Welcome to this years TIE Corps Exercise: Squadron (Re)Mobilization!
Commencing at 00:01 UTC on May 1st!
As per todays TCCOM report -
Starting from its first run in 2019, (Re)Mob was designed to get each squadron together to complete tasks as a team in a way that was similar in scale to Raise the Flag but not as much of a firehose of activity...
Squadron (Re)Mobilization is a competition that pits our squadrons, largely against themselves and rewards squadrons for working together as a team. Over the course of the next month each squadron will try and complete as many of the tasks on the list as possible, each task having been broken into four equal chunks to assist them in completing the tasks they wish to complete.
The tasks cover many of the different activities that the TIE Corps has to offer, from completing Single Player battles from our Battle Compendium, to flying both against and with each other in PvP or PvE combat. We also have tasks around fiction writing, completing Imperial University Courses and wiki editing alongside creating the outline of a battle which was a big hit last year!
- For full details on the tasks please refer to the competition outline here
- The online scoreboard can be found here
Additional background information can be found in todays Warfare Officer Report.