Training Officer open for applications
SA Astatine
10 ABY
The position of Training Office is one of the most demanding in the EH. The
position covers a wide range and scope of duties, requiring a multi-talented
person. The successful applicant will also be under the extra pressure of continuing
the standard of work conducted by myself, as well as maintaining a long-term
tenure. Some duties of the Training Officer include:
- Marking tests
- Reviewing, approving and implementing new courses
- Reviewing competition submissions
- Assisting all members of the EH in training matters
- Design and execution of TO competitions
- Keeping IWATS staff in line, including replacing non-performing staff
Applicants must address the criteria as laid out below.
Selection Criteria - Essential
- Proven experience in running competitions, preferably involving a scope larger than a TIE Corps wing or equivilent
- Good written communications skills
- An acceptable level of online presence (such as IRC, message boards, etc)
- Fast email response time
- A clean record in conduct
- The ability to work with a wide range of EH personnel, including the XO, FO, OPS and various officers within the TIE Corps
Selection Criteria - Desirable
- Graphics ability
- ASP coding experience
- Solid training experience, either in the EH or in real life
You must address each criteria with supporting evidence. Simply saying "Yes, I can do that" will not be enough, back it up with specific examples. You should meet the essential criteria to be considered seriously for the position, and you do not necessarily have to meet the desirably criteria to get the position. Committment, specifically long-term, is very important and should also be highlighted and backed up in your application. You must also include three (3) references. At least one of these must be one of your superiors (either former or current, preferably the latter). These references will be checked, so ensure you have the person's permission before listing them. Applications should be sent to the Fleet Commander and Executive Officer with the subject "Application for Training Officer" (without the quotation marks). Failure to follow this application format will result in immediate disqualification.