Reviewer Rating Profile

Major Dae Cam (#5642)

Reviewer Average Rating: 4.5
Number of Battle Reviews: 4
Reviewed: 2002-05-25
Reviewed: 2002-05-25
Excellent battle, one of the best I've flown in a long time. The plotline was very novel, making the battle quite enjoyable. Further, I really liked how it demonstrated that small unshielded craft in swarms, and flown by killed pilots can be extremely deadly. Finally, hitting all those small targets really seemed to help my aim in MP :)
Reviewed: 2001-03-02
Reviewed: 2001-03-02
An excellent battle. The well though out plot makes the missions far more interesting and enjoyable than the standard deep strike/heavy assault scenario which this would otherwise be. Also, I must say that it enlightened me as to the incredible value of the jamming beam.
Reviewed: 2000-12-19
Reviewed: 2000-12-19
An excellent battle. The plotline was well thought out, a nice change from blasting rebels or hunting pirates. Furthermore, I found that the battles, while quite challenging, were quite exciting and the odds in a few had me on the edge of my seat.
Reviewed: 2000-12-15
Reviewed: 2000-12-15
While I did experience some interface problems with this battle, I must say that it was the most inventive, and thematically most interesting battle that I've fought.

Showing all 4 records