Pimp the Fleet v5.0 January results

DSP Elwood the Brave

31 January, 2017 16:28
25 ABY
Pimp the Fleet v5.0 - Results for January

GM Thomaas Montte 162,375 Cr-E
SWL Darkfin 135,349 Cr-T
DSP Elwood the Brave 93,560 Cr-Q
SBM Silvius 83,805
PRT Miles Prower 57,275
DSP Pellaeon 44,850
SBM Rau Aznabel 27,893
SBL Torres 8,030

DSP Elwood the Brave 53,067 Cr-E
GM Thomaas Montte 37,350 Cr-T
PRT Miles Prower 7,080 Cr-Q
SBM Silvius 3,206
SBM Rau Aznabel 1,207

Dilithium Mine
GM Thomaas Montte 189,500 Cr-E
DSP Elwood the Brave 88,255 Cr-T
PRT Miles Prower 34,648 Cr-Q
SBL Torres 18,572
DSP Pellaeon 7,600
SBM Rau Aznabel 2,415
SBM Silvius 500

SBM Rau Aznabel 24,819 Cr-E
GM Thomaas Montte 12,954 Cr-T
DSP Elwood the Brave 2,400 Cr-Q
SBM Silvius 1,101

Research Lab
GM Thomaas Montte 695,775 Cr-E
SBM Silvius 248,247 Cr-T
DSP Elwood the Brave 163,445 Cr-Q
DSP Pellaeon 72,909
PRT Miles Prower 65,720
SBM Rau Aznabel 8,175
SWL Darkfin 5,250
SBL Torres 2,940

SBM Rau Aznabel 57,460 Cr-E
GM Thomaas Montte 56,000 Cr-T
DSP Elwood the Brave 21,600 Cr-Q
PRT Miles Prower 21,250
SBM Silvius 10,956
DSP Pellaeon 9,600
SWL Darkfin 2,040

GM Thomaas Montte 1,153,954 Cr-A
DSP Elwood the Brave 422,327 Cr-S
SBM Silvius 347,815 Cr-E
PRT Miles Prower 185,973
SWL Darkfin 142,639
DSP Pellaeon 134,959
SBM Rau Aznabel 121,969
SBL Torres 29,542

Grand Admiral's Report

GA Rapier

31 January, 2017 01:19
25 ABY

Greetings all…


After some rather ugly and public conversations that took place last year during a tense time due to some outside interference I actually agree with a few of the points made.


The primary one being ‘I don’t tell people what I’m up to often enough’… So I thought I would give you some idea from time to time what I and the rest of the EHCS are up to. I am not saying that this will be weekly, but you should hear from me a couple of times a month if for no other reason than to let you know I’m still here.


Today I awarded the Commendations of Loyalty to celebrate the birth of the Emperor’s Hammer 24 years ago.


On the Tie Corps side these went to:

FA Jarek La'an
RA Silvius
GN Dunta Polo
GN Pickled Yoda
COL John T. Clark
COL Plif
MAJ Phoenix Berkana
CPT Ibram Gaunt
CPT Xavier Sienar
CM Bodhan Grayson
CM Michael LeRoy
LCM Dan-Elin
LT Nathan Cole
LT Reyla Setsune

On the EHDB side these went to:


GM Tomaas Montte

DSP Elwood the Brave

DSP Pellaeon

SBM Rau Aznable

SBM Silvius

SBL Anahorn Dempsey


Some of the ranks might be off as some people might have been promoted since I received the recommendation back in mid-December.


Now I know you all don’t see a lot out of the EHCS and honestly that is how I always thought it should be. Each group should be able to govern itself with its own Command Staff and its own personnel. Then for major structure changes, new games, new medals, new uses for old medals, or major story arcs involving the EH territories I would be consulted in order to bring a continuity to the entire EH.


This has mostly worked for the 5+ years I’ve been your Fleet Commander.


But each and every one of you should know that I am always available. I spend at least a small portion of everyday working on the EH. Even if it’s just monitoring the email activity of the groups or reading some conversation on IRC. I am usually always around… except on those occasions when my wife requires my presence in which case it could be a few hours before I get back to you.


What this means is that I do want to hear from you. If you have an idea, a game you’d like to check out, a position you see as empty that you think you can do something with… or even a group you’d like to see reopened I am willing to listen to it all.


But if you come to me please do it directly to me and not to the general population.


This doesn’t mean I’m going to approve everything… I don’t want ideas that aren’t fully thought out, or that you personally are unwilling to see it through to its conclusion.


So please come to me with your ideas and we’ll see about making them happen.


FC/GA Rapier/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
CoS/OV-19E [DRAG] [Trainee] [none] {IWATS-AIM-CBX-IIC/1/2-M/1/2-SM/2-TT}


New Strategic Operations Officer report submitted

Imperial News Network

30 January, 2017 19:15
25 ABY
Fleet Admiral Pellaeon has submitted a new Strategic Operations Officer report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

Gold and Silver Star for former CMDRs

Fleet Admiral Pellaeon

30 January, 2017 16:53
25 ABY
It is a pleasure for me to announce the following merit awards:

For his outstanding tour of duty as CMDR of Delta Squadron for over 1 year and 10 months
General John T. Clark was awarded with the Gold Star of the Empire!
For his exemplary service as former Epsilon CMDR for over 10 months Vice Admiral Miles Prower was awarded with the Silver Star of the Empire!


New ISDII Hammer Commodore report submitted

Imperial News Network

30 January, 2017 13:45
25 ABY
Vice Admiral Miles Prower has submitted a new ISDII Hammer Commodore report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Beta Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

30 January, 2017 03:02
25 ABY
General Coranel Both has submitted a new Beta Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Epsilon Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

30 January, 2017 02:18
25 ABY
Commander Drake Starfire has submitted a new Epsilon Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New ISDII Warrior Commodore report submitted

Imperial News Network

29 January, 2017 14:47
25 ABY
Rear Admiral Len Eode has submitted a new ISDII Warrior Commodore report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Combat Operations Officer report submitted

Imperial News Network

29 January, 2017 10:15
25 ABY
Rear Admiral Silvius has submitted a new Combat Operations Officer report to the database. You can directly access the report here.
28 January, 2017 10:38
25 ABY

Commendations of Loyalty for the Emperor's Hammer's anniversary were handed out:

Commendation of Loyalty

GM Tomaas Montte

DSP Elwood the Brave

DSP Pellaeon

SBL Anahorn Dempsey

SBM Rau Aznabel

SBM Silvius

Congratulations to all awardees and thanks to Grand Admiral Rapier for awarding them!

MAA/DSP Elwood the Brave/DC-3/

MAA report #102

DSP Elwood the Brave

28 January, 2017 10:36
25 ABY

MAA report #102 can be found here



MAA/DSP Elwood the Brave/DC-3/

New TIE Corps Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

28 January, 2017 10:15
25 ABY
High Admiral Elwood the Brave has submitted a new TIE Corps Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Fleet Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

27 January, 2017 19:08
25 ABY
Grand Admiral Rapier has submitted a new Fleet Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

Commendation of Loyalty awarded!

Fleet Admiral Pellaeon

27 January, 2017 13:16
25 ABY
It is a pleasure for me to announce the following members were awarded by the Fleet Comander with the Commendation or Loyalty:

General Jarek La'an
General Pickled Yoda
Rear Admiral Silvius
General John T. Clark
General Dunta Polo
Colonel Plif
Major Phoenix Berkana
Captain Ibram Gaunt
Major Xavier Sienar
Commander Michael LeRoy
Commander Bodhan Grayson
Lieutenant Commander Dan-Elin
Lieutenant Nathan Cole
Lieutenant Reyla Setsune

Congratulations to all awardees!

New Kappa Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

24 January, 2017 08:04
25 ABY
Colonel Plif has submitted a new Kappa Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Strategic Operations Officer report submitted

Imperial News Network

23 January, 2017 19:49
25 ABY
Fleet Admiral Pellaeon has submitted a new Strategic Operations Officer report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Combat Operations Officer report submitted

Imperial News Network

23 January, 2017 08:01
25 ABY
Rear Admiral Silvius has submitted a new Combat Operations Officer report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Beta Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

23 January, 2017 02:56
25 ABY
General Coranel Both has submitted a new Beta Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New ISDII Warrior Commodore report submitted

Imperial News Network

22 January, 2017 16:31
25 ABY
Rear Admiral Len Eode has submitted a new ISDII Warrior Commodore report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Epsilon Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

22 January, 2017 05:09
25 ABY
Commander Drake Starfire has submitted a new Epsilon Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New TIE Corps Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

21 January, 2017 05:49
25 ABY
High Admiral Elwood the Brave has submitted a new TIE Corps Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Sigma Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

21 January, 2017 04:42
25 ABY
Commander Lanil Jast has submitted a new Sigma Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.
20 January, 2017 22:16
25 ABY

For their activity and dedication Captain Spiffy the Chicken and Captain Xavier Sienar were promoted to the rank of Major.
Congratulations to the both of you!

MAA report #101

DSP Elwood the Brave

20 January, 2017 16:16
25 ABY

MAA report #101 can be found here



MAA/DSP Elwood the Brave/DC-3/

New Sin Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

20 January, 2017 13:02
25 ABY
General Jarek La'an has submitted a new Sin Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

Medals of Communication for December

Fleet Admiral Pellaeon

19 January, 2017 17:56
25 ABY
The Medals of Communication for December were awarded. Congratulations to all recipients.

FA Pellaeon, GN Anahorn Dempsey, COL Hawkins, COL Crsepe

MAJ Narven Task, CPT Ibram Gaunt, CM Lanil Jast, GN Pickled Yoda

COL Mark Schueler

CPT Spiffy the Chicken, LC Repulsor

HA Elwood the Brave, RA Silvius, VA Miles Prower, CM Michael LeRoy, CM Frenzy Lekvoda, LCM Jarion Renalds, LCM Milo Antu, COL Rau Aznable, LCM Darke Thoros, COL Talons Pryde, GN Coranel Both, MAJ Phoenix Berkana, COL John T. Clark, MAJ Shado Fenn, LT Mazr Donir, CM Drake Starfire, LCM Hav Antiel, GN Dunta Polo, RA Len Eode, GN Gilbert H. Frown, GN Kaisin Mirtez, GN Jarek La'an, CPT Xavier Sienar, COL Plif, COL Ulrich Drachen, LCM Lucifer Scorpio Romanov, LT Rachel Drakon, CM Bodhan Grayson, CM leocadio, LT Volac Kingang, COL Horus Blackheart

New ISDII Hammer Commodore report submitted

Imperial News Network

19 January, 2017 14:06
25 ABY
Vice Admiral Miles Prower has submitted a new ISDII Hammer Commodore report to the database. You can directly access the report here.
18 January, 2017 19:55
25 ABY

For a great tour of duty as Delta CMDR Colonel John T. Clark was promoted to the prestigious rank of General!
Congratulations, Clark!

New ISDII Warrior Commodore report submitted

Imperial News Network

18 January, 2017 01:52
25 ABY
Rear Admiral Len Eode has submitted a new ISDII Warrior Commodore report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Delta Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

16 January, 2017 19:12
25 ABY
Major Phoenix Berkana has submitted a new Delta Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Combat Operations Officer report submitted

Imperial News Network

16 January, 2017 07:12
25 ABY
Rear Admiral Silvius has submitted a new Combat Operations Officer report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Beta Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

16 January, 2017 02:26
25 ABY
General Coranel Both has submitted a new Beta Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Strategic Operations Officer report submitted

Imperial News Network

15 January, 2017 16:03
25 ABY
Fleet Admiral Pellaeon has submitted a new Strategic Operations Officer report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Epsilon Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

15 January, 2017 02:48
25 ABY
Commander Drake Starfire has submitted a new Epsilon Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

MAA report #100

DSP Elwood the Brave

14 January, 2017 08:00
25 ABY

MAA report #100 can be found here



MAA/DSP Elwood the Brave/DC-3/

Evaluation awards for December

DSP Elwood the Brave

12 January, 2017 12:06
25 ABY

December evaluations are done and the following awards were handed out:

Ruby Scepter

GM Tomaas Montte

Emerald Dagger

SBL Anahorn Dempsey

SW Rau Aznabel

SW Silvius

Saphire Blade

DSP Elwood the Brave

DSM Exar Kit

SW Coanel Both

Steel Cross

NOV Michael LeRoy

Dark Cross

DSM Jarek La'an

NOV Nathan Cole

NOV Dan Elin

In addition to these awards the new Consul of Clan Drakonan, Sith Warrior Silvius was elevated to the rank of Sith Battle Master!

Congratulations to all awardees, all well deserved awards!

MAA/DSP Elwood the Brave/DC-3/

General Dempsey awarded with the GoE!

Fleet Admiral Pellaeon

12 January, 2017 12:00
25 ABY

Over the past years, High Admiral, now General Anahorn Dempsey was one of, if not the most present officer in the Emperor's Hammer and the TIE Corps. Over 2 years as Commodore of the ISD II Hammer, over 2 years as Commander of Delta squadron, uncountable years as TAC. During these years she earned herself the trust of more or less all members of the Emperor's Hammer.

Now, after over 10 years in positions of FLight Leader and above, she decided it was time to slow down and get to a Flight Member spot once again.

For her work as Commodore of the mighty ISD II Hammer over the course of 2 years now, for all the work she has putten into the TIE Corps database and most of all for the work, energy and dedication she spent during the attack on our database, I am proud to give General Anahorn Dempsey the smallest token of gratitude this all might deserve, a Grand Order of the Emperor. May the first time that this award has been handed out for a third time to a single person show how outstanding your work in the past has been, and how much I value your work!

Wear it with pride!

High Admiral Elwood the Brave, TIE Corps Commander

Gold and Bronze Stars

Fleet Admiral Pellaeon

11 January, 2017 21:17
25 ABY
It is a pleasure for me to announce the following merit Awards for Decembers's Evaluation:

For outstanding and continuous gaming activities in the last months High Admiral Elwood the Brave and Rear Admiral Silvius were awarded with the Gold Star of the Empire!
For exemplary gaming activities in December General Anahorn Dempsey was awarded with the Bronze Star of the Empire! Also General Jarek La'an earned a Bronze Star of the Empire for his very short but overwhelming stint as Warrior Commodore.


Star Conflict tutorials: Thar'Ga

GN Anahorn Dempsey

10 January, 2017 16:32
25 ABY
The first of the new class of ships -Ellydium- is now available. Thar'Ga!

Platinum Wings for 2016

Fleet Admiral Pellaeon

08 January, 2017 22:52
25 ABY
It is a pleasure for me to announce the following members were awarded with the prestigious Iron Star with Platinum Wings:

General Anahorn Dempsey for the 1st place in 'Ace of the TIE Corps 2016'.

High Admiral Elwood the Brave for the 1st place in 'MP Ace of the TIE Corps 2016'.

Rear Admiral Silvius for the 1st place in 'Co-Op Ace Ace of the TIE Corps 2016'.

Fleet Admiral Pellaeon for the 1st place in 'TIE Corps on Recon 2016'.

Rear Admiral Silvius for the 1st place in 'TIE Corps Vs. AI 2016'.

Fleet Admiral Elwood the Brave for the 1st place in 'COO's Star Wars Challenge, Episode II'.

Congratulations to all winners! New year, new luck. Start your TIEs!

Elevation to Dark Side Primarch

DSP Elwood the Brave

07 January, 2017 14:06
25 ABY

For his activities over the past years and for his advancement in the control over the Dark Side Dark Side Master Pellaeon,was elevated to the rank of Dark Side Primarch!

MAA report #99

DSP Elwood the Brave

07 January, 2017 14:03
25 ABY

MAA report #99 can be found here



MAA/DSP Elwood the Brave/DC-3/

New TIE Corps Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

07 January, 2017 13:14
25 ABY
High Admiral Elwood the Brave has submitted a new TIE Corps Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New ISDII Warrior Commodore report submitted

Imperial News Network

04 January, 2017 02:28
25 ABY
Rear Admiral Len Eode has submitted a new ISDII Warrior Commodore report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Combat Operations Officer report submitted

Imperial News Network

03 January, 2017 07:51
25 ABY
Rear Admiral Silvius has submitted a new Combat Operations Officer report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Beta Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

02 January, 2017 02:41
25 ABY
General Coranel Both has submitted a new Beta Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Consul assigned

DSP Elwood the Brave

01 January, 2017 21:54
25 ABY

Today, Dark Side Master Pellaeon retired from the position of Consul of Clan Drakonan to a Battle Team Member position within Stingray.
The new Consul of Clan Drakonan is Sith Warrior Silvius, so far Stingray Battle Team Leader.
Congratulations, Sith Warrior Silvius. I am sure you'll do a great job!

MAA/DSP Elwood the Brave/DC-3/

New Delta Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

01 January, 2017 20:00
25 ABY
Major Phoenix Berkana has submitted a new Delta Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.
01 January, 2017 09:49
25 ABY
As mentioned in a couple of mails and my latest report, there were a good number of position changes today. Here the changes as a listing:

HA Anahorn Dempsey Hammer COM -> Delta 1-4
LC Miles Prower Epsilon CMDR -> Hammer COM
CM Drake Starfire Epsilon 3-3 -> Epsilon CMDR
COL John T. Clark Delta CMDR -> Delta 1-2
MAJ Phoenix Berkana Delta 3-1 -> Delta CMDR
FA Jarek La'an Warrior COM -> Sin CMDR
COL Len Eode Sigma CMDR -> Warrior COM

Thanks to all retiring command personal. You've done amazing jobs in your positions!
Congratulation to all new assigned or promoted command personal! I am sure you'll do amazing jobs in your new positions!

High Admiral Elwood the Brave

New Epsilon Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

01 January, 2017 09:20
25 ABY
Lieutenant Colonel Miles Prower has submitted a new Epsilon Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.