Reviewer Rating Profile

Captain Three Winged Turkey (#12029)

Reviewer Average Rating: 4.3
Number of Battle Reviews: 8
Reviewed: 2005-10-18
Reviewed: 2005-10-18
Its a good battle with a interesting storyline,The cap-ships didnt seem to take an active part in the missions, which is probably the only bad point i can think of. Although some missions are slow to start, while some jump straight into it and then have a gap in the middle, which i found annoying. Still a great battle though, when things get interesting, i spent a while dogfighting on the last mission getting quite a few points, and then the command ship died so i had to start again, but its a great battle which i would recommend to anyone who likes their battle to have an interesting storyline, not just missions.
Reviewed: 2005-08-12
Reviewed: 2005-08-12
a good challenging mission. Although its a bit short.
Reviewed: 2005-07-31
Reviewed: 2005-07-31
good mission fairly easy though
Reviewed: 2005-07-31
good mission lots of fun
Reviewed: 2005-07-31
brilliant battle, great story although some missions are a bit long
Reviewed: 2005-07-31
Reviewed: 2005-07-31
funny battle quite easy though
Reviewed: 2005-07-31
Reviewed: 2005-07-31
Brilliant battle, the tugs are a bit of a pain to kill though. the ast tug is one of the greatest ships i have ever flown
Reviewed: 2005-07-17
Reviewed: 2005-07-17
great set of missions,all playable and interesting nothing dull ever happens. the only problems i can think of are that on the first mission the shuttles are too close together and this makes them harder to defend and the 3rd mission its a bit hard to protect yourself and the ATRs.

Showing all 8 records