Reviewer Rating Profile

Fleet Admiral Pickled Yoda (#9555)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3
Number of Battle Reviews: 113
Reviewed: 2022-06-18
Reviewed: 2022-06-18
This mission provides a decent challenge after a slow start, but I wish for a pox on anyone who has 'abort' conditions for a fighter group where they will go home at 50% hull damage or similar. There is nothing more infuriating than desperately trying to catch up to some lone fighter that's been nibbled away at by your useless wingmen, firing at maximum range, possibly landing a hit just as it turns into an invincible ship once it starts the hyperspace animation... and missing out on a goal. At least it was just some bonus points this time.
Reviewed: 2022-06-17
Reviewed: 2022-06-17
There's nothing wrong with silly little missions about saving Christmas or whatever , but you need to make it worthwhile. Miniature combat, no challenge, no charm to the story... it's just a waste. n.b. I am pretty sure that TAC updates changed goals and made the existing HS unobtainable. It will be eventually cleaned up.
Reviewed: 2022-06-15
Reviewed: 2022-06-15
I felt this one was actually pretty good at setting up a chaotic battle scene, which is all you need for 5-10 minutes of entertainment. I have no idea who these Divine Wind people are, or why they're so mad at the Emperor's Hammer... but they can take their flatulence elsewhere
Reviewed: 2022-06-15
Reviewed: 2022-06-15
This free was clearly started by copying the classic B1M1 , but with all the ships upgraded to something else to pretend like it wasn't. Having enemy TIE defenders did add a soupçon of challenge to the mission, which is why it gets a decent rating.
I flew for remob trying to set a modest score over 60% and accidentally set a new HS - but don't worry, it's very beatable. Hint: you should kill a bunch of the stuff after you inspect it.
Reviewed: 2022-06-15
Reviewed: 2022-06-15
The only thing in this mission that's of even slight interest is at the meta-level - it's the easiest mission to get close to the high score for almost no effort in the entire battle center. Having the only opposition be 3 MUTR is dumb, having an SSD with fighter orders is dumb, spawning everything so close together is dumb... I actually had to fly this 3 times (accidentally flew on medium, then had my BSF rejected as being identical to the last time I flew it because there's so little variation in how it plays out) and was still done within 3 minutes.
Reviewed: 2022-06-15
Reviewed: 2022-06-15
A pretty average example of a TIE free that doesn't come within a parsec of being challenging, even on hard. It's a good choice if you're trying to get close to an existing high score because you can send all allies home. I took rockets because I like to scrap corvettes with one pair, but advanced torpedoes would be an excellent choice to dust the Y-Wings fractionally faster.
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
This wasn't fun and apart from that it has no concept of difficulty levels at all. The way that the AI are set up, I do not believe it's completeable on anything other than easy... which is ridiculous. On easy it's a turkey-shoot, but a frustrating one with double shielded, chaff and missile toting enemies. On medium - let alone hard - your allies are obliterated so quickly they might as well not exist.
Reviewed: 2021-10-24
Reviewed: 2021-10-24
I really liked this battle, it is a refreshing change to mostly fly an unshielded TIE Interceptor. None of the missions drag on too long and most of them can be lost if you don't pay attention. Bonus points for it being of my vintage - I grew up on the Grey Wolf and the names are all familiar.
Reviewed: 2021-10-10
Reviewed: 2021-10-10
This is not a good premise for a battle, since it involves attacking the EH. It's from a known clone profile of an expelled member. Really, it shouldnt have been approved. The battle itself is simple and undistinguished. One only for the completionists. It exists, and yet I wish it did not.
Reviewed: 2021-04-04
Reviewed: 2021-04-04
The docking times are unforgivable.
Reviewed: 2021-04-04
Reviewed: 2021-04-04
Spam review: basically trash. Not a impressively constructed mission at the best of times, as a spam endeavour it is ruined by silly inspection goals and long gaps between having to do anything.
Reviewed: 2021-04-04
Reviewed: 2021-04-04
Spam review: not good. You have no allies to do all the work for you, time acceleration does nothing, you can't just kill a capship and call it a day, you have to dogfight and kill about 15 enemy fighters. Take missiles and use your tractor beam.
Reviewed: 2021-04-04
Reviewed: 2021-04-04
Spam review: Kill a single platform. You're done in a minute. Delightful. Clearly this is some sort of Star Trek reference... remember the good old days when we just teased that Wars was better than Trek instead of whether the Wars were themeselves good, bad or ugly? I digress. This is good for spam and not quite as awful as the rating implies... but it's not great either.
Reviewed: 2021-04-04
Reviewed: 2021-04-04
Spam fly review: who knows what this is about. Upon arrival, there's a friendly INT. Aha, we think. It must be pulling things out of hyperspace for me to kill. I hope they are not too staggered. Indeed, they are not. After 3 or 4 minutes, there are two frigates and some freighters to kill. Enough rockets applied quickly to the problem areas will prevent pesky fighters from launching. Great success.
Reviewed: 2021-04-04
Reviewed: 2021-04-04
A poorly executed attempt at a standard ISD vs CRS skirmish. The ship options don't make a ton of sense and there's little effort put into the briefing, description and dialogue. While some attempt has clearly been made to accommodate difficulty levels, the balance is not there and several FGs on easy just fly home.
Reviewed: 2021-04-03
I remember playing the X-Wing original mission many times because I was about five years old and this was the easiest one to do. It's nice to get the imperial side, and there's impressive effort involved. Some minor issues bring it down slightly... but this is a fine bit of work.
Reviewed: 2021-04-03
Reviewed: 2021-04-03
I'm a fan of Gilad but for missions like this to really work there needs to be a lot of character and whimsy in the dialogue and story... and there really wasn't enough. Add to that the problematic nature of the MIS in XWA and it just ends up a bit lacklustre.
Reviewed: 2021-04-03
Reviewed: 2021-04-03
An X-Wing squadron hypers in to some kind of imperial facility and then are killed. There's not a lot to this mission. On easy it's too easy because you have 3 squadrons of TIEs with you. On hard it's possibly too hard because you can end up head to head with 12 X/W in an unshielded ship with the durability of tissue paper.
Reviewed: 2021-04-03
It's a solid scenario and I find that despite the somewhat formulaic approach to the content there's a lot to be commended in Ender's attempt to create missions covering every unit in the fleet and providing little bits of historical information along with it. We've lost a lot over the years, it's nice that things live on in unusual places.
Reviewed: 2021-04-03
Reviewed: 2021-04-03
I've always found the Tiss and Mike story and battles to be really creepy. The first person perspective is jarring and unrelatable. It smacks terribly of white knight attitudes and the power balance of the fictional relationship is disturbing, to say the least. Anyway, this mission does provide a quick completion but adequate challenge on hard so this rating is overly harsh... but really, just ick.
Reviewed: 2021-04-03
Reviewed: 2021-04-03
It's fun to see funny looking platforms in XWA when the creator makes use of the craft limit, though this was on the simple end of that. Straightforward mission , fun enough and not too long. No issues to complain about, but not quite enough to endorse with absolute enthusiasm.
Reviewed: 2021-04-03
Reviewed: 2021-04-03
It's functional but far too easy, since you've got tons of competent allies and are not being attacked by a large force. Add to that some typos and unsophisticated design and there's really not that much to recommend. Good for spammers because this is so very short.
Reviewed: 2021-04-03
Reviewed: 2021-04-03
A simple free mission where you kill a bunch of pirates who have apparently stolen some of our medals. The interesting thing for me was all the in-jokes and references that I'm sure were very relevant 20 years ago.. but everyone mentioned is long gone and it just leaves me feeling vaguely wistful and nostalgic about the TC history. I lost points for killing the SHU because it had Ramos on it. That wouldn't have needed any explanation at the time, but I have no idea who Ramos was. The wheel of time turns and ages come and pass...
Reviewed: 2021-04-02
Reviewed: 2021-04-02
This is a pretty simple and quick free mission but on hard you're required to move very efficiently to protect the Phoenix. Its a good level of challenge despite the smallish scale of engagement and I had to fly a few times to succeed.
Reviewed: 2021-04-02
Reviewed: 2021-04-02
Well I regret to report that was basically joyless. You fly a VSD and it is SO SLOW you have options for strategy you just drift slowly towards the combat and then ask your turrets to do work. I am not sure how to make a cap ship mission interesting but this is not it.

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