LCM Promotion in Tempest Squadron

Vice Admiral John T. Clark

31 December, 2020 14:55
28 ABY

For showing constant activity over the past five months and earning a number of Service Medals for his activities, and of course a number of monthly Merit Awards, LT Iam Thinking of Tempest Squadron has been promoted to Lieutenant Commander.
Congratulations, LCM Iam Thinking!

New ISDII Hammer Commodore report submitted

Imperial News Network

31 December, 2020 14:55
28 ABY
Rear Admiral Phoenix Berkana has submitted a new ISDII Hammer Commodore report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Lambda Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

31 December, 2020 00:10
28 ABY
Captain Genie has submitted a new Lambda Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Tempest Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

29 December, 2020 17:11
28 ABY
Colonel Silwar Naiilo has submitted a new Tempest Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Rho Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

29 December, 2020 09:26
28 ABY
General Hav Antiel has submitted a new Rho Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

Begun, the Clone WARDs have

Fleet Admiral Plif

29 December, 2020 05:59
28 ABY
It's been a while since we've talked about getting a new Warden of the Imperial Archives but it's finally time to get one started. Two WARDs, actually, per a suggestion we got from a pair of applicants. They'll be working in tandem and each will hold the title of WARD, the secondary position meant to promote graphics, writing, and related non-flying activity here in the TIE Corps.

Our two WARDs are COL Stryker and CPT Genie. Congratulations and good luck!

Their first assignment is to organize a team of volunteers to create a new logo for the TIE Corps. This new image will appear all over our site, manuals, banners, patches, and potentially even on real world items. This will be a team effort as opposed to a competition with awards to match. If you're interested in contributing, please reach out to COL Stryker and CPT Genie.

New Theta Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

29 December, 2020 01:26
28 ABY
Lieutenant Colonel Pete Mitchell has submitted a new Theta Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Epsilon Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

28 December, 2020 21:45
28 ABY
Commander Bai‘et Decol has submitted a new Epsilon Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Firebird Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

28 December, 2020 17:19
28 ABY
Colonel Stryker has submitted a new Firebird Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Combat Operations Officer report submitted

Imperial News Network

28 December, 2020 16:55
28 ABY
Admiral Miles Prower has submitted a new Combat Operations Officer report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

Consul Report N° 96

SW Earnim Branet

27 December, 2020 22:04
28 ABY


The Consul Report N° 96 can be found here.


CON/SW Earnim Branet/Clan Drakonan/FRG Swift Fury




New ISDII Challenge Commodore report submitted

Imperial News Network

27 December, 2020 16:53
28 ABY
High Admiral Anahorn Dempsey has submitted a new ISDII Challenge Commodore report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Sin Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

27 December, 2020 02:02
28 ABY
Colonel Zekk Terrik has submitted a new Sin Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Eagle Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

26 December, 2020 03:40
28 ABY
Major Talon Jade has submitted a new Eagle Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

DGM report #131

DSP Elwood the Brave

25 December, 2020 10:22
28 ABY



The DGM Report # 131 can be found here.


DGM/DSP Elwood the Brave/DC-2/




Merry Christmas

Admiral Turtle Jerrar

24 December, 2020 18:57
28 ABY
On behalf of the Emperor's Hammer, have a Merry Christmas and wonderful holiday season!

New TIE Corps Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

23 December, 2020 07:33
28 ABY
Fleet Admiral Plif has submitted a new TIE Corps Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

Captain Promotion in Inferno Squadron

Vice Admiral John T. Clark

22 December, 2020 14:20
28 ABY

Over the past three months CM EvilGrin of Inferno Squadron has shown dedication and valor in leadership of his Squadron. This included an impressive run of Silver Star of the Empire level activity for each of these months.

Congratulations, CPT EvilGrin!

CM Promotion in Rho Squadron

Vice Admiral John T. Clark

22 December, 2020 14:17
28 ABY

(Rho CMDR Hav Antiel:) Over the last four months, LCM Frenchie6 has become one of the most active members of Rho Squadron He's a regular participant in our weekly MP events, and he plays the role of unofficial host in Squadrons by sending invitations and acting as 'Titan 1' in game. LCM Frenchie6 is helpful, pleasant, and funny on our squadron comms, and shares game updates and strategies. LCM Frenchie6 has met his time-in-rank as a Lieutenant Commander and earned four Merit Awards in that time.

Congratulations, CM Frenchie6!

CM Promotion in Sin Squadron

Vice Admiral John T. Clark

22 December, 2020 14:14
28 ABY

SIN CMDR Zekk Terrik: LCM Favdaukar has been with Sin for at least as long as I have. During this time he has dealt with the COVID pandemic hitting hard in his home country and a full load of school work, yet he has always been able to find time for Sin when he is able. I cannot express how much I appreciate his efforts.

Congratulations, CM Favdaukar!

New Tempest Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

22 December, 2020 13:40
28 ABY
Colonel Silwar Naiilo has submitted a new Tempest Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Lambda Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

22 December, 2020 01:49
28 ABY
Captain Genie has submitted a new Lambda Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Thunder Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

21 December, 2020 15:04
28 ABY
Major Tygra Shadowclaw has submitted a new Thunder Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Thunder Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

21 December, 2020 15:01
28 ABY
Major Tygra Shadowclaw has submitted a new Thunder Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

LCM Promotion in Firebird Squadron

Vice Admiral John T. Clark

21 December, 2020 11:17
28 ABY

For flying Star Wars Squadrons multiplayer, X-Wing Alliance and X-Wing vs TIE Fighter Singleplayer missions, and being a constantly active member for several months LT Turel of Firebird Squadron has been promoted to Lieutenant Commander. Congratulations, LCM Turel!

New Sin Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

21 December, 2020 07:04
28 ABY
Colonel Zekk Terrik has submitted a new Sin Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

Consul Report N° 95

SW Earnim Branet

21 December, 2020 01:26
28 ABY


The Consul Report N° 95 can be found here.


CON/SW Earnim Branet/Clan Drakonan/FRG Swift Fury




New ISDII Challenge Commodore report submitted

Imperial News Network

20 December, 2020 14:44
28 ABY
High Admiral Anahorn Dempsey has submitted a new ISDII Challenge Commodore report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Beta Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

19 December, 2020 20:50
28 ABY
Colonel Doyon has submitted a new Beta Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

Eagle Squadron formed on the ISDII Challenge

Fleet Admiral Plif

19 December, 2020 19:54
28 ABY
With continued interest in the infiltration objective where Rebel fighters are flown in the service of the Emperor's Hammer, Eagle Squadron is taking to the skies as part of Wing X aboard the ISDII Challenge.

Eagle is commanded by MAJ Talon Jade, who'll be leading LT Ryan Hawkins, COL Horus Blackheart, and COL Tomax Drachen who reappeared recently and is coming back on active duty.

Good luck on your new assignments!

New Firebird Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

19 December, 2020 18:50
28 ABY
Colonel Stryker has submitted a new Firebird Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

SW Squadrons: Clout Cup #1 - 1v1 Open

Admiral Turtle Jerrar

19 December, 2020 15:31
28 ABY
Streamer HuntedCast has organized the first SW Squadrons: Clout Cup #1 - 1v1 Open Tournament. The event starts on Sunday, December 20th at 12:00PM EST (18:00 CET) and is open to all SWS pilots. Check-in starts 30 minutes before the event start time.

Let's see if we can get some good Emperor's Hammer representation! Players of all skill level are welcome.

Please see the official tournament page on Challonge, and the Clout Cup Discord for more information. The signup link is at

DGm report #130

DSP Elwood the Brave

18 December, 2020 14:15
28 ABY



The DGM Report # 130 can be found here.


DGM/DSP Elwood the Brave/DC-2/




New Lambda Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

17 December, 2020 04:00
28 ABY
Captain Genie has submitted a new Lambda Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New ISDII Hammer Commodore report submitted

Imperial News Network

16 December, 2020 15:05
28 ABY
Rear Admiral Phoenix Berkana has submitted a new ISDII Hammer Commodore report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Communications Officer report submitted

Imperial News Network

15 December, 2020 23:14
28 ABY
Fleet Admiral Jarek La’an has submitted a new Communications Officer report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Rho Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

15 December, 2020 07:57
28 ABY
Colonel Hav Antiel has submitted a new Rho Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Epsilon Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

15 December, 2020 04:36
28 ABY
Commander Bai‘et Decol has submitted a new Epsilon Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

Consul Report N° 94

SW Earnim Branet

13 December, 2020 22:11
28 ABY


The Consul Report N° 94 can be found here.


CON/SW Earnim Branet/Clan Drakonan/FRG Swift Fury




New ISDII Challenge Commodore report submitted

Imperial News Network

13 December, 2020 08:14
28 ABY
High Admiral Anahorn Dempsey has submitted a new ISDII Challenge Commodore report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Sin Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

13 December, 2020 01:32
28 ABY
Colonel Zekk Terrik has submitted a new Sin Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Beta Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

12 December, 2020 17:42
28 ABY
Colonel Doyon has submitted a new Beta Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Firebird Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

12 December, 2020 15:57
28 ABY
Colonel Stryker has submitted a new Firebird Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

Star Wars: Squadrons 4.0 Update!

Admiral Turtle Jerrar

12 December, 2020 15:34
28 ABY
The Star Wars: Squadrons 4.0 update is live. Custom matches and new starfighters (TIE Defender and B-Wing) have been deployed!

DGM report #129

DSP Elwood the Brave

12 December, 2020 07:34
28 ABY



The DGM Report # 129 can be found here.


DGM/DSP Elwood the Brave/DC-2/




Discord Update

Admiral Turtle Jerrar

10 December, 2020 18:39
28 ABY

We are currently converting the way permissions work on the Discord server. If you connect to the server and find that you no longer have access to the normal collection of member channels, please check #member-role-assignment.

Please report any other problems or concerns to the Internet Officer at turtlexiv#5752.

New Epsilon Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

09 December, 2020 22:20
28 ABY
Commander Bai‘et Decol has submitted a new Epsilon Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

Consul Report N° 93

SW Earnim Branet

08 December, 2020 23:46
28 ABY


The Consul Report N° 93 can be found here.


CON/SW Earnim Branet/Clan Drakonan/FRG Swift Fury




New Lambda Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

08 December, 2020 20:32
28 ABY
Captain Genie has submitted a new Lambda Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New ISDII Hammer Commodore report submitted

Imperial News Network

08 December, 2020 13:53
28 ABY
Rear Admiral Phoenix Berkana has submitted a new ISDII Hammer Commodore report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New TIE Corps Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

08 December, 2020 09:57
28 ABY
Fleet Admiral Plif has submitted a new TIE Corps Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Rho Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

08 December, 2020 04:20
28 ABY
Colonel Hav Antiel has submitted a new Rho Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Tempest Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

08 December, 2020 03:09
28 ABY
Colonel Silwar Naiilo has submitted a new Tempest Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Kappa Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

08 December, 2020 01:15
28 ABY
Captain Sparky has submitted a new Kappa Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

LCM Dynamus selected for Flight leader position!

Major Tygra Shadowclaw

07 December, 2020 15:45
28 ABY

LCM Dynamus has been selected for Thunder Squadron's flight leader open position in flight 2. Congratulations and now let the hard work begin. Serve the Emperor above all others!

New Thunder Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

07 December, 2020 00:03
28 ABY
Major Tygra Shadowclaw has submitted a new Thunder Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New ISDII Challenge Commodore report submitted

Imperial News Network

06 December, 2020 18:40
28 ABY
High Admiral Anahorn Dempsey has submitted a new ISDII Challenge Commodore report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Combat Operations Officer report submitted

Imperial News Network

05 December, 2020 22:41
28 ABY
Admiral Miles Prower has submitted a new Combat Operations Officer report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Sin Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

05 December, 2020 19:30
28 ABY
Colonel Zekk Terrik has submitted a new Sin Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Beta Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

05 December, 2020 18:44
28 ABY
Colonel Doyon has submitted a new Beta Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Firebird Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

05 December, 2020 18:05
28 ABY
Colonel Stryker has submitted a new Firebird Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

DGM report #128

DSP Elwood the Brave

04 December, 2020 20:15
28 ABY



The DGM Report # 128 can be found here.


DGM/DSP Elwood the Brave/DC-2/




New Wing X Wing Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

02 December, 2020 17:03
28 ABY
Lieutenant Colonel Denys Elara has submitted a new Wing X Wing Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

The TIE Pilot Podcast #6

Colonel Zekk Terrik

01 December, 2020 04:26
28 ABY
CM Jack Wynand, LCM Frenchie6, and CM Bai'et Decol are proud to present The TIE Pilot Podcast, episode 6, which can be found here! I wasn't able to make this episode due to time constraints, but Jack was good enough to take over for me. In this episode they discussed Star Wars Squadrons first impressions, strategy, and tactics! Stay tuned for Episode 7, featuring an interview about the early history of the EH with SA Maverick!

New Combat Operations Officer report submitted

Imperial News Network

01 December, 2020 04:22
28 ABY
Admiral Miles Prower has submitted a new Combat Operations Officer report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Alpha Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

01 December, 2020 02:25
28 ABY
Lieutenant Colonel Alejandro Araujo has submitted a new Alpha Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Epsilon Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

01 December, 2020 01:25
28 ABY
Commander Bai‘et Decol has submitted a new Epsilon Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.

New Tempest Squadron Commander report submitted

Imperial News Network

01 December, 2020 01:17
28 ABY
Colonel Silwar Naiilo has submitted a new Tempest Squadron Commander report to the database. You can directly access the report here.