XWA-F 121: House Caliburnus: Convoy

Battle Information

Game platform: X-Wing Alliance
Missions: 1
Release date: 2005-06-17
Last updated: 2005-06-17

AD Gidda

Average rating 3.9
Reviews: 7
Bug reports: 0
Times completed: 37
Patches used: None

Battle Reviews

Fun FREE from Gidda.
Well built and a great story. Fun flying the T/E2.
Fly it, you wont be disappointed

I enjoyed this battle. Any excuse to fly the Experimental Mk. II! Highly recommend

Played for TIE Golf, fun to try and get the lowest score, but I gave up after 5 tries being one ship away from a perfect minimum score and just used the first run.

A perfectly fine mission with a different craft for a fun change of pace. Be careful not to get disabled!

An enjoyable free mission which was well designed and had no bugs that I could see from my first play-through - good dog-fighting with wing-men which actually helped out - a good entry level mission for XWA.

Good mission, I have a -500 bonus and I dont have find a explain or reason for that; not reinforcement request or something other.Only maybe I have assigned to my wingman a target but that is a not a reason for a -500 bonus.

This is a decent FXWA from Gidda featuring the Sith House of CSP setting a trap for pirates;p.

Battle Bug Reports

There are currently no open bug reports for this battle.

High Scores

Mission: 10,356 LC Rando 2017-10-06

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 10,356 LC Rando 2017-10-06
2 9,164 COL Rau Aznable 2009-05-21
3 5,721 FA Pickled Yoda 2015-05-23
4 4,250 COL Gyssler 2018-12-14
5 2,662 GN Elwood the Brave 2018-12-14
6 2,177 CPT Jagged Fell III 2023-11-16
7 1,810 GN Triji Boliv 2023-11-17
8 1,162 CPT Nova Discordia 2023-06-22
9 1,100 GN Master 2023-11-21
10 816 COL Phalk Sturm 2021-11-13

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 33 pilots a total of 36 times.

				House Caliburnus: Convoy

Game Platform: X-Wing Alliance
Author: COM-TCT-TCS/VA Gidda/ISD Intrepid

These missions were created for a competition that never took place and should have involved the Sith ORder of the Dark Brotherhood and the Hammer's Fist.

**Installation Instructions**

1) Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle.

2) Check the ..\XWingAlliance\MISC folder in your XWA and move the following files (create a backup of the original files)
fronttxt.txt -> ..\XWingAlliance
squad5.cbm -> ..\XWingAlliance\FRONTRES\TOUR

3) In EHBL click on "Game" -> "XWA Options" -> "Pilot Options" and create a new pilot with the "Prepare for EH Battle" option checked.

4) Press the X-Wing Alliance button to start XWA and fly the mission.


COM-TCT-TCS/VA Gidda/ISD Intrepid - #3978
CON/DA Gidda/Scholae Palatinae - #7

- ehgidda@tiscalinet.it -