Congrats to CPT Shado Fenn (Delta) and CM Arne Saknussem (Alpha) for taking up the Flight Leader positions. That leaves two open spots in beta to be taken care fo.
Congrats to CPT Shado Fenn (Delta) and CM Arne Saknussem (Alpha) for taking up the Flight Leader positions. That leaves two open spots in beta to be taken care fo.
Dark greetings members of the Botherhood. It is a pleasure for me to announce the latest awards. Congratulations to all recipients!
Praetor to the Grandmaster and Battleteam Leader Sith Battlelord Pellaeon
P:GM-BTL/SBL Pellaeon/Hyperion Flight Battleteam/Clan Drakonan
Dark Greetings,
We’ve developed rules for Pick Up Games of Galactic Battlegrounds and Empire at War for Dark Brotherhood members.These were developed based on the old Directorate guidelines and I’d like to thank DSM Exar Kit for his input and help.
For Galactic Battlegrounds in a 1 v 1 game set it to the smallest map size, start with the highest tech level and a unit limit of 100. Then send the screenshot of the win to your Battle Team Leader or Consul if you are not in a Battle Team currently.
In Empire at War and Forces of Corruption any Skirmish will be acceptable Land or Space. Just send the winning screenshot to your Battle Team Leader or Consul once again.
Keep in mind even a loss will count as activity though only the winner gets the Cluster of Fire for the match. An important note here is that these matches can be played with anyone. Even non EH members. I urge you to recruit as much as you can if you do this and also to seek out fellow EH members for matches as well. We want to grow the community and keep it active within our ranks. Of course EH awards are only available to EH members.
If you have any ideas on ways to improve this sytem or questions let us know.
Good Luck and Good Hunting as our Founder would say.