Reviewer Rating Profile

Lieutenant Colonel Gen Es'mith (#589)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.4
Number of Battle Reviews: 69
Reviewed: 2008-05-17
I agree with the previous rating. This mission is terrible with once again the standard too little to fight off too much without any chance for assistance.
Reviewed: 2008-03-15
Reviewed: 2008-03-15
It's a good dogfight, some of the defenders are quite good, but even a moderately skilled pilot like myself can get through this mission!! Good job!!
Reviewed: 2008-02-23
Reviewed: 2008-02-23
There was a bit of a wait, but it was quite enjoyable to protect the ISD from assault with Wingmen who actually did what they were told.
Reviewed: 2008-02-19
Reviewed: 2008-02-19
A fast, furious well placed honor to some of our fallen. Thank you.
Reviewed: 2008-02-19
Reviewed: 2008-02-19
fast and furious
Reviewed: 2008-02-13
Reviewed: 2008-02-13
UGH! Possibly the worst of the Birthday missions/battles that I've flown.
Reviewed: 2008-02-11
Reviewed: 2008-02-11
First two missions were quite good...the next four...Too LITTLE for our side, too much in paltry waves for the enemy....why use one or two TD when even a single MB is more appropriate?
Reviewed: 2008-01-26
While the opponents are fairly easy to kill, your allies take out you and your wingmen. There is tooooo much of a wait for the final arrivals after completing the player goals.
Reviewed: 2007-07-29
Although it is very difficult to wield, the TIE Dragon does indeed make up for suffering with the TIE Bomber. I enjoyed this battle immensely..basically the Swansong of the TIE Bomber.
Reviewed: 2007-07-15
Reviewed: 2007-07-15
When an old fossil like me can complete an entire battle on hard, it's a very good battle. When the story line is also good, it makes it a great battle. Great Job!!!!!
Reviewed: 2006-08-08
This battle should be removed until the last mission is fixed. Either that or it should be burned at the stake... or taken out and shot. Mission was retarded until the last mission then it became totally stupid.
Reviewed: 2006-08-07
Reviewed: 2006-08-07
Not much good can I say about this battle. Its one messed up battle and you have to basically hack the thing to get it to work. Make sure that you read the updated patch file to figure out to get thru mission 3. Also instructions need to be added to the readme to make sure that you turn on the rebel fly all patch with the EHBL. Did I mention that I really hate capture missions, especially every mission more or less in a battle? >:(
Reviewed: 2006-05-09
Reviewed: 2006-05-09
After many attempts, I finally completed this battle. If I hadn't have spent hours and hours waiting for everything to dock, it wouldn't have been that sucky. However, I feel that if someone with a bit of knowledge with a waypoint editor and maybe some flight group order changes, this battle could be made to not suck so badly. Mission waypoints are an important part of mission design, if you screw them up the battle will blow.
Reviewed: 2006-04-02
Reviewed: 2006-04-02
Nice mission overall. TIE Praetor is a great fighter indeed.
Reviewed: 2005-12-25
Reviewed: 2005-12-25
A decent battle, but lacking in the usual Frothy humor. Not too difficult, technically well done - Worthy of a four. +)
Reviewed: 2005-12-07
Reviewed: 2005-12-07
After all the times I had to redo the last mission to keep my idiot wingmen from destroying the containers, I can't give it anything more.
Reviewed: 2005-12-07
mission 5. Thats all I am going to say. If it wouldn't have been so frustrating to get by mission 5, I actually would have given this a higher score.
Reviewed: 2005-11-03
Reviewed: 2005-11-03
I loved it. I beta tested it, I flew it and I loved it. Very original idea. Nice work Fro!
Reviewed: 2005-11-03
Reviewed: 2005-11-03
It was supposed to be hard. If it was easy, it wouldn't be worth doing. I flew this battle and it has always stuck in my mind. There are a multitude of battles out there that let you fly a Super fighter and destroy weak enemies or fly some stupid mission based on other crap, but this one has a meaning to old timer Wing XIVers that most people will miss. I admit it was sort of aggravating, all the times I had to click the 'fly again' button, but it was worth it in the end.
Reviewed: 2005-10-27
I think that this was a really great battle. It has alot more to it than solely flying; it has drama, history, as well as intrigue and the promise of more to come later on. Also, the TIE Preator was a joy to fly... even tho the entire screen is RED :P It is fast tho... :D
Reviewed: 2005-06-29
Reviewed: 2005-06-29
Not bad for (I believe) a first effort. Mission design was kind of messy, and it was far too easy in places. The most egregious example of sloppy mission design was in Mission 4, which was rendered far too easy by giving the player (essentially) unlimited warheads for their Missile Boat.
Reviewed: 2005-05-07
High praise. =) I am flattered. ^^ I didn't intend for this battle to overly difficult. I think most pilots will find this battle to be fairly playable on easy and medium, and hellishly difficult on hard. As it should be. =) Pay attention to the messages, read the briefings, and if you really have to, read the hints and tips found in the readme, and you should be able be able to beat this battle. Good luck. =) And if I say so myself.. For my first effort, this battle turned out great. Now I have to try XWA..
Reviewed: 2005-02-12
Reviewed: 2005-02-12
I would have given this one a 1, but I sort of ...hmmm, well it was ok for me. I didn't beta test this one 2x like the original...So I thought it was a nice suprise. When does the 12 mission Prelude come out?
Reviewed: 2004-08-22
Reviewed: 2004-08-22
Wow, I never leave a comment, but the moving platform rocked!
Reviewed: 2003-05-26
I liked this battle alot, wait a minute, this is the one I made. Please don't flame me it's my first approved one and mission one isn't quite like what I remember :P Watch out for my CORT in mission 3 please :)

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