Reviewer Rating Profile

Lieutenant Commander Ryan Hawkins (#55800)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.5
Number of Battle Reviews: 4
Reviewed: 2020-07-19
This mission made me enjoy the missile boat more. As a kid I really hated the missile boat as I wanted to zip around in the cooler looking TIEs and showboat in dogfights. However, this mission, which contains a good mix of inspection, dogfighting, and capital ship attack really shows off the multi-role capability of the missile boat, the star of the show. I definitely recommend this mission and it really sold me on how cool the missile boat can be, along with my growing older and realizing the importance and versatility of a heavy assault/attack craft rather than a youthful obsession with fighters (except for the Y-Wing which I have always loved and always will).

Some of the challenge will definitely come with inspecting containers before your eager squadmates blow them up so keep on your toes and don't let your squadmates steal your glory. I played on normal and easy and found the challenge level overall fair with the usual frustrations that come with dogfighting TIEs in a missile boat.
Reviewed: 2020-07-05
Reviewed: 2020-07-05

The Infiltrator Wing rides again! This battle is everything an Infiltrator Wing battle should be. A great storyline involving false flag and destabilization options working to the advantage of the Emperor's Hammer. There is a variety of missions fro capturing starfighters to an assault on a base assembled creatively using containers and mines, to a fantastic dogfighting, capital ship, knock down drag out space battle. This is my favorite battle I've played in the EH and I heartily recommend it, especially to my fellow Y-Wing fans.
Reviewed: 2020-07-04
Reviewed: 2020-07-04
I didn't like this one and finally decided to switch cheats (unlimited ammo and invuln) on because I just wasn't having a lot of fun. It just made little in universe sense and largely seemed to be a pain more than anything.

So in a lot of the missions you're in a B-Wing. I get it, it's a fan favorite of a ship and can do a lot of cool things. But the B-wing does present difficulties, some of which are beyond the control of the mission creator. 1.) the B-wing's laser cannons don't actually go where your crosshairs point. The B-wing in game fires blasters in a triangular pattern which makes them go basically at everything but what one is aiming at. The ion cannons go straight and therefore it is often a viable strategy to dogfight with the ion cannons. This goes in to 2.) It is hard to dogfight fighters like A-Wings in a B-wing.

In our first mission where we are defending a platform against attack from fighters including A-Wings we are sent out in a B-Wing. This means we get to putter around while the A-wings put on an air show and make us look stupid. It is unclear why in universe we are being sent out in B-wings in what appears to be an interceptor role. In the final mission, where we are going to attack a convoy, a perfect mission for a durable bomber type... we're in an A-Wing with Heavy Rockets. Which besides being unfun mechanically doesn't seem to make in-universe sense. There are some good ideas here but different ships would have improved it.
Reviewed: 2020-07-04
Reviewed: 2020-07-04
I personally really enjoyed this one. A good variety of my favorite Rebel craft to fly and the scenarios are tough but fair. In the final mission the Z-95s come in hot and aggressive on the vulnerable transports and time is extremely tight to stop them so at times it seemed a little frustrating and unfair, especially to a first time player. I prefer in mission design philosophy that even if it is your first time through you should not feel blindsided and that you should not have to predict the future or learn from a previous failure of the mission. War is not fair of course and bad luck, etc. will ruin even well laid plans but for mission and game design challenges should seem fair and repeating a mission for a somewhat unfair situation can be frustrating. That said, once I mastered what the mission wanted me to master there was some fun, excellent dogfighting. The Infiltrator Wing rides again!

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