XWA-F 138: Cadet's Day Out

Battle Information

Game platform: X-Wing Alliance
Missions: 1
Release date: 2007-02-20
Last updated: 2012-11-03

COL Dirty Vader

Average rating 3.3
Reviews: 6
Bug reports: 0
Times completed: 32
Patches used: None

Golden Spoon 2008: best XWA free mission of 2007

Designed as a sequel to XWA-free 9: Supply Transfer, XWA-free 30: Capture the M/FRG
, XWA-free 72: Deception, XWA-free 74: Final Strike

Battle Reviews

I think it's pretty great! Up to you whether to send the cadets home (probably should...), and then it's just a matter of holding out until the calvary arrive (all Rebels need to be cleared before the mission will end though). But a fun mission with a few different objectives to make things interesting

Above average in both story and combat, but not stellar in either.

Fun mission - as previous reviews have stated, take out the Xwings as quickly as possible, then help out where needed :)

Just the kind of experience I would expect from an ace like Dirty Vader. Great work.

This free missions has a nice mix of dogfighting & humor in it's briefings. Be careful with the cadet T/F's because if you don't vape the first flight of X-wings they will kill the cadets causing mission failure.

Its a good enough mission on its own, but its complete lack of plotline introducing the mission kills it for me. While im sure the other two free`s introduce this one, thats no excuse for complete lack of buildup. For Shame!

Battle Bug Reports

There are currently no open bug reports for this battle.

High Scores

Mission: 13,479 CM Vanguard88 2023-09-29

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 13,479 CM Vanguard88 2023-09-29
2 13,040 HA Anahorn Dempsey 2015-03-16
3 11,650 COL Rau Aznable 2009-05-19
4 9,961 FA Pickled Yoda 2015-03-21
5 9,621 HA Anahorn Dempsey 2013-06-09
6 6,109 COL Phalk Sturm 2021-11-21
7 6,061 VA Locke Setzer 2024-06-02
8 5,026 CM Nova Discordia 2023-06-29
9 4,352 COL Gyssler 2019-01-15
10 4,064 CPT Jagged Fell III 2024-02-11

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 27 pilots a total of 31 times.

GN Abel Malik

HA Anahorn Dempsey - 3 times, last on 2015-03-16

COL Angel

LT Blake Greyhawke

COL Dark Angel

CM DarkSith_99 - 2019-01-18

GN Elwood the Brave - 2 times, last on 2019-01-16

COL Gyssler - 2019-01-15

MAJ Hermann - 2020-08-09

FA Howlader - 2010-02-17

CPT Jagged Fell III - 2024-02-11

MAJ Keiran Laserlight

VA Locke Setzer - 2024-06-02

Title: Cadets' Day Out
Missions: 1 
Medal: N/A
Game Platform: X-Wing Alliance
Author: CMDR/LC Dirty Vader/Inferno/Wing X/ISD Challenge (11301)

This battle has been designed as a sequel to XWA-FREEs 9, 30, (Deception), and (Final Strike). I recommend you fly those missions before flying this FREE.

Installation Instructions:

1] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle.
2] Check the Misc folder in your XWA for additional material like patches, emails or sounds. 
3] In EHBL, create a new "EH Pilot" in the Game Menu (Check "Prepare for EH Battle").
4] Press the X-Wing Alliance button to start XWA and fly the battle.