Reviewer Rating Profile

Lieutenant Commander Hera Storm (#56517)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.6
Number of Battle Reviews: 13
Reviewed: 2024-09-07
Reviewed: 2024-09-07
I enjoyed this one - although it was a long mission with lots of enemy ships to take out (about 70 craft!) - looking at the reviews, I think next time I play this one I'll just take out the cruiser for a quicker game, it was good practice and good fun as well!
Reviewed: 2024-07-27
Reviewed: 2024-07-27
This was great! I left the cap ships to be destroyed, which happened easily and just got into the dog-fighting, which was great fun :)
Reviewed: 2024-07-27
Reviewed: 2024-07-27
I really enjoyed these series of missions - each one had clear goals and there was plenty for you do, without long wait times, which was also really good :)
Reviewed: 2024-07-23
Reviewed: 2024-07-23
This was a cool mission! I really loved seeing the SSD floating about, it looked really impressive - and the primary goals completed in under 2 minutes on the 'Easy' setting - certainly a good mission for training etc.
Reviewed: 2024-07-23
Reviewed: 2024-07-23
I found this to be a fun and easy mission, with a good story behind it which was nice to see on a 'FREE' mission. Will certainly play again!
Reviewed: 2024-07-23
Reviewed: 2024-07-23
This was a good mission, which was nice to see redone from the classic mission - so because I new that so well, it was easy to complete!
Reviewed: 2024-07-23
Reviewed: 2024-07-23
I found the other reviews really helpful in completing this one - with the heavy rockets - not a fan really of @star trek' so those references didn't really work for me. A good mission however.
Reviewed: 2024-07-23
Reviewed: 2024-07-23
It was a very good storyline, and the missions were complex to understand sometimes and took several attempts - I enjoyed it, but found it sometimes quite hard even on the easy setting. Glad I played through it through - its recommended.
Reviewed: 2024-03-15
Reviewed: 2024-03-15
Very enjoyable mission, and very easy (at least for my first play through on medium) - will play again to explore this mission more soon :)
Reviewed: 2024-03-14
Reviewed: 2024-03-14
That was fun! I played on medium and it was really easy to complete. Good starting mission I think for new or returning players :)
Reviewed: 2024-03-14
Reviewed: 2024-03-14
Really enjoyed this mission - reading the reviews really helped, so I concentrated on the B-Wings, and was able to complete on my first fly through!
Reviewed: 2023-03-18
Reviewed: 2023-03-18
Wow! Enjoyed this group of missions - Mission 4 is really hard though, took be about five goes as you really need to shoot down the bad guys quickly or you get a mission fail!
Reviewed: 2023-03-17
Reviewed: 2023-03-17
I really enjoyed this mission - it was great to play XvT - and this was my first combat mission for the TC as well!

Showing all 13 records