Training Officer open for applications

SA Astatine

31 May, 2002 20:57
10 ABY

The position of Training Office is one of the most demanding in the EH. The position covers a wide range and scope of duties, requiring a multi-talented person. The successful applicant will also be under the extra pressure of continuing the standard of work conducted by myself, as well as maintaining a long-term tenure. Some duties of the Training Officer include:

  • Marking tests
  • Reviewing, approving and implementing new courses
  • Reviewing competition submissions
  • Assisting all members of the EH in training matters
  • Design and execution of TO competitions
  • Keeping IWATS staff in line, including replacing non-performing staff

Applicants must address the criteria as laid out below.

Selection Criteria - Essential

  1. Proven experience in running competitions, preferably involving a scope larger than a TIE Corps wing or equivilent
  2. Good written communications skills
  3. An acceptable level of online presence (such as IRC, message boards, etc)
  4. Fast email response time
  5. A clean record in conduct
  6. The ability to work with a wide range of EH personnel, including the XO, FO, OPS and various officers within the TIE Corps

Selection Criteria - Desirable

  1. Graphics ability
  2. ASP coding experience
  3. Solid training experience, either in the EH or in real life

You must address each criteria with supporting evidence. Simply saying "Yes, I can do that" will not be enough, back it up with specific examples. You should meet the essential criteria to be considered seriously for the position, and you do not necessarily have to meet the desirably criteria to get the position. Committment, specifically long-term, is very important and should also be highlighted and backed up in your application. You must also include three (3) references. At least one of these must be one of your superiors (either former or current, preferably the latter). These references will be checked, so ensure you have the person's permission before listing them. Applications should be sent to the Fleet Commander and Executive Officer with the subject "Application for Training Officer" (without the quotation marks). Failure to follow this application format will result in immediate disqualification.

New pretty error messages

SA Astatine

31 May, 2002 10:53
10 ABY

I've just finished coding some nice custom error message pages. They are for 404 (File not found) and 500 (Server error) errors and have the added benefit of emailing me the error, which will allow me to fix it faster.

TAC on leave

FA Striker

30 May, 2002 23:10
10 ABY

I'm on leave until Sunday night. BSFs won't be processed until then.

Reviews for the Newsletter

SA Astatine

30 May, 2002 10:19
10 ABY

I need reviews for Episode 2 for the Newsletter, as the next Newsletter will be focussing on the movie. So if you've got a review or want to do one, email it to ASAP.

Banners maintenance

SA Astatine

30 May, 2002 09:58
10 ABY

I've gone through and cleaned up the squadron/wing/ship banners, deleting all (I think) of the ones not in use. I have an archive of these on my hard disk if you would like to still use them. In addition, I have adjusted the maximum file size for banners from 65,000bytes to 50,000, so make sure when you upload a new banner that it is under the new size.


FA Priyum Patel

30 May, 2002 06:11
10 ABY
Due to becoming increasingly busy in RL, COL Arso has resigned from his position as Wing Commander of Wing XI. His replacement has already been approved: Congratulations go out to Major Spearhawk!

Flight Officer Back From Leave

FA Priyum Patel

30 May, 2002 06:05
10 ABY
Rejoice, I'm back from my leave, which was slightly longer than planned. The majority of updates should have been processed by now. If not, give it a day or so, and then send it again.

On a side note, Vice Admiral Toran Dan is my Command Assistant, not Attaché, so please do not send any requests to him.

Op. Dark Screen

PRF Ares

29 May, 2002 12:45
10 ABY
Something BIG is going down in the HF. Operation: Dark Screen is set to start on Saturday, June 1st. It is an HF-wide operation and everyone is welcome to participate. The operation has something for everyone with activities including SWGB levels, puzzles, fiction and graphics. If you participate in the operation, you are not required to partake in all activities but only those you choose to.

CO/MG Lander has been working on it since January with the help of George and Mordred.

For more information and to sign up, visit:

32 people have signed up so far. For those complaining there is nothing to do or that the HF is stale, sign up! You are only shooting yourselves in the foot if you don't. I have signed on and will make a good showing.

IWATS TIE Mission Design Professor open for applications

SA Astatine

28 May, 2002 05:46
10 ABY
The position of TIE Mission Design professor is open. The successful application should have a high level of practical skill and experience in TIE Fighter mission and battle design, have passed the course and be consistant in marking tests. In addition, applicants must list at least 2 examples of their work. Email your applications to, addressing the criteria and listing 3 references. At least one of the references must be a current superior.

IWATS TIE Tactics Professor open for applications

SA Astatine

28 May, 2002 04:34
10 ABY
The position of TIE Tactics professor is open. The successful application should have a high level of practical skill and experience in TIE Fighter, have passed the course and be consistant in marking tests. Email your applications to, addressing the criteria and listing 3 references. At least one of the references must be a current superior.

IWATS AIM Professor open for applications

SA Astatine

28 May, 2002 04:29
10 ABY
The position of AIM professor is open. The successful application should be experienced in the use of AIM, have passed the course and be consistant in marking tests. Email your applications to, addressing the criteria and listing 3 references. At least one of the references must be a current superior.

EH Holonet Awards

FA Ari

26 May, 2002 11:56
10 ABY
After months of planning, the EH Holonet Awards have finally begun! They are a chance for you to vote on the sites you think are the best! The first stage is the Nominations stage, which will last for two weeks. You may nominate more than one site, but each site must be in a different awards category. Nomination standards (highly recommended that you read them, because if the site does not comply, it will be rejected) and awards descriptions are on the main EHHA site. All sites MUST be in compliance with the Internet Guidelines.
The main EHHA site is located at Thanks to IOA Alex Foley for creating and coordinating the EHHA.

Newsletter 83 posted

SA Astatine

26 May, 2002 11:37
10 ABY
The March newsletter, #83, has been released! It focusses on Jedi Outcast and features 5 reviews of the game and lots of other goodies. You can get it at the following locations:
  • (7.4MB)
  • (7.4MB)
  • (Online mirror)
  • (Online mirror)

Special thanks to my outgoing CA, AD Jade, for compiling this last newsletter for me. Thanks Jade and good luck! Also thanks to Ender mBind, Abk and Ari for providing the mirrors.

Flight Officer on leave

FA Priyum Patel

26 May, 2002 04:05
10 ABY

Until the end of Tuesday I'll be on a short leave of absence. I'll still be checking my email from time to time, but please put off sending any requests until my return. Thanks.

Imperial Storm Battle

VA Pel

25 May, 2002 00:49
10 ABY

Once again, the Sovereign and the BattleGroups face off, at Noon Eastern today, Saturday. At stake is the ISD Colossus, and a Planet.

CA:XO open for applications

SA Astatine

24 May, 2002 15:09
10 ABY
A position is now open on the Executive staff. The primary duties of the position will be the manufacture of news letters. The following skills and attributes will be required:
  • Ability to produce standards-based HTML either by hand or via a proper editor such as Dreamweaver
  • Ability to work to deadlines consistantly
  • Must be able to work with various levels of command officers within the EH
  • Some online chat ability (IRC, AIM) to receive instruction

Send your application to, addressing all the criteria. Also include three references, at least one being a current commanding officer.

Prelude to Andevia results

SA Astatine

24 May, 2002 14:41
10 ABY
I know people have been waiting a long time for these and thanks to everyone for their patience. You can check out the results at Of special note is CM Philo of Yod squadron who placed in 4 events, truly leading by example and showing an exceptional level of activity. Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to everyone who took the time to participate.


FA Priyum Patel

22 May, 2002 08:03
10 ABY

No, there will not be a new ISD opening in the near future. Do not send me applications for positions that do not exist and do not bug me about it on IRC. I hope this is clear.

Golden Tug Awards 2002 !

FA Striker

20 May, 2002 08:27
10 ABY
Tadaaaa ! The Tactical Office presents you the Golden Tug Awards ! These new awards will be given for the best battles released over a particular year. The first edition of the Golden Tug Awards will reward the best creations of year 2001, and every pilot will be able to vote through the TC polling system. First, I need nominees for each category, check the full details of this competition at

HF Domain Report

PRF Ares

18 May, 2002 17:33
10 ABY
Membership: 129 active, 157 total

1) Despite having not given a report last week, this report isn't very long. It is around the middle of the school term I suppose. I think the biggest news are those membership numbers. We have completed an AWOL check and we remained well above 100 active members.

2) The pace at which courses are being graded in the academy has greatly picked up thanks to the efforts of CP Vradin. He has set up a new email address so he can receive exams get push them through quickly. The SSBTC, our basic course, is being given the priority so folks can be asigned to regular platoons. Thank you Vradin.

3) The HF Jedi Knight ladder has finished, or is finishing, its first round. Second round is underway!

4) Op: Dark Sscreen is on target according to CO Lander's timetable.

5) The picture caption contest run by Shadowmaker is done. Cypher's caption won, with Ares taking the runner-up spot.

Prefect of the Legion
Field Marshal Ares

Wing IX WC Appointed

FA Priyum Patel

18 May, 2002 05:31
10 ABY
Congratulations to the newest Flag Officer of the Fleet, Colonel Miack, who has been selected as the new Wing Commander of Wing IX.

COO Updates

VA Khadgar

17 May, 2002 12:42
10 ABY
Due to real life commitments, I will be unavailable for this coming Friday and Saturday. Any outstanding concerns will be addressed then. Also, I would like to quote a new policy from COO Report #10:

"A number of people have expressed concerns about COO sponsored Multiplayer Competitions. The concerns rest in hosts sometimes showing up late due to prior commitments, or some not showing at all. Henceforth, all Multiplayer participants are encouraged to fly matches regardless of the situation. Any and all matches that are flown within the designates times will be counted, even if it is necessary to report extra matches directly to the Combat Operations Officer."

Hopefully this will clear up any concerns in relation to COO related competitions.

PL Standings


14 May, 2002 01:35
10 ABY

Latest PL standings are up!

ASF Honors


13 May, 2002 00:18
10 ABY
I would like to congratulate all of the ASF COM's for their hard work and dedication of the past few months. Each has been awarded with Medals!

COL Wil Striker has been awarded a Silver Star for his achievements with Wing XIV.
Special congrats to the newly promoted ASF Elite Squadron CMDR, LC Sarin. His was a very well deserved Promo!

Imperial Storm at 1730 Eastern

VA Pel

12 May, 2002 23:52
10 ABY

Just a quick reminder, Sov and BG forces are engaging each other at 1730 Eastern, today (Monday) on IRC, #Project_Faithful.

Legions of Combat

VA Khadgar

12 May, 2002 01:03
10 ABY
I have recieved a number of E-Mails lately in relation to LoC awarding. The degree of E-Mails is such that I feel it would be beneficial to put out an official format for filing these E-Mails. If you are missing LoCs on your record and/or feel that you were unfairly not awarded an LoC in submitted results, please E-Mail with the topic "LoC Problem" and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks.

E-mail virus

SA Kawolski

11 May, 2002 15:05
10 ABY
Our poor Flight Officer and several others have been infected with an e-mail virus (Klez) that sends out an empty e-mail with a ZIP attachment. This virus is a little bit more crafty, though, because it spoofs the "From" address to make it look like someone else (i.e. myself) sent the infected e-mail out. Check the headers to notify the correct person infected.

Wing IX WC open to applications

FA Priyum Patel

10 May, 2002 06:39
10 ABY
Applications are now being accepted for a new Wing IX WC with the following requirements:

- At least one year of TC membership, and with FOUR consecutive months experience at a Squadron Commander level (or above).

- A demonstrated ability to motivate and inspire pilots, from veterans to those just off the Daedalus.
- Proven ability as a pilot (at least Dragoon in the FCHG).

- Absolute reliability in all regular Wing Commander duties such as turning in weekly reports, BSFing etc.
- NO HCI convictions

It should be noted for those interested in applying, that this is not a position to be taken lightly. It requires your attention on a daily basis and you must be prepared to handle a large amount of email, most of which will need replying. Commitment is key here. If you're not 100% sure you can do the job, don't bother applying.

Applications should be sent to Vice Admiral Drake and Rear Admiral Krax Tarnisar, with "Wannabe WC!" in the subject of the email. Good luck if you decide to apply.

Imperial Storm 3 Battle

VA Pel

09 May, 2002 23:22
10 ABY
Once again the BattleGroups and the Sovereign have decided to fight over Sector 0508. This new battle will be on Monday night, 1730 Eastern, in #Project_Faithful. It should be short, so show up on time. If you have any questions, ask your Commanding Officer, or VA Pel the War Officer.

New CA:SO!

FA Stalker5

09 May, 2002 08:10
10 ABY
After a long search and MANY highly qualified applicants (around 30 people applied!) I have made my final decision on my CA:SO. After reading over the resumé and having worked with him before myself, it is my great pleasure to announce that my new CA is none other than Fleet Admiral Brad! My personal congratulations go out to him, a quick history of the Fleet Admiral follows for all who don't know him...

  • Joined the EH in 1996 (June 28th)
  • Joined Praetorian Squadron 1996 (August 16th)
  • Promoted to Grand Moff of the Civilian Command Authority in 1997 (March 19th)
  • Promoted to RA and COM of the DGN Lichtor V by SDIR Rogue in 1997 (April 28th)
  • Promoted to ExDIR of the Intelligence Division in 1997 (August 7th)
  • Promoted to Supreme Director (SDIR) of the Ubiqtorate in 1998 (June 21st)
  • Promoted to Fleet Admiral by Grand Admiral Ronin in 1998 (September 29th)
  • Awarded the Medal of Honor by Grand Admiral Ronin in 1999 (September 25th)
  • Resigned as SDIR and became an Ubiqtorate Advisor, Also Became Imperial Sovereign Protector (ISP) in 2000 (January 8th)
  • Promoted to Consul of Clan Scholae Palatinae and Sith Battlemaster in 2000 (March 23rd)
  • Joined the Sector Rangers in 2000 (June 17th)

Also other more minor achievements and positions are available at his personal homepage, which he will now be updating to reflect his change of status to CA:SO. I look forward to working with him, very much and am sure he will serve the fleet very well in his new position.

Thank you for your time.

Cutest EH Baby Competition

HA Keiran Idanian

07 May, 2002 23:36
10 ABY
This competition parallels the Mr/Miss EH Comp. In this comp, we want to find out who is is cutest EH baby. I'll try to break this comp down by the three month timespan. :)

Month 1 Photos submitted for three weeks Last week, they will be posted on the RO page for view, and in preparation for the voting to begin. Submissions being taken until May 30, 2002
Month 2 Rounds of voting will begin. Most likely one round per week, or perhaps every two weeks, depending on how many votes we get, as well as the amount of pictures
Month 3 Voting comtinues until there are a Cutest EH Boy and Girl. Which will be announced later that month.

You must submit a picture of yourself as a child, from 0 - 6 years old. Please try to select a clear picture so it is easy to view. Try to keep your submissions to just one, only one will be accepted. Also, please send them in .jpg or .gif. And include your full ID line. Thank you! :) The voting will be done by the members of the Emperor's Hammer

BEGINNING: 4.27.2002
ENDING: 7.27.2002
Awards: The cutest EH Boy and cutest EH Girl will both be awarded a IS-GR and given a title.Please send submissions to High Admiral Keiran Idanian.

Challenge Commodore

FA Priyum Patel

06 May, 2002 12:15
10 ABY
The new Commodore for the ISD Challenge has been selected: Congratulations go out to the former BGCOM, Rear Admiral Mell!

Wing IX WC Resigns

FA Priyum Patel

06 May, 2002 12:11
10 ABY
Due to real life constraints, Major Mosh has submitted his resignation as Wing Commander for Wing IX. Applications are not being accepted yet, so don't bother sending any.

Dance Into May

VA Khadgar

06 May, 2002 07:18
10 ABY
The EH is signed up for a Competition for X-Wing vs TIE Fighter this month called "Dance Into May". The Competition runs over The Zone and Battlestats, much like a WoW. The Competition runs until May 10th. For details, see LoCs and DFCs will be awarded as usual, hope to see you there!

BG Side loses ImpStorm Battle

VA Pel

04 May, 2002 12:08
10 ABY

The XWA portion of the first Imperial Storm Battle has given preliminary results of the ISD Immortal being destroyed, along with most of its fighters, and only three fighters lost to the Sov team. The TIE results are still being computed, and these will modify the total losses.

Star Wars Galaxies beta test!

SA Kawolski

03 May, 2002 18:31
10 ABY
Star Wars Galaxies Beta Sign-up starts today! It looks like there's only going to be a limited number of people for the first closed test on July 15th, so sign up now and early to increase your chances of getting in!

Imperial Storm, First Battle Updates

VA Pel

02 May, 2002 23:56
10 ABY

The first battle was flown last night. We found a lot of bugs in the new system, and a few errors were made on all sides. All TFAs have agreed to a couple of rule changes, and the battles have been re-engineered and re-tested, and are re-scheduled for Saturday, at Noon Eastern. Anyone who flew and submitted the TIE battles already, your scores will count. If you choose to re-fly, the higher score will count. Thank you all for bearing with this, the game will begin moving again soon. references

SA Astatine

02 May, 2002 20:39
10 ABY

I've just gone through all (I hope) of the pages and change any references to to If you run across a reference or link to, let me know.

Platoon League & Operation: Dark Screen


02 May, 2002 13:07
10 ABY
The last PL standings are up on the PL site. The May PL has begun now. This months theme is invasion.

Also you can now sign up for Oparation:Dark Screen at:

Subjugator COM Promoted

FA Priyum Patel

02 May, 2002 11:04
10 ABY
With the recommendation of his Battlegroup Commander, Subjugator Commodore, Rear Admiral Grail, is today promoted to the rank of Vice Admiral for the tireless support he has given to his ship since it's opening. Congrats Grail!

TO site moving

SA Astatine

02 May, 2002 04:37
10 ABY
The Training Office site is in the process of moving. It will be eventually located at At the moment, most of the files and courses have been uploaded. If you encounter an error, please email me at

ImpStorm Battle Tonight

FA Priyum Patel

01 May, 2002 11:47
10 ABY
Just a quick reminder of the Imperial Storm battle set for tonight. It will take place in #project_faithful at 6pm EST / 11pm GMT. Pilots from the ships actually taking part in the fight will be given priority to fly, but I'd like as many people as possible to attend and show your support!