There are currently two positions open in the TIE Corps to applications from the general membership.
The first of these is the position of Wing I WC. Applicants are expected to be able to meet the WC requirements as listed in the
Training Manual. In addition, familiarity with both TIE and XWA is required, as well as absolute reliabilty. All applications should be sent to
Fleet Admiral Priyum and
Vice Admiral Proton with
Wing I Application in the subject of the email.
The second position is that of Praetorian Commander. Applicants are expected to meet all the usual requirements of the Squadron Commander. Some experience as a Commander is essential. Membership in the Intel Division is not required, but as PraeCMDR, you will be expected to work with them. Remeber that Praetorian is an
Elite Squadron, and as such, a high standard will be required from those interested. Applications for this position should be sent to
Fleet Admiral Priyum and
Rear Admiral Jordynn with
PraeCMDR Application in the subject of the email. Good luck.