The Crest of House Valkorion

Competition ID #: 7817
Status: Finished
Submitted by: INQ Khaz Bibble
Competition dates: 2024-07-22 - 2024-08-12
Subgroup: Secret Order
Units involved: House Valkorion

Greeting All,

As of the Announcement from Darth Surgo, a new House is being formed, that of House Valkorion. As Part of this we are again looking to you within this newly established house to lay the path of your creativity with the creation and formation of your House Crest.
To try and cut down on the length of this transmission, the Dark Council is again asking for your help in the design and creation of the House Valkorion Crest. As with the previous competition we are asking that applications pay close attention to how Heraldry and Crests were designed in the past, while making your own, utilising these sources.
Along with these sources, we will be providing you with a basic Shield base, that you can utilise to aid your work. However do not let this limit your creativity; expansions, filigree, mottos or extra can be added at your own discretion, as well as symbology relating to the universe in which we exist.

With your application, we will also be asking for a short written summary of why you have chosen specific elements on your crest design, and the way it relates to House Valkorion, helping to mould what it stands for.
We look forward to receiving your entries, and seeing how you choose to approach this task.

Each winning entrant may earn up to a Crescent with Diamond star, depending on how many entries we receive.
An individual may submit multiple entries, but only one award may be earned.

These Images do not have to be High fidelity works, sketches are welcome also, as these will be taken and refined into the final piece. Submit entries through email or by Discord in the #herald-inbox.

Competition awards:

CR-1D on down. If fewer than seven entries, awards will be filled from the bottom up, starting with CR-1Q for the lowest-placing entry.

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
Cr-T COL Mordred For coming in First Place, in "The Crest of House Valkorion" Competition. 2024-08-14
Cr-Q CPT TI-40026 For coming in Second Place, in "The Crest of House Valkorion" Competition. 2024-08-14