Reviewer Rating Profile

Major KEBLAOMEGA (#56172)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.1
Number of Battle Reviews: 94
Reviewed: 2022-07-06
Reviewed: 2022-07-06
Very short, straightforward mission. You basically just have to disable a craft after inspecting it then shoot down just a very small number of starfighters. Even on hard difficulty it wasn't that difficult and took only a few minutes to beat. There were no bugs. It was fine - just not overly original or anything.
Reviewed: 2022-07-04
Reviewed: 2022-07-04
This was a solid free mission. No bugs. No major surprises but it was fun to protect the boarding craft from mixed craft pirates. Not too difficult, even on hard difficulty, and easy to get a good score, and although it was lacking originality I enjoyed playing through it.
Reviewed: 2022-07-03
Reviewed: 2022-07-03
This was a fun one, but tough to get a high score. Figuring out which order and when to focus on the two groups of bombers and the two frigates was a fun challenge on Hard difficulty. And then the A-wings come to target you. Whew. Good multitasking, fun mission.
Reviewed: 2022-07-03
Reviewed: 2022-07-03
This was a very straightforward missile boat mission. Kill some fighters, kill a cap ship. It was not particularly interesting but was not bad. There were no bugs and overall I had fun as it was short and to the point. But nothing special.
Reviewed: 2022-06-30
Reviewed: 2022-06-30
Solid free mission. Nothing too crazy - take out some X-wings and Y-wings prioritizing defending your ship. But then when the Y-wings are gone, some A-wings come to focus on your and things get a bit tougher. I would have rated this a 4 but the 5 minutes of waiting around with nothing happening at the beginning of the mission lowered the score, and the frigate you have to kill at the end just sits there doing nothing.
Reviewed: 2022-06-30
Reviewed: 2022-06-30
This was a fun mission. It felt like it could have been a mission in the original tie fighter campaign. You in an unshielded TIE taking out tons of X-wings and a couple corvettes. Not too tough even on hard if you're careful, but of course one wrong move and you're dead. Also this was a very quick mission.
Reviewed: 2022-06-30
Reviewed: 2022-06-30
This one was pretty fun. Some quick dogfighting in a defender and then you have to disable a factory for capture (likely mostly by yourself if you're playing on hard) before your transport gets in to capture it. It was a pretty quick mission to complete with a good score on hard difficulty.
Reviewed: 2022-06-30
Reviewed: 2022-06-30
Interesting mission. It was entertaining. You are in a TIE interceptor modified to have a tractor beam and advanced missiles, intercepting a shuttle and some fighters. It was pretty easy to get a good score on hard difficulty and was a pretty quick mission as well.
Reviewed: 2022-06-30
Reviewed: 2022-06-30
Fun mission that has you dogfighting with a ton of X-wings in a vanilla TIE interceptor. It can get a little hairy on hard difficulty but it was a good kind of challenge and I enjoyed it.
Reviewed: 2022-06-30
Reviewed: 2022-06-30
This was a fun one. A little tough on hard difficulty but very fun. It has you mostly dogfighting in a vanilla, unshielded tie interceptor against a series of rebel craft of various types. You have to protect your cap ship but i get the sense it was not in real danger. The real danger is surviving and getting enough kills to get a good score. I enjoyed it.
Reviewed: 2022-06-29
Reviewed: 2022-06-29
This was a quick but fun one. It seemed to be referencing something but I am not sure what, so maybe it was funny but i have no idea about the plot. The mission itself was quick and not too tough, but fun overall and without any bugs that i could detect.
Reviewed: 2022-06-29
Reviewed: 2022-06-29
Fun mission, silly premise but entertaining. This mission has you taking out a few smaller craft then a platform, likely solo if your wingmates died immediately like mine did. But you are easily equipped to finish the job by yourself if you're careful. This was a quick but solid free mission.
Reviewed: 2022-06-28
Reviewed: 2022-06-28
Excellent free mission. This was fast paced fun, with immediate plunge into the action, defending your capital ship from assault by numerous squadrons of fighters and two corvettes. Trying to prioritize targets to keep it alive and trying to maximize points was a lot of fun - difficult but manageable. Try this one out.
Reviewed: 2022-06-25
Reviewed: 2022-06-25
It was a simple but interest mission. A 1 on 1 dogfight (with a very funny premise). I like the concept, as it brings me back to the original Wing Commander game when you would fight some of the enemy Aces when they would show up in missions. In execution it's okay, but it's against a tough AI defender, so it takes a bit of time. Good luck beating it on Hard, where your ships is quite out-classed.
Reviewed: 2022-06-25
Reviewed: 2022-06-25
This was another oddball mission. It's incredibly short. You literally just spawn in and kill two muurian transports with your torpedoes. If you don't kill them, they die anyway so it's basically impossible to lose. There's nothing else to say about it really.
Reviewed: 2022-06-25
Reviewed: 2022-06-25
This is definitely an oddball mission. You are in an unshielded tie fighter and have to take down a star destroyer. It's either impossible, or takes forever depending on how many wingmates will spawn in, or quick and silly if you know the star destroyer warhead launcher gap trick. It was fun and a quick way to get a good score on hard, but not really what you think of when you think of a good mission.
Reviewed: 2022-06-23
Reviewed: 2022-06-23
Good mission overall. It was pretty quick - take out two flight groups of enemy starfighters, then three cap ships. Not too difficult even on hard, so easy to get a good score. The only tedious part is taking out the modified frigate at the end using only lasers and useless wingmates. Despite that, still a fun mission overall.
Reviewed: 2022-06-22
Reviewed: 2022-06-22
If you like clearing mines, then you will love this mission. If you hate them, then just skip it. It's nothing but mine clearing. I happen to like clearing mines. It's relaxing and it nurtures my soul to shoot all kinds of mines. So, i liked it.
Reviewed: 2022-06-21
Reviewed: 2022-06-21
This was a fun mission. Nothing too original - protect a few cargo ferries while they dock with two interdictors, from Y-wings and R-41's chasing you. But the action kicks in right away and doesn't stop until all the enemy craft are gone. It's a challenge to beat the fighters fast enough to take out the dreadnaught which is the secondary objective. It was a fun challenge on Hard difficulty.
Reviewed: 2022-06-21
Reviewed: 2022-06-21
Not a bad free mission overall. You have to dogfight with X-wings and A-wings while both protecting a single shuttle and also surviving. My only gripe is you can get unlucky with one wave happening to kill your shuttle very quickly and have to start over. You need to split targets well with your wingmates to keep them busy so that they don't insta-kill your mission critical craft. Once you get the hang of it, it's fun and a very quick mission.
Reviewed: 2022-06-21
Reviewed: 2022-06-21
This was a simple but very fun free mission. 4 out of 5 just because it was so simple, but it was fun - fast paced dogfighting with various rebel craft at once, protecting your capital ship and your new wingmen while trying to take every kill for yourself for a good score. It was a very quick one but very fun.
Reviewed: 2022-06-19
Reviewed: 2022-06-19
The story was a bit silly without the appropriate context but the mission itself was well-designed. Protect your convoy craft from assault transports and Y-wings while A-wings are also after you and your teammates. Your teammates quickly die on hard difficulty so be ready to prioritize targets as you keep yourself alive. It was challenging but fun.
Reviewed: 2022-06-17
Reviewed: 2022-06-17
This mission was incredibly annoying. Step one: kill a corvette that is trying to kill you specifically when you're in an unshielded tie. Since it's focusing on you, it just constantly turns towards you so there is no way to safely get behind it. You just have to keep running away and taking pot shots. Then you have to kill a dozen z95 and xwings in your unshielded tie. Very annoying on hard, as if they focus you you have nowhere to run and will die quickly. The whole thing is at least quick, but it was not fun.
Reviewed: 2022-01-11
Reviewed: 2022-01-11
I enjoyed this one quite a bit! The plot was great even though I hadn't read the book on which it's based. And the missions were very well balanced and fun.
Reviewed: 2022-01-10
Reviewed: 2022-01-10
I have to be honest. After reading the other reviews, I didn't even try to complete the latter missions fairly - I switched to easy with cheats on. Even still they were annoying. Unless you're going for completion, skip this one.

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