Systems: Phare (S-PH)

The Phare System was taken from an opposing Imperial faction by the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet. Its resources and abundant native populations made it an ideal system for the fleet to exploit and control. Use the Encyclopedia Imperia to learn more before taking the exam.

Review the course notes (linked below) in detail to become confident with the course material. When you are ready, access the Systems: Phare Exam to begin testing.

Questions regarding this course should be directed to its assigned Professor, AD Sylas Pitt.

Course Administrative Data
Course Exam: Systems: Phare Exam
Course Category: Systems
Related Qualifications: This course is part of the following Qualification: Certificate in Spatial Geography (Alpha)
Proponent Academy: None (Imperial University)
Status: Active
Assigned Professor: AD Sylas Pitt
Passing Score: 75%
Automated Scoring: No
Number of Graduates: 15