New Flight Leaders

High Admiral Anahorn Dempsey

23 February, 2015 18:23
23 ABY

Congrats to CPT Shado Fenn (Delta) and CM Arne Saknussem (Alpha) for taking up the Flight Leader positions. That leaves two open spots in beta to be taken care fo.

VA Elwood awarded the GOE

High Admiral Daniel Bonini

23 February, 2015 17:29
23 ABY
As a reward for the completion of his very successful stint as Commodore of the ISD Hammer, VA Elwood the Brave has just been awarded the Grand Order of the Emperor.

Congratulations, Woody!

New Alpha Squadron Commander

High Admiral Daniel Bonini

22 February, 2015 21:27
23 ABY

With the resignation of MAJ Delak Krennel, Alpha's Flight Leader MAJ Iceman has been assigned as the new CMDR.

I'd like to thank MAJ Krennel for his service, and to wish good luck to MAJ Iceman in his new command.

Flight Leaders wanted

High Admiral Anahorn Dempsey

22 February, 2015 18:20
23 ABY
Pilots of the TC, the ISDII Hammer is currently looking for Flight Leaders to fill the vacant positions in our squadrons. If you want to step up from Flight Member to Flight Leader, send an application to myself, SOO Woody and the TCCOM.

New Sigma CMDR and FL3!

High Admiral Daniel Bonini

18 February, 2015 15:48
23 ABY
It's my pleasure to announce the promotion of CM Lanil Jast to the position of Sigma Squadron Commander!

His former position of Flight 3 Leader has also been filled, with the promotion of LCM Len Eode!

Congratulations to the new Commander, and Flight Leader! Good luck to you both!

EH Dark Jedi Brotherhoods latest Awards

SBL Pellaeon

16 February, 2015 18:51
23 ABY


Dark greetings members of the Botherhood. It is a pleasure for me to announce the latest awards. Congratulations to all recipients!

  • SBL Pellaeon: Grand Cross of the Dark Side
  • DBM Exar Kit: Steel Cross
  • GM Tomaas Montte:  Grand Cross of the Dark Side
  • GM Nocturnus:  Grand Cross of the Dark Side
  • DBM Elwood the Brave:  Grand Cross of the Dark Side
  • PRT Marcus Caine:  Steel Cross
  • JH Jedi Eclipse: Star of Eos
  • SBL Torres: Star of Eos


Praetor to the Grandmaster and Battleteam Leader Sith Battlelord Pellaeon
P:GM-BTL/SBL Pellaeon/Hyperion Flight Battleteam/Clan Drakonan

New Delta Squadron Commander

High Admiral Daniel Bonini

10 February, 2015 16:08
23 ABY
Congratulations to LC John T. Clark, who has just been promoted to Delta Squadron Commander!

Best of luck, CMDR Clark!

New ISD Hammer Commodore

High Admiral Daniel Bonini

08 February, 2015 15:16
23 ABY

After the assignment of the new SOO, it's now time to announce the new Commodore of the ISD Hammer. Congratulations to High Admiral Anahorn Dempsey for being given this honor.

The Tactical Office's flagship, the VSD Sinister, is now temporarily assigned to the Hammer Battle Group, to facilitate HA Dempsey's cumulative functions throughout the fleet.

Congratulations, Dempsey, and good luck!

New Strategic Operations Officer

High Admiral Daniel Bonini

07 February, 2015 19:40
23 ABY

It is with great pleasure that I announce the promotion of former Hammer COM, VA Elwood the Brave, to the position of Strategic Operations Officer.

Good luck to Woody in his new position!

Pick Up Game Rules for Empire at War and Galactic Battlegrounds

GM Tomaas Montte

05 February, 2015 18:46
23 ABY

Dark Greetings,


We’ve developed rules for Pick Up Games of Galactic Battlegrounds and Empire at War for Dark Brotherhood members.These were developed based on the old Directorate guidelines and I’d like to thank DSM Exar Kit for his input and help.


For Galactic Battlegrounds in a 1 v 1 game set it to the smallest map size, start with the highest tech level and a unit limit of 100.  Then send the screenshot of the win to your Battle Team Leader or Consul if you are not in a Battle Team currently.


In Empire at War and Forces of Corruption any Skirmish will be acceptable Land or Space. Just send the winning screenshot to your Battle Team Leader or Consul once again.  


Keep in mind even a loss will count as activity though only the winner gets the Cluster of Fire for the match. An important note here is that these matches can be played with anyone. Even non EH members. I urge you to recruit as much as you can if you do this and also to seek out fellow EH members for matches as well. We want to grow the community and keep it active within our ranks. Of course EH awards are only available to EH members.

If you have any ideas on ways to improve this sytem or questions let us know.

Good Luck and Good Hunting as our Founder would say.

GM/GM Lord Tomaas Montte/DC-1/
(SL) (ED) (SB) (GCx4) (SoI) (SC) (DC-K) (KS) (Cr-D-R-Ax7-Ex11-Tx8-Qx5) (CF-R) (LSB)
Darth Beskad


Delta Flight 2 Leader Promoted!

High Admiral Daniel Bonini

03 February, 2015 18:01
23 ABY
Congratulations to newly promoted Lieutenant Colonel John T. Clark, for earning one of the coolest rank badges in the TIE Corps!

Well done, LC Clark!

Monthly TC competitions

High Admiral Anahorn Dempsey

01 February, 2015 09:01
23 ABY
Well, January is over so the first monthly winners are known! Congrats to all for your finishes!

SP Ace of the TC: 1) COL Jarek La'an 2) VA Elwood the Brave 3) GN Dempsey
MP Ace of the TC: 1) VA Elwood the Brave 2) LCM Doc 3) GN Dempsey
GOG Games - TIE Fighter: 1) GN Pickled Yoda 2) GNDempsey 3) CPT Repulsor
Mobile Gaming Mania: 1) GN Dempsey 2) CPT Crix Talra

Grats to all!