Reviewer Rating Profile

Major KEBLAOMEGA (#56172)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.1
Number of Battle Reviews: 94
Reviewed: 2021-11-22
Reviewed: 2021-11-22
An average battle. It was nice to fly some classic imperial starfighters for a change, but the entire plot was that it was a training competition, and the missions were pretty uncomplicated. Not bad, but not particularly memorable.
Reviewed: 2021-11-22
Overall good: cool large-scale battles that fit well with the pretty interesting plot, but the missions were a little too much. They seemed a bit excessive to complete without cheats.
Reviewed: 2021-11-21
You can tell a lot of work went into this one. There is a good plot that is well explained to you in the briefings/debriefings, good mission type and craft variety, and not many bugs. Would have given it a 5 except for the one mission where you sit there watching a shuttle fly 12 km, dock, then fly back while nothing else is going on.
Reviewed: 2021-11-19
Reviewed: 2021-11-19
I liked the plot, and the missions were interesting in the layout. However, I repeatedly got strange bugs - in mission 3, the ship that my squadron was supposed to disable kept being destroyed by my squadron instead. The only way i could finish it was with unlimited warheads and ion torps. In another, it wouldn't let me fire lasers saying my s-foils were closed (in a ship with no s-foils). If not for these it would have been a solid 4/5 score.
Reviewed: 2021-11-18
Reviewed: 2021-11-18
Four missions in which you fly a stock-model TIE Fighter. The missions are about as simple as the TIE. Not terrible, but not particularly interesting. Very quick in any case.
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
Not the best battle. I had to restart a couple missions a few times due to bugs, or to losing objectives that were not clear what it was i was doing wrong. There were some good ideas here, just executed poorly. Also, lots of waiting for ships to dock, etc. Overall, skip unless you're trying to complete them all.
Reviewed: 2021-10-29
Reviewed: 2021-10-29
A so-so battle. I felt the terrible reviews were a little too harsh. There were some good ideas with the plot and mission objectives, but overall it ended up being unremarkable. It was a very fast battle at least.
Reviewed: 2021-10-29
Reviewed: 2021-10-29
Excellent battle. Very detailed story that you can tell had a lot of effort put into it. The choice of craft and mission objectives fit the story nicely, and overall it reminded me of some of the early wing commander games. Very fun, though not a quick one.
Reviewed: 2021-10-25
Reviewed: 2021-10-25
This one was great! Played through on hard without cheats and the difficulty was perfect. Had to keep reassessing the field and prioritizing targets to complete all objectives simultaneously. The missions were fun and the plot was interesting, so solid all around.
Reviewed: 2021-10-22
Reviewed: 2021-10-22
Very fun battle overall. Large scale battles in several of the missions were very fun to see. Looked almost like the battle of endor with separate fights going off in the distance. Only small issue for me was that there were so many friendlies that it was hard not to shoot my own wingmates. Overall, very fun though.
Reviewed: 2021-10-21
Reviewed: 2021-10-21
Another fun battle. Kept it simple, flying in a TIE int with mission objectives primarily dogfighting while protecting boarding craft, with some other objectives sprinkled in. No bugs for me, and I enjoyed the plot.
Reviewed: 2021-10-20
Reviewed: 2021-10-20
Another fun one. Reasonably good plotline kept it interesting. Good mix of dogfighting, protecting cap ships, and protecting your assault ships. Pretty fast battle too. Glad I got to fly my baby, the TIE interceptor, for a change as well.
Reviewed: 2021-10-20
Reviewed: 2021-10-20
I liked this battle overall. The plot was interesting enough and led to good player-ship variety and mission objective variety as well. My only issue is the last couple missions were just a bit too long, but overall the battle wasn't super long.
Reviewed: 2021-10-17
Reviewed: 2021-10-17
Overall, this was a very fun battle. It had a plot, there were really fun dogfights and I really loved the variety of crafts. The first few missions were all pretty much the same objective, but the enemy variety kept it interesting. The only downside of the battle was that the final mission (waiting for like 10 ships to be disabled and captured) was way too long sitting around doing nothing.
Reviewed: 2021-10-16
Reviewed: 2021-10-16
Fun battle. Nice plot, and good variety of mission types. The use of different ship classes for different factions was appreciated and made it more immersive. Missions 3 and 4 were the highlight. Also it was a very quick battle, in case you're looking for RtF points.
Reviewed: 2021-10-15
Reviewed: 2021-10-15
UPDATED: This is a minimalist battle, for sure. Other than flying a mix of imperial and rebel craft, nothing really stands out about it. I think every mission was the same - destroy the enemy capship before they destroy yours. By the second mission, I was tired of it. There's really no plot. At least it's short if you just hammer the primary mission objectives to get it over with.
Reviewed: 2021-10-15
Reviewed: 2021-10-15
UPDATED: This was a fun one. Nice plot, good mix of enemy ships, and good variety of mission types. Fun dogfights and fun cap ship assaults. Missions were reasonable length and entire battle took probably 30 min or so.
Reviewed: 2021-10-13
Reviewed: 2021-10-13
UPDATED: Overall a good battle. The story was fine and about on par with the battles from the base game. The missions were fun, challenging but not too bad. Definitely glad I had another game ready for the 30+ minute waiting period at the end of mission 4 as other reviews had hinted to. If it weren't for that wasted 30 minutes of waiting, could have been a higher rating.
Reviewed: 2021-10-10
Reviewed: 2021-10-10
Overall an average battle. Missions were short and straightforward, with a small variety of objectives. No serious problems with the missions, other than maybe being a little too simple. Total time was probably less than half an hour to finish it, with the majority of that time spent whittling down the health of the cruiser on the final mission.

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