Reviewer Rating Profile

Lieutenant Colonel Savageaz (#9981)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.6
Number of Battle Reviews: 8
Reviewed: 2005-11-02
I refuse to fly this battle until the last missION (Hint Hint!) is amended...till then, looks like i have a hole in my combat profile...
Reviewed: 2004-11-28
ARG!!! thats all i can say, in the last 2 missions, u have to clear out the laser turrets....make sure u have half a day spare to fly this one, you have to do well over 250 turrets per mission!!!!
Reviewed: 2004-11-02
Reviewed: 2004-11-02
Gerald doesn't have much of a life....seems to revolve around a Hobbit :D Otherwise good mission, not too hard, not too easy
Reviewed: 2004-10-27
Reviewed: 2004-10-27
HERE!!!! happy now?!?!..i posted!! Oh, and Drak, it crashes because u don't have EHSP did that to me too :D
Reviewed: 2003-06-01
Reviewed: 2003-06-01
MUST you ppl have mommy hold your hands ALL the time?? :D use your heads, you may find you will actually get somewhere oneday :D Az
Reviewed: 2003-02-12
Reviewed: 2003-02-12
Great mission Frey, apart from the bug *see below* otherwise a great mission.
Reviewed: 2003-01-26
Reviewed: 2003-01-26
Im Speechless, i truly am, this is one awesome CAB, i recommend it to everyone and anyone!
Reviewed: 2002-12-05
Reviewed: 2002-12-05
awesome battle!, keep up the good work, many more like this one is needed, its probably the only battle i can play more then once and not be bored with it...

Showing all 8 records