Reviewer Rating Profile

Colonel Chei-Ras (#1780)

Reviewer Average Rating: 4
Number of Battle Reviews: 5
Reviewed: 2000-11-07
A rather hard mission with fighting X/Ws and assault transports at the same time ... but the plotline can be understood only by Wing II pilots probably.
Reviewed: 2000-07-22
Reviewed: 2000-07-22
A good battle, but I'd give it a 3 becouse it was way too boring to destroy endless waves of opponents.
Reviewed: 2000-07-15
Reviewed: 2000-07-15
A very good battle and absolute must to fly. Good balance between number of enemies and difficulty and its fun to fly with the full squadron (not taking into consideration the fact they steal some kills ;P)
Reviewed: 2000-06-22
A well designed battle ... Difficulty level is great. It's hard enough to keep you concentrated all the time. And er ... 6th mission where Old Man Hogan dies as a bonus goal could be nice ;P
Reviewed: 2000-03-30
Reviewed: 2000-03-30
Nice Battle. A balanced dogfight. However mission 4 freezes in the beggining ...

Showing all 5 records