may find to

Security Improvements

HA Kawolski

11 September, 1999 12:30

A few scripts to improve security on are being installed over the next hour or so. Some features such as recommending medals or submitting battle reviews may good offline for short periods of time.

Medal Recommendations - Update

HA Kawolski (ret.)

09 September, 1999 18:23

An error that caused the Medal Recommendations form to go offline for a while has been fixed.

Medal Recommendations

HA Kawolski (ret.)

09 September, 1999 01:54
To prevent officers from attempting to award medals that are not qualified to request to the Operations Office directly for (such as a CMDR attempting to award a pilot a PC, or a COM attempting to award his WC with the GS), the database now prevents officers from recommending medals beyond their authority. This will save the Operations Office some time in having to deny certain medal requests.

However, this feature hasn't been extensively tested either. If you encounter *any* problems, please notify immediately.

Combat Medals

VA StarLion

08 September, 1999 17:53
OK...after lots and lots of forms, i have submitted all backed-up LoC's (And their accompanying ISM/PC's). If in 2 days time you think you're still missing LoC's from the past 3 weeks, email the COO, Vice Admiral StarLion. Slow Downs

HA Kawolski (ret.)

08 September, 1999 17:01

I understand that the domain has been experiencing brief periods of extremely slow operation. The server administrators have been contacted and they are currently looking into the problem. In the meantime, please bear with us.

Small Update

HA Kawolski (ret.)

08 September, 1999 15:31
The TIE Corps rosters now have a "PRINT VIEW" option at the bottom of them for squadron, wing, ship, and battlegroup rosters. Print View will show the rosters in a format that will allow you to easily save or print without the TIE Corps navigation bar or banners.

Squadron Management Course

AD Astatine

08 September, 1999 10:06

Over the past month, harassment of myself, IWATS staff and miscellaneous members over the Squadron Management course has increased to a point where it won't be tolerated anymore. Asking the same question does not change the answer, and that answer is the same as it was when HA Kawolski retired - it will be finished when it's finished. My staff and I don't need constant harassment from members. It only frustrates us and stops IWATS from operating effectively. Thank you.

IWATS Course Completion Support

HA Kawolski (ret.)

06 September, 1999 10:25
The database now has the capability to show IWATS Courses completed on Personnel Profiles and on the ID-Line Generator.

For an example on this, view AD Astatine's record at:

New Cadets who complete the IWATS Core Course during their training will now have the completed course record reflected on the roster. However, a small problem remains that there is currently nobody available to enter in the IWATS course completion data into the database for everyone else in the fleet. This will be addressed soon by Admiral Astatine, but in the meantime please do NOT e-mail anyone about database corrections for IWATS Courses at this time!

TACA Position Open | Mission Creation MB

VA Striker

05 September, 1999 18:31
With the retirement of Colonel Fireclaw as TACA, the position of TACA is open. You must be able to fly and review battles in a clear, detailed manner. If you are interested, please mail Fleet Admiral Dev.

Thanks to Lieutenant Darkfire, a Mission Creation Message Board has been set up at

Feel free to post there any question dealing with custom mission creation.

CA:RO and ROA Positions Open

FA Telf

01 September, 1999 22:27
The position for Command Attaché to the Reconnaissance Officer (CA:RO) is now open.

Requirements for applying for the CA:RO position:

  • At least 1.5 years of experience in the Emperor's Hammer.
  • A good standing membership.
  • At least 5 references superior to the applicant that will vouch for him or her to the RO personally.
  • At least one lower command-level position (i.e. CMDR+, PCON+, etc.)
  • A willingness to put in at least 15 hours per week to the position of CA:RO.

The RO realizes the aforementioned contraints are quite brutal, but he wants to ensure that his assistant positions are the best that they can be. Anyone who has been a member for six months or more may apply for the position of ROA.

All applications for the positions should go to Fleet Admiral Telf.