Reviewer Rating Profile

Captain Cupcake (#55938)

Reviewer Average Rating: 4.5
Number of Battle Reviews: 6
Reviewed: 2021-11-15
Reviewed: 2021-11-15
I'd recommend flying it with the caveat that it might not be for everyone. This one was different but in a good way. For what it's worth, my victory took about 45 minutes--on Easy--but maybe you'll beat it faster. It was my second attempt, and I did not open the mission in an editor. It's a YT-2000 mission. You're either up for it or you aren't. It does a good job of giving you opportunities to practice your skills with gun turret craft. A few tips--spoilers?--for the earlier parts of the mission: 1) the goals say 'board' but it really means 'dock,' as in Shift + D, not Shift + B, and 2) there are a few stations with very similar names, but 'o' will tell you the one you need. Figuring that out was not very fun, but I'm not going to fault the mission for it.
Reviewed: 2021-11-15
I ended up really liking this one after a few frustrating attempts on Hard and Medium. I'd definitely suggest trying to beat it on Easy first, and once you know the general plan, try it on harder difficulties. This one would be a good candidate for a 1-month competition: very possible to win in a reasonable amount of time on Easy, plus a lot of room to shoot for a high score. This one will test your multi-tasking and situational awareness skills. The hints after a failed mission were very helpful.
Reviewed: 2021-11-14
Reviewed: 2021-11-14
Playable / not broken, understandable primary objectives, and beatable in a reasonable amount of time: that's why I give this one a 4. If you want a quick and easy mission then it's good, and if you want a challenge going for a high score then it's also good. I would recommend playing it, but I'm close to rating it a 3, but suggestions for improvements are minor compared to the overall mission, and some things I didn't like could be seen as strengths. There was a high difficulty spike when it comes to bonus points. Allowing many load out options is a hint, but a little too subtle on first play through. Having opened the mission in the editor, bonus points were not very intuitive, though, if you play it out without the editor, then you'd probably still get them. Things that could improve it: brining wingmen to bonus area, messages / briefing with more hints, and the option to reload. Going for the high score does not seem very fun to me.
Reviewed: 2021-08-28
Reviewed: 2021-08-28
This one is worth playing; fun and plenty of room to be more challenging on hard for more advanced players. 100% do-able on medium. For reference, I was able to beat it on medium in about 12 minutes.

As others said, it's a good blow-stuff-up mission. You get a few options for how you want to load out your T/D, so you can try out different strategies in a single mission. The briefing is fairly representative without going into too much detail and spoiling surprises. If you want to fly a mission with a briefing that tells you what you have to do in detail, this one might not be for you.

On hard it is quite a challenge, even when giving yourself all the advantages with your load out. I can't say that I've completely figured it out. It's a good opportunity to practice using wingman orders. It can get pretty hectic in the middle, so it also gives you the opportunity to practice prioritizing what is important vs. what is directly in front of you.

One thing that could be improved, if you want to see it as a 'bug' rather than a 'feature,' is behavior at the end when going for a high score, at least on hard. ... POTENTIAL SPOILERS AHEAD ... On one play through, after about 20 minutes, while I was trying to mop up ... some unfortunate things happened, which was a little annoying. That said, it was kind of my fault because I was playing around, trying to get the high score, instead of following orders.

If you are starting to learn XWA mission creation, this would be a good example to play around with in a mission editor. It's a good example that shows how various things are set up.

Overall, well designed, fun, and not a huge commitment if you want to just knock out a mission.
Reviewed: 2021-07-03
Reviewed: 2021-07-03
4 just because I couldn't beat the version on the 'hard' setting, so I don't have a strong opinion either way. Still, I'd recommend this one. It's a bit different, kind of two different missions in one, as explained in the briefing. I tried the hard version 5-10 times, but never felt like I got anywhere close. On 'easy,' I was able to beat it in about seven minutes, so a positive thing is that it's not a huge time commitment.
Reviewed: 2021-07-02
Reviewed: 2021-07-02
As a free battle, this is a strong recommend. I played on medium, with no changes to load out. 100% possible to beat and go for some bonus objectives with those settings. Decent replay value if you want to go for high score. I don't mind the lack of detail in the briefing, sometimes it's nice to get surprised.

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