Oath of Loyalty results

FA Marcin Szydlowski

29 August, 2003 13:55
11 ABY
We have results:
1. Locke Setzer - IS-GR

X-Wing vs Tie-Fighter:
1. Choosh and Pickled Yoda - IS-GR

Congratulations to winners. Battles have been added (or will be soon) to TacDB and will be released soon.

EH Racing League

AD Keldorn Cochrane

28 August, 2003 01:23
11 ABY
An announcement for Lieutenant Commander Rem Somnos:

Announcing the EH Racing League. On September 1st DarkFyre on #ehcoc will be able to handle XWA multi-player racing. Players will be able to participate in one on one to free for all heats. DarkFyre will of course handle the scoring.

Check out the EH Racing League website at www.ehracingleague.minos.net for details. Bot commands can be found on the RULES page, and also check out the tournament schedule. WCs, and BGCOMs have the opportunity to create a graphics comp for the floating cup for their respective Wings and Battle groups. *hint hint*

Virus warning

FA Marcin Szydlowski

27 August, 2003 09:31
11 ABY
If you have been receiving a lot of emails recently with "returned mail" in topic, then you can be infected with W32/Sobig-F virus. I have been infected myself, so if you have received any emails from pbmike@klub.chip.pl, ingore them and delete them right away (I never send from this addy).

I have visited Sophos website and they have simple cure. Download their latest patch and run C:SOPHTEMPRESOLVE.COM -DF=SOBIG.DAT -NOC (unzip patch to SOPHTEMP directory on C:. (win9x).

To find out more, visit their website.

Open Commodore Positions

HA Priyum Patel

27 August, 2003 09:21
11 ABY
Vice Admiral Jahan Kalar has decided to retire as Commodore of the ISD Relentless. As with former ImmCOM, COL RogueWing, Kalar was a fine Flag Office who's presence will be missed.

This means that applications are now being accepted for two Commodore positions in the Battlegroups (Immortal & Relentless). Applicants should be able to meet the following requirements:

  • Good online presence - e-mail, MBs, and some IRC (particularly meetings if possible)
  • No HCI convictions within the past 12 months
  • A successful command history in the TIE Corps (to include a tour of at least two months as a Wing Commander or six consecutive
    months as a Squadron Commander with two different Squadrons)
  • Ability to work with the entire Chain of Command
  • Excellent working knowledge of all EH & TC protocols and policies (including the Fleet Standing Orders)
  • Specific long and short term goals for your ship, Battlegroup and constructive contribution towards the TIE Corps as a whole
  • Technical skills (HTML, mission design etc) are beneficial but not mandatory

You may include up to two references, at least one from a current or former superior (obtain permission from these individuals first. No, you can't ask me or Krax). As a Commodore, it will be your task to look out for your ship's long term welfare including it's growth and activity. You will be required to work with the Wing Commander on an almost daily business handling ship affairs. A good COM can mean the difference between the ship's success or failure and is not a job to be entered into lightly.

Applications should be sent to High Admiral Priyum and Admiral Krax Tarnisar before Tuesday 2nd September and should have the subject "Rel/Imm COM Application".

'Apostasy' Competition

AD Keldorn Cochrane

27 August, 2003 09:16
11 ABY
The small-scale 'Apostasy' competition is still underway; submissions shall continue to be accepted until Friday 12th September 2003.

Full details can be found at: http://www.emperorshammer.ca/comps_apoastasy.html

This is an excellent opportunity to showcase those sterling talents I know you all secretly harbour - while also being rewarded for them.

Tactical Officer back from leave

FA Marcin Szydlowski

26 August, 2003 14:20
11 ABY

Yes, I'm back. Report on Friday. Next few days I will spend catching up. Expect HSs approved very soon, more competitions, some results, etc :)

Sovereign Squadron League Results!

HA Priyum Patel

26 August, 2003 11:12
11 ABY
The SSSD Sovereign Squadron League 2003 has concluded after several months of heavy competition and now it is time for the winners to celebrate their victories and collect their rewards. The champions are the elite Omega Squadron in the TIE and XWA divisions, and Diamondback Squadron in the XvT division. Many congratulations to General Sasquatch and Lieutenant Colonel Gidda and their pilots for registering these outstanding accomplishments. Also, thanks to all pilots of all TC ships who participated in this exciting competition. Finally, thanks to the tireless judges of the SSL, Lieutenant Colonels Todbringer and Gidda and Major Artyis, for their hard work throughout the event. Complete results of the SSL will be posted on the Sov Web site at http://sov.minos.net

Flight Officer Back

HA Priyum Patel

24 August, 2003 10:20
11 ABY
Ok, wipe away those tears folks, I'm back. First off, my sincere apologies for this unexpected absence...a culmination of deadlines and serious computer problems all conspired to keep me off line for the past week.

Anyway, the majority of updates are now complete. Those that aren't, I'm afraid will need to be resent to me since I ended up losing a significant portion of my HD during the troubles. Again my apologies for this.

In other news, I'm sorry to report that Vice Admiral RogueWing has decided to step down as Commodore of the ISD Immortal and take up a FM's position in Ghost Squadron. RW was one of the finest Flag Officers to grace the TIE Corps and I'm very sorry to see him go. The Flight Office extends its thanks for all the work he's put into his Battlegroup and Ship.


VA Kyle Katarn

24 August, 2003 05:45
11 ABY

I know this is a bit off topic, but look at this site.


After this Game is finished, then there could be an Imperial MOD made for Star Wars. This game is especially made for MODers. The MOD that comes with Starshatter itself seems a bit superficially! However if there is a good Imp. SW MOD made this could help the EH very much!

The Make A New mIRC Function Competition

Fleet Admiral Aiden Cantor Karias

23 August, 2003 19:10
11 ABY
I have started yet another COMM competition (this must be a record for COMM ;). Its called the "Make a new mIRC function" competition. The idea is to make a simple function that provides a useful way to do a task in mIRC. Entries do not have to be massive full fledged scripts like P&P, rather a simple paragraph of code that will do something useful.

Rewards are as follows:
1st Place: IS-GR
2nd Place: IS-SR
3rd Place: IS-BR

I'm hoping to promote mIRC scripting in the EH, and perhaps find a few good coders to help make an "EH Script" package. The contest will end at 12 midnight EST 2003/09/05. Please send all submissions to io@absolutek.ca.

XOA positions open

SA Astatine

22 August, 2003 21:05
11 ABY

The Executive Office is perhaps one of the most important in the Emperor's Hammer. It covers a wide range of duties and responsibilities and requires a large skills base from all staff in the office.

Executive Office Assistant Alpha
This position will primarily deal with tasks related to newsletters and the monitoring of subgroups.

Selection Criteria - Essential

  1. Good written communication skills
  2. An acceptable level of presence in online media such as IRC, message boards, etc.
  3. Fast email response time
  4. The ability to work with a wide range of EH personnel

Selection Criterial - Desirable

  1. Demonstrated HTML experience
  2. High speed internet connection
  3. Proven record keeping experience and/or experience in repetative tasks

Executive Office Assistant Beta
This position will primarily deal with tasks relating to the upkeep and maintenance of the TIE Corps database.

Selection Criteria - Essential

  1. Good written communications skills
  2. An acceptable level of presence in online media such as IRC, message boards, etc.
  3. Fast email response time
  4. Prior web development experience

Selection Criteria - Desirable

  1. Demonstrated experience with ASP
  2. Demonstrated experience with Access and/or SQL Server

How to apply

You must address each selection criteria in detail, providing supporting evidence and examples for each. Simply saying "Yes, I can do that" will not be enough. You will need to meet at least the Essential criteria to be considered for the position. You must include at least three (3) references. At least one must be a former or, preferably, a current superior. Ensure you have the permission of your references first. Applications should be directed to jpboyce@indigo.net.au with the subject "Application for XOA".

Mr/Ms EH

AD Darknyte

18 August, 2003 22:11
11 ABY
The Mr/Ms EH pagent has come to an end, not a great voter turnout...but, I did get a few votes nonetheless. I suppose I overestimated the ammount of people who read my reports. *pimp* There's good stuff in them *double-pimp*

Anyway, without further ado, here are this year's winners:

Mr EH: High Admiral Ari, Internet Officer
Ms EH: Major Jaron Kai, WC Wing XVIII

Well, there you have it folks!

TC 'Competition's Competition'

AD Keldorn Cochrane

18 August, 2003 09:52
11 ABY
There has been a general decrease in the number of competitions submitted recently. To provide that little extra incentive I am sponsoring a small ?Competition?s Competition? open to all from Squadron Commander to Battlegroup Commander; the Officer who submits (and receives my approval) the most competitions within a period of one (1) month (18th August to 18 September) will receive the rare Iron Star Platinum Ribbon and a very large congratulatory pat-on-the-back from the Training Office.

These competitions should, however, be as inventive and interesting as I know you are all capable of creating.

Heroes Flag Winner chosen

VA Darknyte

17 August, 2003 18:01
11 ABY

We've chosen the winners in the Heroes Flag Competition. We got many great submissions, but in the end we narrowed it down 2 that we're gonna use. Winners and rewards are as follows:

1st Place: CPT Tempest (IS-PR)
2nd Place: CPT Chris McCollum (IS-GR)

We'll get your awards handed out as soon as a new OPS officer comes along to take the reigns.

Operations Officer Open For Applications

SA Astatine

16 August, 2003 18:57
11 ABY
The Operations Officer is responsible for the timely awarding of medals within the TIE Corps, providing consultive feedback on high level medals and maintaining the Operations Manual and related materials.

Selection Criteria - Essential
1. Good written communication skills.
2. An acceptable level of presence on online media such as IRC, message boards, etc.
3. Fast email response time.
4. The ability to work with a wide range of EH personnel in a diplomatic fashion.

Selection Criteria - Desirable
1. Graphics and/or HTML ability.
2. Prior experience in a similar position.

You must address each criteria with supporting evidence. Simply saying "Yes, I can do that" will not be enough. Include specific examples of your experience. You should meet at least the essential criteria to be considered for the position. You will be expected to perform the core duties of the position to an acceptable level. You must include at least three (3) references. At least one of these must be a former or current superior, preferably current. Ensure you have their permission first, as your application will be seen in a negative light if you have not gained their permission. Applications should be sent to the Fleet Commander and Executive Officer with the subject "Application for Operations Officer".

EHCOC Banner Comp

VA Kyle Katarn

16 August, 2003 09:59
11 ABY

Today started a new EHCOC Comp. For details pls check out this site.

1st place: IS-GR
2nd place: IS-SR
3rd place: IS-BR

Create A New COMM Office Banner Contest

Fleet Admiral Aiden Cantor Karias

15 August, 2003 19:21
11 ABY
And now for the moment you've all been waiting for... ... I have decided on the winner of the "Create A New COMM Banner" contest.

1st Place (IS-GR): CPT Tvan'Oris of Diamondback Squadron (http://theholo.net/images/comm1.jpg)
2nd Place (IS-SR): RA Davi Anthol of the SSD Avenger (http://theholo.net/images/COMM Banner #2.jpg)
3rd Place (IS-BR): LC Kodiak Kereban of Vortex Squadron (http://theholo.net/images/Communications banner.jpg)
Honourable Mention: GM Rapier of the DB (http://theholo.net/images/comm.jpg)

CPT Tvan'Oris' submission will replace the old COMM Office banner.

Quick Leave

HA Priyum Patel

15 August, 2003 10:49
11 ABY

I'm going to be away from my computer from now until Sunday morning. All outstanding requests will be dealt with upon my return.

eMail Changes

VA Kyle Katarn

12 August, 2003 01:28
11 ABY

From now on you can only catch me via eMail on the following Addys. All other do not exist anymore.


Please update your Contactlists.


AD Keldorn Cochrane

11 August, 2003 00:17
11 ABY

My e-mail is now back to normal. Regretfully, however, I was not able to recover the majority of the e-mails sent during the downtime. Hence, if you have sent me an e-mail recently and do not get a reply within 24 hours please re-send it to me at the normal address (gmf@kweeky.net).

Flag Changes

HA Priyum Patel

10 August, 2003 13:59
11 ABY
VA Khadgar has decided to step down as COM of the ISD Grey Wolf. The Flight Office thanks him for the work he did as a Flag for his Ship and the TIE Corps. A replacement has already been selected: Congratulations go out to Vice Admiral Sarin who takes over command of the Grey Wolf for a second time!

I'm also pleased to be able to announce that the new Wing Commander of Wing XIX has been selected and approved. Congratulations go out to Major Xander Drax!

New EHCOC Site

VA Kyle Katarn

10 August, 2003 09:03
11 ABY
The new EHCOC Site is thanks to my COOA Autoris almost finished. Minor changes will be made from me today and tomorrow. However most stuff is working! Check it out here.


HA Ari

10 August, 2003 04:25
11 ABY
SquadFirst revolutionized the way CMDRs produced their websites. Since its conception over 25 squadrons had chosen to use a SquadFirst site. But, we weren't satisfied with just making a squadron management script. So, we began to make a website management script for wings, then for ships, and for battlegroups. But, why stop there? Soon enough support was added for the Infiltrator Wing, the Dark Brotherhood, and the Hammer's Fist.

The end result is SquadFirst+, one of the most ambitious projects ever created by the Internet Office. For the past month, MAJ Alex Foley has been developing the next generation of management scripts. And today, it makes me very proud to announce that SquadFirst+ v2.0.0 has been released. 6976 lines of code. Over 100 man hours of work. It's the upgrade that a project like SquadFirst deserved.

Also included with SquadFirst+ are 4 new themes. A new theming system within SF+ makes it much easier to make your own theme, having to know practically no PHP whatsoever. The new themes featured are AT-AT for the Hammer's Fist (by Alex Foley), Emperor's Hammer: Classic Scenes, the new default theme for SF+ (by Alex Foley), Stonesaber, a great new Dark Brotherhood theme (by MAJ Xander Drax), and TIE Phantom, a holonet-looking new theme for the TIE Corps (by MAJ Xander Drax and FA Leeson).

With SquadFirst+ comes a new SquadFirst website located still at http://squadfirst.minos.net. Besides a new design, the new site also hosts The Registry, which houses a master list of all SquadFirst+ sites. Gain inspiration, find custom themes, check out custom code; whatever the end result, The Registry will extend SquadFirst+ into a community of developers. We hope you enjoy SquadFirst+!

On a side note, SquadFirst+'s release means that there should be no TC unit without a site, as per the TC Internet Guidelines. Unit leaders (CMDRs, WCs, BGCOMs, etc.) who do not comply will be recommended to the FO for removal.

War Office Moves

HA Priyum Patel

10 August, 2003 02:28
11 ABY
The War Office has moved it's location to http://waroffice.minos.net. On this site you'll find all the information you need on wargaming in the TIE Corps and what you need for your own games.

Imperial Concourse for XWA!

AD Ender mBind

08 August, 2003 20:27
11 ABY
I've just released the first version of a patch that should eventually change XWA into an Imperial game. This first version includes:
  • Imperial Concourse
  • Imperial Cursor
  • Emperor's Hammer Ranks
  • Emperor's Hammer Room Names
You can get the patch at http://www.minos.net/~sco/files/xwa/IMP-XWA.zip (installation in the same fashion as our craft patches). A screenshot can be viewed here

Operations Officer Resigns

HA Priyum Patel

08 August, 2003 11:11
11 ABY
The OPS, Admiral Khaine, has unfortunately decided to resign from his position.

Commedations of Loyalty will be still be awarded, so continue to submit your recommendations. Remember that the deadline is August 19th.

Vampire Commander Honoured

HA Priyum Patel

08 August, 2003 11:08
11 ABY
I would like to take this opportunity to draw attention to the Squadron Commander of Vampire Squadron, Major VinDoros. Over the past several months, the Major has been hard at work on a BGs project called Top Gun. This required a great deal of effort and commitment on his part. In addition to this, he not only kept up with his regular CMDR duties to a high standard, but also lead his Squadron to the finals of the XWA section of the SSL. All of this is above the call of duty and with the recommendation of BGCOM/AD Krax Tarnisar, Major VinDoros is hereby awarded with the Gold Star of the Empire. Congratulations!

Op: Hurricane Volunteers

LTC Domingo Chavez

07 August, 2003 00:46
11 ABY
Okay, here's the current volunteer tally:

Officers : 4 (Heavy Two)
SSG+ : 2 (Good)
SSG- : 1 (Gah! Too few!)

So here's my thought. It doesn't look like we're going to get a proper stick out of this like I wanted to, so I'll select two officers as CO/XO, and mix the other two in with the regular members. I need five more volunteers! At this point, rank doesn't mean a thing, just get your name in. Please note, if you want to participate in the Run On, your name NEEDS to be on my stick list, else you WILL be restricted from the run on. It's a covert strike, hence why we're not using the entire Fist. The other activities will still be open to you, however. Alright, get your names in quickly! Starts Friday!

Clear Skies!


Dingo (Lord Burninator)

05 August, 2003 01:17
11 ABY

I will be pretty much gone until August 15th for Army training. I should be able to answer emails every 2-3 days though, if you need any roster work done just email me or if it's urgent, bug Krayt.


HA Priyum Patel

04 August, 2003 06:13
11 ABY
Congratulations go out to Major Gilad Pelleaeon who has been selected as the new XIII Wing Commander onboard the Grey Wolf.

TO's Temporary E-Mail

AD Keldorn Cochrane

02 August, 2003 06:35
11 ABY

My usual e-mail is currently 'stuffed', hence if you need to contact me please use the address nx.cochrane@btopenworld.com.

I hope to recover my usual address shortly.

Wing XIX

HA Priyum Patel

02 August, 2003 06:15
11 ABY
LC Thom Zack has retired from his position as Wing XIX WC on the SSD Avenger. Myself and the staff of the ATF would like to thank Zack for all of his hard work and commitment to his command over the past several months.

Applications for a new Wing Commander are being accepted and I have here the requirements:

  • At least 4 months experience as a Squadron Commander in the TIE Corps
  • No HCI convictions within the last 12 months
  • Passed either SM/II or SM/III and be intimately familiar with all EH and TC regulations including the Fleet Standing Orders
  • Be able to handle large amounts of email and admin within a short amount of time in an efficient manner
  • Be able to organise competitions / activity within the Wing and motivate those under your command
  • Must be a member of good standing in the Dark Brotherhood (command position not necessary).
  • Be able to work in a mature attitude with all levels of command in the TIE Corps
  • Be familiar with all three primary game platforms (TIE, XvT & XWA), single and multiplayer.
  • Demonstrate that you have the drive and motivation to take command of a Wing and ensure it's growth and success

You may include up to 2 references from current or former superiors (get their permission first!). Applications should be sent to Vice Admiral Khaen and Rear Admiral Davi Anthol with the subject "Wing XIX WC" by Friday 8th August.

Create A New COMM Banner Competition

Fleet Admiral Aiden Cantor Karias

01 August, 2003 10:11
11 ABY
Yes folks, its finally time for a new COMM banner, so I'm turning to you, the EH membership to create me a spiffy new banner for my office. I don't have specific requirements etched in stone for the size, but please make it banneresque. Formats accepted are JPG, PNG and BMP (Please zip your submissions).

1st Place: IS-GR
2nd Place: IS-SR
3rd Place: IS-BR

Please submit all entries to io@absolutek.ca. You have until midnight on the 10th of August to submit.

Competition Name War's Over

VA Kyle Katarn

01 August, 2003 08:29
11 ABY

I want to congratulate following ppls for winning the Comp:

HA Priyum Patel: IS-GR (Empire's Legacy, Shadow Rising)
MAJ Kenath Zoron: IS-SR (Infernal Flames)

There is no IS - BR cause no other name was needed. Sorry! However if a comp get's a new name, I will choose one of the list I got and then award an IS-BR! Congratulations, ppls!