Reviewer Rating Profile

Lieutenant Aegnor Sindar (#8421)

Reviewer Average Rating: 4.5
Number of Battle Reviews: 2
Reviewed: 2002-01-23
Reviewed: 2002-01-23
I don't know what everyone is complaining about. This battle does have a couple challenging dogfights, but the Defender came through for me. It had a few minor AI glitches but other than that, it was pretty good. Try it and come to your own conclusions.
Reviewed: 2002-01-22
Reviewed: 2002-01-22
HEHEHEH, remind menever to agree to play anything involving tugs again. I've never seen so many tugs at once! Classic battle that was hilarious as well as fun(if you like tugs). If you don't, then you'd best avoid this battle if you wish to retain your sanity.

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