XvT-F 229: A New Home

Battle Information

Game platform: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
Missions: 1
Release date: 2010-03-07
Last updated: 2010-03-07
Average rating 3.8
Reviews: 4
Bug reports: 1
Times completed: 24
Patches used: None
Download Wav pack

Battle Reviews

It has stakes, it plays fast, but keeps things fair while you're in a T/I. Loved it!

Another solid mission from Dempsey. In this opportunity player, flies unshielded and no warhead T/I, and has to wipe out enemy defense fighters while distracting cannon fire from the platform's gunners, so CRV can land and capture the station. Overall, short and fast paced, but far from easy. Worth a try, but for a hard earnt point this time.

It took me a few attemts to get a grip on what's going on and when in this mission, despite it being quite a short one. It's not an easy one. There's plenty of things you have to do right not to get the friendly corvette get blown up in the process. It's pretty solid design too. I did encounter the same problem, however, as is reported in bug section. Hammerhead 4 dies right after mission starts, crashing against the Frigate on hard difficulty. It's a good choice to fly this one!

Just a simple platform capture operation. Think you can dogfight Z-95s and intercept Y-Wings in an unshielded TIE Interceptor, while close to a platform that's constantly shooting at you? Prove it by flying this mission.

Battle Bug Reports

COL Rau Aznable


On Hard, T/I Hammerhead 4 crashes/dies when the mission starts.

High Scores

Mission: 40,150 CM Vanguard88 2023-10-07

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 40,150 CM Vanguard88 2023-10-07
2 35,677 COL Rau Aznable 2016-06-08
3 33,670 LCM Marek Ny`Irfa 2020-11-11
4 32,107 FA Pickled Yoda 2015-05-14
5 30,585 COL Rau Aznable 2011-04-14
6 27,655 HA Anahorn Dempsey 2010-03-08
7 23,932 HA Anahorn Dempsey 2014-06-21
8 23,816 FA Pickled Yoda 2014-06-01
9 22,309 SA Havok 2010-03-31
10 22,309 SA Havok 2010-03-31

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 17 pilots a total of 24 times.

HA Anahorn Dempsey - 3 times, last on 2014-06-21

GN Dax Corrin - 2016-06-23

GN Dunta Polo - 2013-09-20

GN Elwood the Brave - 2020-04-14

MAJ Gustan - 2020-04-16

SA Havok - 2 times, last on 2010-03-31

MAJ Hermann - 2020-11-13

MAJ Jedgar - 2 times, last on 2020-11-14

VA Locke Setzer - 2023-06-27

LCM Marek Ny`Irfa - 2 times, last on 2020-11-12

COL Phalk Sturm - 2021-10-22

FA Pickled Yoda - 2 times, last on 2015-05-14

COL Rau Aznable - 2 times, last on 2016-06-08

GN Silwar Naiilo - 2020-11-11

AD Stryker - 2020-11-14

CM Vanguard88 - 2023-10-07

MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana - 2022-10-13

Title               : A New Home
Author              : TAC-PROF/FA Anahorn Dempsey/CS-6/VSD Sinister (#12519)
		      DUX-PONT/SW Anahorn Dempsey/Cethin (#8057)
Platform            : X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
Number of missions  : 1
Medal               : The Keys to Furtim Station

Required patches

Installation instructions
1] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle
2] Check the Misc folder in your XvT one for additional material like patches, sounds etc.
3] Install the custom audio files according to the instruction in the wav package
4] Press the X-wing vs TIE Fighter button on the EHBL to start the game
5] Create a new pilot and fly the Imperial training missions

After the Dark Council decided to close down the Clans and Houses of the Brotherhood, new units were formed,
Hetaeriae. Soon, each Hetaeria set out to find itself a place to call their own. Using their trusty Corvette
the Leviathan, Cethin - the Hetaeria of assassins - developed a plan to take a space platform as their own...

See 'A New Home.doc' by DJK Jaorrus Morraus
