For showing constant activity over the past five months and earning a number of Service Medals for his activities, and of course a number of monthly Merit Awards, LT Iam Thinking of Tempest Squadron has been promoted to Lieutenant Commander. |
For showing constant activity over the past five months and earning a number of Service Medals for his activities, and of course a number of monthly Merit Awards, LT Iam Thinking of Tempest Squadron has been promoted to Lieutenant Commander. |
For completing his INPR, SL Cupcake of Eagle Squadron has been promoted to full Lieutenant. Congratulations, LT Cupcake! |
For flying dozens of MP matches in Star Wars Squadrons and earning a sizable count of Legions of Combat, SL SL Gaethje Maia of Eagle Squadron has been promoted to full Lieutenant. |
For his constant dedication and the earning of many Legions of Combat in Star Wars Squadrons Multiplayer, LT Skyhigh of Firebird Squadron has been promoted to Lieutenant Commander. Congratulations, LCM Skyhigh! |
Over the past three months CM EvilGrin of Inferno Squadron has shown dedication and valor in leadership of his Squadron. This included an impressive run of Silver Star of the Empire level activity for each of these months. |
(Rho CMDR Hav Antiel:) Over the last four months, LCM Frenchie6 has become one of the most active members of Rho Squadron He's a regular participant in our weekly MP events, and he plays the role of unofficial host in Squadrons by sending invitations and acting as 'Titan 1' in game. LCM Frenchie6 is helpful, pleasant, and funny on our squadron comms, and shares game updates and strategies. LCM Frenchie6 has met his time-in-rank as a Lieutenant Commander and earned four Merit Awards in that time. |
SIN CMDR Zekk Terrik: LCM Favdaukar has been with Sin for at least as long as I have. During this time he has dealt with the COVID pandemic hitting hard in his home country and a full load of school work, yet he has always been able to find time for Sin when he is able. I cannot express how much I appreciate his efforts. |
Since joining the TIE Corps eight months ago LT Aaron Cremel of Alpha Squadron has shown constant activity. This is now culminating with enough time in position and Merit Medals awarded to be promoted to Lieutenant Commander. |
For earning a first couple of Legions of Combat in Star Wars Squadrons, SL Physics of Lambda Squadron has been promoted to full Lieutenant. Congratulations, LT Physics! |
For flying Star Wars Squadrons multiplayer, X-Wing Alliance and X-Wing vs TIE Fighter Singleplayer missions, and being a constantly active member for several months LT Turel of Firebird Squadron has been promoted to Lieutenant Commander. Congratulations, LCM Turel! |
For earning a first couple of Legions of Combat in Star Wars Squadrons, SL Von Goosington of Epsilon Squadron has been promoted to full Lieutenant. Congratulations, LT Von Goosington! |
For his consistently outstanding service to the Corps, COL Hav Antiel of Rho Squadron has been promoted to General. Congratulations, GN Hav Antiel! |
For earning several Legions of Combat in Star Wars Squadrons, SL Gytheran of Epsilon Squadron has been promoted to full Lieutenant. Congratulations, LT Gytheran! |
For completing his INPR, SL Slade Carroll of Lambda Squadron has been promoted to full Lieutenant. Congratulations, LT Slade Carroll! |
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Please report any other problems or concerns to the Internet Officer at turtlexiv#5752.
LCM Dynamus has been selected for Thunder Squadron's flight leader open position in flight 2. Congratulations and now let the hard work begin. Serve the Emperor above all others!
For completing a first X-Wing Alliance-TC Battle, SL Kypho of Lambda Squadron has been promoted to full Lieutenant. Congratulations, LT Kypho! |
For gaining a first Legion of Combat, SL Hubington of Alpha Squadron has been promoted to full Lieutenant. Congratulations, LT Hubington! |