Reviewer Rating Profile

Colonel Drak (#8916)

Reviewer Average Rating: 4
Number of Battle Reviews: 9
Reviewed: 2004-08-31
Reviewed: 2004-08-31
yeah yeah now this is how a convoy mission should be, hardly any waiting, fun & enjoyable with plenty of stuff to keep ya busy. This is also shinobi's first mission, looking forward to more
Reviewed: 2003-06-14
Reviewed: 2003-06-14
Some of these missions i actually had fun yay :) Mission 4 was annoying when it would announce mission complete then fail a split second later, took many retries to finally do it & i hate that, in the end i just flew it on easy killed all the GUns & misison complete, wouldve liked to have been able to do it on hard though :/ Mission 2 has a FRT that hypers out 30 secs into the misison, theres no chance of IDing it (though not required to complete the mission id like to inspect it :P) Overall despite the annoyances its a good battle but the errors are too frustrating otherwise id have given it more.
Reviewed: 2002-08-15
Reviewed: 2002-08-15
Liked this one the Preybird mission was fun on hard (well i liked it when i finished it :P) and the final battle was great :)
Reviewed: 2002-07-09
Reviewed: 2002-07-09
Ewok Hunting is 1 of my hobbies so i liked it, shame about the T/D's but who needs wingmen!
Reviewed: 2002-07-09
Loved this battle especially mission 2 where i flew between a crossfire with a ISD & a Mon Cal twice! hehe idiot ships were supposed to be hitting me.
Reviewed: 2002-06-14
Reviewed: 2002-06-14
Great story, enjoyed this battle from start to finish wnt more!!!!!
Reviewed: 2002-05-20
Reviewed: 2002-05-20
Fun,Fun,Fun. Want more!!
Reviewed: 2002-05-14
Reviewed: 2002-05-14
It was enjoyable but the only let down is it was too easy. Great for a quick 4 FCHG points
Reviewed: 2002-05-12
A great mission totally enjoyed it

Showing all 9 records