New battle released

High Admiral Anahorn Dempsey

28 July, 2014 10:16
22 ABY
And just because I had nothing better to do, I finished the final testing on an XvT battle as well - XvT IW 12: Ride of the Leviathan is now ready for play!

New battle released

High Admiral Anahorn Dempsey

28 July, 2014 08:01
22 ABY
And once we're on a roll, we're on a roll. Please welcome to the compendium XWA TC 68: Flight of the Indomitable!

New mission released

High Admiral Anahorn Dempsey

28 July, 2014 05:17
22 ABY
And a second mission by Landon Cruise has been added to the compendium: XWA free 156!

New mission released

High Admiral Anahorn Dempsey

27 July, 2014 16:11
22 ABY
Today we see the release of a new free mission for TIE Fighter (TIE F 288), and we welcome Landon Cruise to the club of mission creators! Welcome...

Clusters of Fire for Galactic Starfighter!

GM Tomaas Montte

26 July, 2014 21:21
22 ABY

Dark Greetings,


I’m pleased to announce that we are extending the Cluster of Fire reward system to the Galactic Starfighter PvP event in Star Wars: The Old Republic.  As of today you can submit screenshots of victories in Galactic Starfighter and receive a Cluster of Fire for a victory.


Consul Crsepe as well as the Dark Council will be evaluating the response to this new activity and the scoring systemto see if it needs adjustment at a later date.  I’d like to hear from those of you that play Galactic Starfighter on ideas on how to develop this further.  Is it too low of a threshold?  Are you interested in events based around it?  Would you like to be in or lead a Battleteam centered on this activity?  Let us know your ideas as we move forward.


Good luck, have fun, and Darkness Defend,


TO/AD Lord Tomaas Montte/CS-5/SSSD Sovereign [DCRN]


{IU:C/TC, C/DB, C/DIR, S, XWAC, SM2, INST, AIM, 1, 2, ICQ,



AT1, LST, RT, STM, 1, GMR, 1, 2}


GM/GM Lord Tomaas Montte/DC-1/

(SL) (ED) (GC) (SoP) (DC-K) (KS) (Cr-D-R-Ax2-E-T-Q) (CF-R) (LSB)

Darth Beskad

20 July, 2014 16:48
22 ABY
As per this recommendation, RA Zósite has been promoted to the rank of Vice Admiral! Congratulations, VA Zós!

"For the past 6 months, Rear Admiral Zósite Kónstyte Styles has brought new life to the TIE Corps. His dedication and leadership style have served as inspiration to all the members, including myself, and the club simply became better than ever before. It's not unusual for him to come up with improvement ideas, and if the ideas come from anyone else, he's always ready to promptly make them possible. His creation of the profile ATRs is a very good example of that. He would be already eligible for this promotion, but it became even a more special timing for such a recommendation after his superb leadership performance in a competition like Raise the Flag, which obviously shall be also properly rewarded with the proper medal along the month, together with all other evaluations. But this recommendation is not only about that, it's about his overall achievements as the Strategic Operations Officer, and they are not few. For that, I'm glad to make and approve the recommendation of the promotion of RA Zósite to the rank of Vice Admiral. Could not be more proud and honored to serve with you, VA Zósite!"

Star Trek Online now an Official Platform!

GM Tomaas Montte

17 July, 2014 18:59
22 ABY

Dark greetings everyone,


We’re moving forward in the Dark Brotherhood and adopting Star Trek Online as a new platform for member activity.  This effort has been spearheaded by SW Pellaeon and I have appointed him as Praetor to the Grandmaster to continue his excellent work on promoting and developing the game for our group. STO is a free to play MMORPG, features some excellent space combat, and has both regular content added and frequent in game special events.


We currently have several members already in our in game fleet and our Fleet (guild) resources are developing rapidly.  If you’re already playing STO and want to join the Fleet to get recognized for your activity and get access to our Fleet resources simply message a Fleet member in game. SW Pellaeon’s handle is @Arcion and mine is @tmontte, though any Fleet member that hold the in game rank of Lieutenant or above should be able to invite you. If you are having trouble joining, are new to the game and want to get involved, or just have questions in general I invite you to email me or message me on Steam (my Steam handle is [EH] Hitman ) and I’ll be glad to help out.


How do you earn rewards?  Pellaeon will be tracking activty and submitting a monthly report to myself, MAA Elwood the Brave, and Consul Crsepe, along with recommendations for awards and promotions.  Leveling your character(s), donating to the Fleet, Special Task Force Missions, Fleet Actions, and PvP will all be considered.  We can track Fleet donations easily in game, everything else needs to be reported by you to Praetor Pellaeon via email. Attach screenshots wherever possible.  As an additional note, PvP will also reward Clusters of Fire in addition to activity tracking. Any PvP screenshots should also be cc:ed to Consul Crsepe as well for Sword of Drakonan purposes and activity in STO will be rewarded on the same basis as activity on TOR for SoD.


As we move forward we’d also like to create Battleteams focused on STO, what form they take is largely up to you the members.  You might have a team focused on clearing story content, or running PvE events (STO equivalent of Raids), or PvPing regularly, or even roleplaying. Find like minded individuals and we’ll help you get set up.  Keep in mind that as these teams form, one member will need to assume the position of Battleteam Leader to assist in tracking activity, set up events and competitions, and forward rank and award recommendations to Praetor Pellaeon. If you’re interested in a leadership role in a particular activity for STO, let me know and we’ll get you set up.


I look forward to seeing you in game and showing the Universe that the Emperor’s Hammer is a force to be reckoned with, even in a galaxy not so far away.


Darkness Defend,


TO/AD Lord Tomaas Montte/CS-5/SSSD Sovereign [DCRN]


{IU:C/TC, C/DB, C/DIR, S, XWAC, SM2, INST, AIM, 1, 2, ICQ,



AT1, LST, RT, STM, 1, GMR, 1, 2}


GM/GM Lord Tomaas Montte/DC-1/

(SL) (ED) (GC) (SoP) (DC-K) (KS) (Cr-D-R-Ax2-E-T-Q) (CF-R) (LSB)

Darth Beskad


Beta CMDR open for applications

Rear Admiral Elwood the Brave

07 July, 2014 18:07
22 ABY
With the recent retirement of LC Kyle Kroan from Beta Squadron CMDR spot, the Beta CMDR spot is open for applications to everyone in the Fleet.

Applications should be adressed to my inbox, cc'ing your CMDR and, if Warrior members want to apply for the job, your COM.

Raise the Flag 2014 Aftermath

High Admiral Daniel Bonini

04 July, 2014 23:59
22 ABY
As lines become dots again, the Imperial-II Class Star Destroyer Challenge finally arrives home. High Admiral Daniel Bonini, on the bridge, orders: “Comms (not you, La’an), signal the Sovereign... request a note be sent to Grand Admiral Rapier of our arrival, and prepare my shuttle“.

Several minutes later, as the TIE Corps Commander enters the fleet command hall on the Sovereign, with Grand Admiral Rapier already present, HA Daniel promptly salutes: “Sir, the exercise has been completed.”

- Excellent – replies the Fleet Commander – COMM (that’s you, La’an), request Sov Command to open a channel to the fleet, so HA Daniel can present his report.

The projected image of the TIE Corps Commander appears on every room of every TIE Corps vessel, reaching all officers.

- My fellow officers, Raise the Flag is now complete. The fight was fierce, and very hard on all of us, and although they certainly were required to earn this until the end, it is my pleasure to announce that the Imperial-II Class Star Destroyer Warrior has prevailed in the exercise, and is now officially the Flagship of the TIE Corps. My most sincere congratulations go to High Admiral Frodo March and his crew, who gathered all the strength they could possibly muster, to defeat the no less deserving ISD Hammer, who also managed an unprecedented score in the history of this competition. Together, these two ships comprise the elite of the TIE Corps, and they all deserve our recognition and respect for their doings.

The TCCOM continues:

- The victory of the ISD Warrior would not be possible if it weren’t for the amazing efforts of Theta Squadron, which is now the new Escort Squadron for the TIE Corps Commander. La’an, you’re stuck with me again… Many were the pilots who impressed the fleet with their doings, but there was one who stood above all. I’d like to specially congratulate General Pickled Yoda, the newest Top Gun of the TIE Corps, and my new personal wingman. Yado, I expect you in the Challenge cantina so you can learn how to play : ‘haaaave you met Dan?’. What are wingmen for, anyway… Please check the score board for the top units and pilots, and the titles and awards they achieved in this exercise…

As the TCCOM kept going, his image was replaced by a score screen:

Ship Scores

1st – ISD-II Warrior – 7014 points – Flagship of the TIE Corps!!
2nd – ISD-II Hammer – 5074 points
3rd – ISD-II Challenge – 827 points
4th – VSD-II Aggressor – 41 points

Squadron Scores

1st – Theta Squadron – 3335 points – TCCOM’s Own Escort Squadron!!
2nd – Sin Squadron – 2350 points
3rd – Alpha Squadron – 2166 points
4th – Delta Squadron – 1638 points
5th – Kappa Squadron – 619 points
6th – Epsilon Squadron – 597 points
7th – Sigma Squadron – 231 points
8th – Beta Squadron – 164 points

Top 10 Pilot Scores

1st – GN Pickled Yoda – 1850 points – Top Gun of Raise the Flag 2014!!IS-PW
2nd – COL Anahorn Dempsey – 1261 points – IS-GW
3rd – CPT Plif – 1005 points – IS-SW
4th – CM Landon Cruise – 931 points – IS-BW
5th – LCM Chrome – 678 points
6th – COL Jarek La’an – 663 points
7th – MAJ Wraith – 508 points
8th – RA Elwood the Brave – 474 points
9th – HA Daniel Bonini – 456 points
10th – HA Frodo March – 454 points

Top 3 Single Player Pilots

1st – GN Pickled Yoda – 1776 points – IS-GW
2nd – COL Anahorn Dempsey – 1249 points – IS-SW
3rd – HA Frodo March – 438 points – IS-BW

Top 3 Multiplayer Pilots

1st – CPT Plif – 671 points – IS-GW
2nd – CM Landon Cruise – 670 points – IS-SW
3rd – LCM Chrome – 550 points – IS-BW

Top 3 Fiction Writers

1st – COL Jarek La’an – 192 points – IS-GR
2nd – GN Pickled Yoda – 16 points – IS-SR
3rd – MAJ John T. Clark – 9 points – IS-BR

Top 3 Graphics Designers

1st – LCM Chrome – 82 points – IS-GR
2nd – COL Jarek La’an – 49 points – IS-SR
3rd – LC Impulse – 26 points – IS-BR

Ship Participation Rates

1st – ISD-II Warrior – 52,5% – IS-GR for Warrior COM
2nd – ISD-II Hammer – 48,7% – IS-SR for Hammer COM

Top 3 Squadron Participation Rates

1st – Alpha Squadron – 75,0% – IS-GR for Alpha CMDR
2nd – Sin Squadron – 62,5% – IS-SR for Sin CMDR
3rd – Theta Squadron – 60,0% – IS-BR for Theta CMDR

- And there you have it, gentlemen, the top scorers and awards for this exercise. High Admiral March, please prepare the Warrior for my arrival. For the time being, I’ll leave BOTini to take care of things on the Challenge for me…no, there’s no way I’ll send BOTini to the Warrior instead… that simply ain’t happening… or is it? I digress. Grand Admiral Rapier, sir, fleet status report: ready for battle!