Reviewer Rating Profile

Major Mairin Astoris (#1190)

Reviewer Average Rating: 2.9
Number of Battle Reviews: 9
Reviewed: 2002-04-17
Reviewed: 2002-04-17
Enjoyed this a lot - well worth flying... And why aren't there morrrrrrrrrrrre???? Somebody make more DB XvT battles dagnabbit! :P
Reviewed: 2002-04-17
Reviewed: 2002-04-17
Excellent, and very enjoyable. :)
Reviewed: 2002-04-17
Hrm... I didn't like this that much. I found the storyline a bit wishy-washy (why capture the guy and not just wipe him off the face of the galaxy for example), and it had a tendency to use non-challenging craft versus dead easy craft (e.g. T/A versus A-Wings and the like). Not the best battle in the world, but I suppose not the worst either. Would have been better if I hadn't had to refly the capture mission a couple of times due to friendly craft killing the critical craft. :P
Reviewed: 2002-04-17
This was pretty good - I had fun with it anyway; storyline was a bit run of the mill, but we can't all be brilliant at that kind of thing. ;)
Reviewed: 2002-04-17
Reviewed: 2002-04-17
Mmmmmmm, I love the smell of T-Wing in the morning... especially when trying to disable a Conveyor. Nice. :P Just a few tips for mission 2 on this one - get rid of the shuttles first or they'll have you for dinner. Then, disable conveyor number TWO, then conveyor number one, otherwise 2 crashes into 1 from behind (great planning guys, I mean really). Try not to inspect them till the last minute cause when you've done that you'll get T-Wings coming at you from all sides. Just a note - the capturing craft WON'T turn up till you've got rid of the T-Wings (says she who disabled them and sat waiting for five minutes doing nothing till she realised she had to blow them up. :P ). There's far too much waiting in this battle. I hate waiting, especially in XvT. Waiting bad!
Reviewed: 2002-04-17
Reviewed: 2002-04-17
This was... uh... how to put this nicely... crap? This is a good example why most of the IW battles are missing from the mission compendium. Don't even bother flying this - it's horrid, boring, and really very BAD. If you don't like flying Y-Wings and X-Wings this certainly isnt the battle for you.
Reviewed: 2002-04-15
Reviewed: 2002-04-15
This battle ruled! It had it all, what can I say? It even had Palpatine voices! And it's my first mission high scores too. :P Fly, fly, fly!
Reviewed: 2001-12-17
I'm giving this a 2 because it had no bugs, it wasn't too hard to complete, and the use of CORTs was nice and original. I'm not an experienced mission builder myself, but I appreciate how much work goes into making the things and how hard it is, so well done to Beef on that score. :) On quite another score... I didn't find much humour in the mission, and having flown it some 7 times for a higher score, I began to get quite peeved with it. It was mildly interesting the first time, but it doesn't have much longevity. But I hate Free missions on principle anyway ;)
Reviewed: 2001-01-13
Reviewed: 2001-01-13
Sometimes this seemed a little pointless. You got these great missions like running off to kill a whole load of rebels and all you had to do was sit there for 2 minutes and watch them hyper out. :P The mine field mission rocked, I have to say, tho, and it was quite amusing in places. Probably not one that I'd fly twice, but a good laugh the first time round. :P

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