Good news, everyone!
The TIE Fighter Total Conversion team have released v1.3 of their amazing mod for X-Wing Alliance. They have a news post and download available at Mod DB as well as a brand new website -
I was able to successfully do an upgrade from a 1.2 install, but you can also do a clean install if you prefer. If you do upgrade, pay close attention to the instructions - you revert to XWAU with the Palpatine Total Converter, then install 1.3 and then apply the reimagined conversion.
This has some implications for our battle center support of their campaign content.
1.3 is now our officially supported version of TFTC.
You may keep using any existing pilot files, but you should update to the new version immediately.
1.3 has added an additional mission to the prologue battle, which means TFTC CMP #0 is now 5 missions long.
If you have an existing pilot file, it will appear as your next mission (even if you've finished the last battle) and you can BSF it again.