Reviewer Rating Profile

Rear Admiral fr0Zen (#55977)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.5
Number of Battle Reviews: 6
Reviewed: 2024-03-04
Reviewed: 2024-03-04
Sit for 4 minutes, and get assaulted by a large formation of A-wings with missiles while you're still trying to get your shields up from a very very silly repair mechanic at the beginning.

This is zero fun. I'd give it a 0 if I could make it far enough to be sure if there were bugs or not.
Reviewed: 2023-06-26
Reviewed: 2023-06-26
The cargo ferry has to dock before it can be disabled but the mission primary goals that say the ferry must be boarded would make you think that you should disable it right away. Nope. It first has to dock with the identified freighter, and then you disable it. But when you do, an unshielded tug comes along in the crossfire of several a-wings and x-wings. Just a couple stray lasers hitting that tug and your mission is a failure.
Reviewed: 2022-07-12
Reviewed: 2022-07-12
B-wings and X-wings made a nice change of fighter pace. I didn't get any cues about potential bonus "secret" objectives over the course of finishing this one.

If you wanna take out a CRL yeah its out there just hanging around and you could toss lasers and ions at it in hit and runs and get mad points. Or just kill the ATRs and fighters and go have lunch after 10 minutes.

5/5 for actually letting me dock at a frigate while the ISDs said "no no no".
Reviewed: 2022-07-11
Reviewed: 2022-07-11
Good on the creator for making me have to set aside the plethora of juicy y-wings - or else the mission ships to destroy will start to hyper out and you fail.

Felt like I was trying to take down a Zeppelin with a pea-shooter with how long it takes to kill the ESC. Definitely ion the bugger - it taunts you that its not gonna fire at all, but then starts shooting when shields get low. 5/5 especially for making me have to hyper home and use all the powers of the Tie Defender - since the ISD that appears is like "No no, this ain't your ship. No docking for you."
Reviewed: 2022-07-11
Reviewed: 2022-07-11
OMG! A mashup! Deep Space 9 was always my favorite in the Star Trek Universe, so it was super nice to visit.

It was also very painful to have to blow up the wormhole aliens, the station, its ejected warp core, and three more transports full of trekkies. 5/5 for playing with my emotions. Take space bombs for the platform, and you'll want to ion everything in sight after that.
Reviewed: 2022-07-09
Reviewed: 2022-07-09
If I had fired 9 of the 12 advanced torpedoes in my Tie Defender's ordinance right as I came out of the hangar like "zoom zoom little blue bunnies" then sure, I could beat this in like a minute?

I could also have had more fun shooting down the MUTR shields with the Defender's ions and then it takes just 1 torp to nuke the buggers. 5/5 cuz why not. It's cute and quick if you need a thrill with 5 minutes to load it up and play.

Showing all 6 records