Off The Record Competition

SA Astatine

30 December, 2004 20:50
12 ABY

You are a journalist assigned the task of writing an article about the recent appointment of Astatine to Fleet Commander. The article has to be related to this event in some way. Full Competition details at audit help needed

SA Astatine

30 December, 2004 20:30
12 ABY

I need help to audit the main EH domain site. If you're interested in helping, send me an email. Thanks.

Spell Check Your Medal Recommendations!

AD Alex Foley

29 December, 2004 00:07
12 ABY
I try to be very careful when writing e-mails and posting things online to make sure that I use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. I'm seeing many medal recommendations (at all levels of the TIE Corps) that are simply hurried through with misspelled words and vague descriptions. From this point on, I will no longer approve medal recommendations with gross spelling errors. We should pride ourselves on our appearance. Also, think of your pilots and their historical records. No one wants to think that they were awarded a medal in such a hurry that their CMDR, WC, COM, or even BGCOM can't take the time to write out a proper recommendation. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

War Officer Selected

FA Cyric

28 December, 2004 09:22
12 ABY

I have chosen HA Priyum as the new War Officer for the Fleet. HIs experience and expertise make him the best possible choice for the position. I have also discussed the possibilities of a War Game unlike any seen by the fleet so get ready!

COMM Competition

RA Joey C

27 December, 2004 07:46
12 ABY
The first of several planned COMM Office competitions has started. Click here for all the details.

Simply put, this competition will work on developing an EH Quote Database, to celebrate people's rampant senses of humour. At the end of every week, I will have gone through all the quotes and selected one to be the Quote of the Week. This competition is open to all of the Emperor's Hammer.

Please remember to e-mail ALL submissions to

Be on the lookout for future competitions!

New battles and free missions

FA Marcin Szydlowski

27 December, 2004 03:43
12 ABY
The following battles and missions have been released thanks to hard work of Tactical Staff:
  • BoP-TC #23
  • XvT-FREE #173
  • XvT-FREE #174
This means we have 3407 missions in EH Mission Compendium. Congrats to all involved.

TC Holiday Comp Awards

FA Cyric

26 December, 2004 09:05
12 ABY
And the winners are:

TC Holiday Bash Flying portion Comp ID 1655:

#1 VA Gunman IS-GW Total Score 149,743
#2 LC Saris IS-SW Total Score 127,352
#3 LC Morgan IS-BW Total Score 118,022

Honorable mentions, LC Malik 108,375, CM Big Poppa K 92,088, and Maj Drax 82,042 (Only Flew one mission)

TC Holiday Jingle Comp ID 1654:

LT Blitz IS-GR
LC Kodiak Kereban IS-BR

Honorable mentions: LC Kodiak (2nd submission), CM Anthony Starr

I'd like to thank everyone who participated! A big congrats to Prae squadron with the most submissions!

I will release the text versions of the submissions with next weeks report. I've got two mp3's which are quite good! When I figure out where to post them I'll let you know!

Wing XIII Wing Commander Sought

VA Khadgar

26 December, 2004 01:18
12 ABY
RA Pickled Yoda asked me to make an announcement that Wing XIII Wing Commander is now open for applications. Here are the position requirements:
  • No HCI convictions in the past six months
  • At least one tour of duty (four consecutive months) completed in a position CMDR or above
  • Fast E-Mail turn around time
  • A recruitment plan
  • Competition ideas
  • Preferred: Someone who can lead from the front in events like the upcoming ASF Supremacy Competition.
Applicants should mention any relevant skills, experience and achievements. Applications should be sent to RA Pickled Yoda and VA Gilad Pelleaeon.

Online battle/mission submission form

FA Marcin Szydlowski

25 December, 2004 13:28
12 ABY
Just to let you know guys. Tactical Office has released, online mission submission form, so you can fill the online form and your battle will be sent to the right guys.

If you want to use it, so here it is:

ATF BGCOM Promoted

FA Cyric

24 December, 2004 10:53
12 ABY
The ATF BGCOM, VA TK2107 has been promoted to the rank of Full Admiral! AD TK 2107 is one of the hardest working BGCOM's in the fleet, managing the ATF in a stellar way.

Whats more I've received over 10 requests for this promotion, which counts towards his leadership and appearance for the Fleet and towards his charachter.

TK-2107, this is a well earned promotion!


ISD Grey Wolf Com chosen

FA Cyric

24 December, 2004 07:28
12 ABY

The ISD Grey Wolf has a new Com! Congrats to Rear Admiral Pickled Yoda in being named the next Grey Wolf Commodore. He has a long tradition to get used to, I was a GW COM, Gilad was a GW Com, most of the great ASFers were on the GW at one time. Good Luck Yoda (and no pressure :P)

New Message Boards

VA Khadgar

23 December, 2004 18:16
12 ABY
The new official Message Boards can be found at: If you require moderator status on any of the boards, you should mail RA Joey C.

Wing XX WC Sought

FA Cyric

20 December, 2004 12:45
12 ABY
With WC COL Trido being placed as the new ColCOM, Wing XX needs a new WC. Applications are being accepted at this time and should be sent to the two TKs (BGCOM VA TK-2107 and COM RA TK-7764). The wing needs someone who is dedicated to help pull it together. The following requirments must be meet:
No HCI convictions in the past 6 months
At least one tour of duty (4 consecutive months) completed in a CMDR+ position
Fast e-mail turnaround time
A recruitment plan
Plenty of competition ideas
Member of the Dark Brotherhood (as per ATF leadership requirements)
message board usage
web coding
graphic skills
command experience in TC or other subgroup in WC or equivalent position
Applications will be accepted until December 27th. Merry Christmas and apply early

New ColCOM

FA Cyric

20 December, 2004 12:43
12 ABY

Congrats to RA Trido on being named the new ISD Colossus Com!

COO 1 Year Celebration Ladder

AD Khameir Sarin

20 December, 2004 12:10
12 ABY

Congrats to General Picked Yoda on winning the COO 1 Year Celebration Ladder. Yodes picked up 47 LoCs for his trouble and a few DFCs. Andrijas came in second with 45 LoCs, and Archangel came in third with 35 LoCs. Great work to all those who participated in the ladder (93 matches flown).

New FC!

MG Domingo Chavez

20 December, 2004 07:28
12 ABY

Congratulations to Grand Admiral Astatine, new Fleet Commander of the Emperor's Hammer. Our thanks go out to the recent retiree Ronin for all of his hard work, time and investment into this club over the past ten years. God speed to both, and best of luck!

Important Changes and Rewards

VA Khadgar

18 December, 2004 20:36
12 ABY
After ten years of hard work in founding and leading the club, GA Ronin has announced his intention to retire as Fleet Commander. At today's meeting he promoted SA Astatine to Grand Admiral and increased his ownership in the club to 40%. Astatine will be running all day to day activities as Fleet Commander as of December 25th, and as of January 7th, he will have full Fleet Commander authority. Congratulations to Astatine and thanks to Ronin for his efforts over the years!

Astatine also named several Christmas awards and promotions at the meeting:
  • RA Joey C was named as the new Communications Officer.
  • FO/FA Cyric was promoted to High Admiral.
  • SO/RA Vladet Xavier was promoted to Vice Admiral.
  • SCO/FA Ender mBind was awarded the Medal of Honor.
  • CA:SCO/AD Den Darkhill was promoted to Fleet Admiral.
  • SOA/CM Tim was awarded a Gold Star of the Empire.
  • GM/AD Gelton Torr was awarded a Gold Star of the Empire.
  • SDIR/AD Aseret was awarded a Gold Star of the Empire.
  • DP Tuss was awarded a Gold Star of the Empire.
  • COO/FA Khameir Sarin was awarded an Imperial Cross.
  • FA Talren Moreco was awarded a Gold Star of the Empire.
  • AD Khadgar was awarded a Gold Star of the Empire.
Congratulations to all involved!

TO banner competition

RA Drako

18 December, 2004 11:53
12 ABY
Because we're changing all communication and security systems in the Training Office, I've decided, that my office needs a new banner. The current one is old and doesn't reflect the changes that occured in the Training Office. I want something new, something flashy, something what I would be proud of. If you think you can provide me that, what I want, here are some details:

- dimensions
Banner should be about 460 pixels wide and 60 pixels high.
- size
Not bigger than 25 kb.
- awards
1st place: IS-PR(TC)/SotGV(CD)/GN (DB)/IO (HF)/AS-PR (IS)/VC (IW)/GP (BHG)/MoS-DR (DIR)
2nd place: IS-GR(TC)/SotGM(CD)/SN (DB)/CoD (HF)/AS-GR (IS)/CBV (IW)/SP (BHG)/MoS-PR (DIR)
3rd place: IS-SR(TC)/SotV(CD)/BN (DB)/SoH (HF)/AS-SR (IS)/WRC (IW)/LC (BHG)/MoS-GR (DIR)

All submissions are to be sent to me ( with topic "TO Banner". Deadline is 30th of December.

Updated battles

FA Marcin Szydlowski

18 December, 2004 10:04
12 ABY
The following battles have been updated thanks to hard work of Tactical Staff:
  • XWA-TC #19
  • XWA-TC #33

Visual Basic professor needed

RA Drako

17 December, 2004 09:54
12 ABY
Due to HA Ari's recent resignation I'm looking for a new VBS professor.

- basic VBS knowledge
- ability to grade tests at least once a week
I will also require weekly reports about your graduates counts.

What the PROF position will give to you? You will become a professor, which is a highly responsible and respected position. There are also other benefits, like a nice office in the academic complex on planet Ullyr, additional week of vacation every year and a Gold Star for every 100 graduates.
NOTE: It is a part-time position, so you don't have to resign from your current position to become a professor.

Applications are to be sent to me ( with topic "Make me a PROF". I'll be accepting apps only for 2 weeks.

1 Year COO Celebration Ladder!

AD Khameir Sarin

15 December, 2004 11:59
12 ABY
Friday 17 December will mark my 1 year point as Combat Operations Officer. To celebrate this event I will be hosting a MP ladder all weekend at Pilots have the opportunity to fly XWA, XVT, and FW in 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, or skirmishes. All pilots who participate in this weekend ladder will receive bonus awards (its a secret) for their participation. On top of the bonus awards, pilots will receive LoCs for each win. DFCs will go out for the most wins, most matches, and highest ladder score. I highly encourage all pilots to fly as the rewards will be worth the effort.

You can meet in #ehcoc all weekend for matches or flying any of your mates at anytime you choose. You can download fun XWA Skirmishes at


Multiple LoC Opportunites

AD Khameir Sarin

14 December, 2004 10:40
12 ABY
The Legion of Combat Medal and Distinguished Flying Cross are awarded to individual match winners and competition winners in EH sponsored Multiplayer Events. Pilots have the opportunity to win these awards at FreeWorlds TEs, 24.7 LoC submission at COO Website, ladder competitions at EH Ladders, and through WoWs hosted at Battle Stats. I have awarded over 100 LoCs this past week from these locations. Get flying!

ISD Colossus COM open for apps

FA Cyric

12 December, 2004 17:08
12 ABY
I want to open Colossus COM for apps... if you could please post the following requirements:

Must have successfully held a CMDR position for at least six months in one squadron, or have served a complete tour of duty as a WC or above

No HCI convictions for Conduct Unbecoming

Familiarity with TIE (XWA/XvT experience as well is preferable)

Significant IRC presence

Quick email turnaround and admin accountability
Desire, knowledge and responsibility of and for running both internal and external competitions

A serious commitment to the quality of the ISD Colossus, and to making it productive, active and fun

More than anything, the ability to work as part of a team. Participation in discussions on the TCBG flag mailing list is of the utmost importance.

Applicants may provide up to three references, one of which must be a current or former superior, and one of which must be willing to answer questions about the applicant.

All applicants must also be prepared for an IRC/AIM/MSN interview with me.

Please also include ideas, goals, and what you believe you bring to this Ship that could take it to the top (as well as anything about yourself you think I?d like to know. Don?t worry about length, if you?ve got a lot to say, that?s fine, long as it?s substantial.)

Send all applications to

ASF Promotions

VA Khadgar

12 December, 2004 00:47
12 ABY
Congratulations to the following ASF officers, who were promoted for their outstanding efforts:
Vice Admiral Gidda, COM of the Intrepid.
Vice Admiral Solar Macharius, COM of the Predator.
General Pickled Yoda, WC of Wing XIII.
General Nightmare, CMDR of Avenger Squadron.
Lieutenant Colonel Malidir, WC of Wing XIV.
Lieutenant Colonel Daisuke Airyu, WC of Wing XV.

FW: Territory Engagement

HA Priyum Patel

10 December, 2004 15:27
12 ABY
The filthy New Republic has announced a territorial engagement against the Organised Crime syndicate. In return for permission to trade in Spice, the EH will be helping to defend the OC against the greater foe, the NR.

TE: 7PM GMT / 2PM EST Saturday 11th December (tomorrow) – Join #ISD_Predator at least 30mins before the start for planning and orders
TE Password - *see email I've sent out. If you didn't get it, let me know*
Targets to Defend: Kessel Moon Garrison – get to Kessel and explore the system if you haven’t done so already. The NR will also be attacking Kessel itself, so be prepared to go there (if the order is given). Kessel is the home base of the Black Sun, which for the purposes of the TE must be treated as Hostile, even though they are part of the OC. Avoid them if possible. Make sure you’re Neutral to Bounty Hunters. Kessel space is apparently full of them (NPCs).

This is a fairly simple TE – just show up and kill anying from the NR/Jedi. If there are mercs involved, I’ll let you know whose team they’re on. This is an excellent opportunity to show that the EH can be a valuable ally to have in TEs.

New ASF BGCOM Chosen

FA Cyric

10 December, 2004 01:24
12 ABY

I'd like to announce that I have chosen VA Gilad Pelleaeon, Current GreyWolf COM, as the new ASF BGCOM. Gilad has served with the ASF for quite a long time and has some excellent ideas for the Battle Group! Congrats!

Two Tie Corps Flight Office sponsored comps!

FA Cyric

08 December, 2004 20:17
12 ABY
Hey all

I've put through two comps for everyone to have some fun with before the holidays!

Tie Corps Christmas Holiday Bash (competition ID #1655)
You can view the competition's details at

Tie Corps Christmas Holidays Jingle (competition ID #1654)
You can view the competition's details at

Good luck to all and have fun!

Updated missions

FA Marcin Szydlowski

08 December, 2004 16:34
12 ABY
The following free missions have been fixed by Tactical Staff:
  • TIE-FREE #145
  • TIE-FREE #168
  • TIE-FREE #216
  • TIE-FREE #231
  • TIE-FREE #235
  • TIE-FREE #236
  • TIE-FREE #237
  • TIE-FREE #248

Freeworld Updates

HA Priyum Patel

07 December, 2004 14:23
12 ABY
A new patch for 1.65 has been released and can be downloaded from: If you're having problems getting it from the Burnout site, let me know (remember you must be logged in to download from the site). To install it, simply double-click on the file install it into FLMM, then activate it within FLMM. Ignore the warnings about it conflicting with other stuff.

Secondly, we have received a request from the Emperor to stop shooting the Black Sun, which we will adhere to. While this doesn't take them off our hostile list, for the time being, avoid getting into scraps with them.

War Officer position open for applications

FA Cyric

06 December, 2004 22:26
12 ABY
I am accepting applications for the position of War Officer for the Tie Corps.

requirements are as follows:

Good working knowledge of the TC and its platforms
Ability to organize and run a fleet wide war game akin to Imperial Storm
Ability to create and maintain a War Office website
Have good e-mail response time
Have inventive and intuitive ideas for fleet wide war games for fleet activity
No HCI convictions in last 6 months
I would prefer people who have held the position of WC or higher, but I will entertain any and all apps.

Please submit apps to me at with WAR OFFICE APPLICATION in subject header.

Also include with application how you would revamp the war office and outline your ideas


FA Cyric

06 December, 2004 10:46
12 ABY
AD Khadgar has resigned from the position of ASF BGCOM. For those of use who have served with Khaddy these few years, you've come to appreciate his whimsical reports and his leadership qualities. AD Khadgar will be missed!

I will not be accepting applications for the ASF BGCOM position.

New battles and free missions

FA Marcin Szydlowski

06 December, 2004 03:34
12 ABY
Well, 4 entries this time:
  • XvT-TC #103,104
  • XWA-FREE #114,115

New Prefect!

CPT Decarat

05 December, 2004 21:52
12 ABY

Congratulations to Major-General Domingo Chavez for being named as the new Prefect of the Hammer's Fist.

Reminder about open positions

SA Astatine

05 December, 2004 00:59
12 ABY

Just a reminder that the following positions are still open for applications:

If you're interested, don't hesitate to read the position details and send an application.

FW TE: EH vs Disac Pirates

HA Priyum Patel

04 December, 2004 07:59
12 ABY
The Emperor's Hammer will be launching an attack on the Disac Pirate base, Fannier Station, in the Corellian system. The engagement is tonight at 10pm GMT / 5pm EST, and the password is "shawshank". As always, we'll be meeting up in #isd_predator about an hour beforehand to discuss plans and tactics.

Fannier is owned by the NPC Faction, Peace Brigage. If you need to bribe them, then you can do so at Selonia (note: Only Troop Transports can capture stations in TEs now). We should be expecting our allies, the Imperials, to help us. In opposition, expect the Pirates, Black Sun, Bounty Hunters, VFSF, the Trade Federation and anyone else that decides to jump on the bandwagon. Since this is our first TE, please make every effort to attend. If you need help with anything, please contact me ASAP.