Feel free to contribute where you can. :)
Another great week on the MP front if you count the awarded Clusters of Fire and Kaiburr Stars. Great work everyone! And here comes the list of awardees:
DA Tuba 22 Clusters of Fire
SW Starkillerny 6 Clusters of Fire and 1 Kaiburr Star
SBM Crsepe 4 Clusters of Fire
GM Tomaas Montte 3 Clusters of Fire and 1 Kaiburr Star
SK Daniel Stephens 3 Clusters of Fire
DSM Exar Kitt 2 Clusters of Fire
Congratulation to everyone and keep up your efforts!
In Darkness
MAA/DSM Elwood the Brave/DC-3/
My fellow Sith, please join me in recognizing our latest promotees from Clan Drakonan:
McClain from Acolyte (ACO) to Protector (PRO)
Veesko from Apprentice (APP) to Novice (NOV)
Igazi from Apprentice (APP) to Novice (NOV)
Congratulations to all of them on their achievements and outstanding work as members in the Dark Brotherhood!
DGM/DA Zephon/DC-2/
Here are their individual citations:
PRT McClain
Since joining the DB, ACO Mcclain has participated in two DBGN's. He has participated in several gaming groups throughout 2013. For this I recommend that ACO Mcclain be promoted to the rank of PRT for his 2013 activities.
NOV Veesko
Since joining APP Veesko managed to collect 7 Cluster of Fires, and 1 Kaiburr Star from his first DBGN. He has also been present in grouping for different games. For this I recommend that APP Veesko be promoted to NOV, for his 2013 activity.
NOV Igazi
Since joining our ranks, APP Igazi, managed to collect 4 Clusters of Fire on his second day. He has participated in a several game groups in the few days of December that he was with us. For this I recommend APP Igazi be promoted to NOV for his 2013 activity.
As it seams Star Conflict is building up as a major activity source for the Dark Brotherhood. Even with the "new" rules for awarding Star Conflict 24/7 Clusters of Fire the numbers of screenshots that qualify for a Cluster of Fire are increasing week after week. All Clusters of Fire and even 2 Kaiburr Stars (for DBGN #31) were awarded to the following people:
JH Kenath Zoron 25 Clusters of Fire
DA Tuba 17 Clusters of Fire
SWL Starkillerny 5 Clusters of Fire
DSM Scoser 4 Clusters of Fire and 1 Kaiburr Star
DA Zephon 2 Clusters of Fire and 1 Kaiburr Star
APP Veesko 2 Clusters of Fire
DSM Elwood the Brave 1 Cluster of Fire
Well done everyone and keep up the great activity!
In Darkness
MAA/DSM Elwood the Brave/DC-3/
All MP matches reported during the last week that qualified for a Cluster of Fire have been awarded. Here's a list with the recipients and the number of CoF's awarded:
JH Kenath Zoron 17 CoF's
DA Tuba 12 CoF's
DA Zephon 4 CoF's
SWL Starkillerny 4 CoF's
Well done everyone!
In Darkness
MAA/DSM Elwood the Brave/DC-3/
Greetings Fellow Sith,
It’s that time of year again. Time for candy, flowers, jewelry and lots of very un-Sithy things. It’s also time once again for slaying the undead legions. Come join us for our latest Killing Floor event, “The St. Valentine’s Day Massacre.”
We will be running Killing Floor rounds on the Dark Brotherhood Killing Floor server from 8:30 EST until at least 10:30 EST on the 13th and 15th. As with our previous events the player with highest score of a winning round (the Patriarch is killed) will receive a Cluster of Fire (CF) and the overall point leader for each night will receive a Kaiburr Star (KS). This is also a pop-in/pop-out event so don’t worry if you have to come late. But please sign up on the event page on the Enjin site if you plan on coming so we can plan for server space.
We are also introducing a new mechanic for this event where the participants will vote for the “Team player of the night.” This will recognize a player other than the point leader who, in the eyes of his/her teammates, contributed the most to the team’s success. The player voted “Team player of the night” will also receive a Kaiburr Star (KS).
So whether your 14th is full of love and romance or pints of ice-cream, bad movies, and boxed wine come join us on the 13th and 15th for some zombie killing mayhem. If you have questions about the event please contact me.
Happy Hunting,
DGM/DA Zephon/DC-2/
Congratulations to Starkillerny, who has just been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander! Excellent work, LCM Star!