Reviewer Rating Profile

Major Murkrow Defender (#6589)

Reviewer Average Rating: 2.9
Number of Battle Reviews: 17
Reviewed: 2002-01-23
AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! THEY ARE ALL AROUND ME! GET THEM AWAY!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT WAS AN HOUR OF PURE HELL! 4 A/FRGs, 3 wings of fighters and all you wing men die in the first 5 mins!!!!!!! Then the rebs try to stop you from getting back to the ISD for protection so you are all alone fighting 8 ships at a time with more flights constantly comming in!!!!!!!!!!!! I spent 10 mins after 1 hour of dog fighting trying to kill the _40_ pilots floating in space for a total of 400 points in pilots killed!!!! Unfortunatly they count for nothing since I had to use invincibility to last through the dog fights! Fortunatly for me I am a my wings nurse and a jedi so I could hold of the pain till I finished but My arm was killing me for like 5 hours after wards! So basically what I am saying is I never want to fly a mission like that ever again!
Reviewed: 2002-01-08
Reviewed: 2002-01-08
Not the best from RW but still an excelent battle by my standards:) I don't know what Striker is talking about(I found some missions hard as heck:P but then again, I suck:P) I would have given it 4 or 5 but teh last mission had unclear orders and I had to wait like 14 mins for them to disable teh Imortal when I had killed every thing in the first 5 mins.:<
Reviewed: 2001-12-23
Reviewed: 2001-12-23
That battle was way to hard! Something about putting a single pilot up against a squadron of Z-95s and a pirate base just isn't fair! Not to mention the fact that Corellia was one of the founding planets in teh Rebelion and is on the other side of the galaxie from EH space. I gave it a one cause there are to many rebles per imperial and the plot should be from the other side, cause Imperials defending a reble planet makes no sense!
Reviewed: 2001-12-01
Reviewed: 2001-12-01
Good battle. It was a bit anoying having to fly the old fighters but at least it wasn't extremly hard. I normally wouldn't have given it a 5 just cause mission 3-4 were a bit harder than they should have been but I GOT MY FIRST HIGH SCORE! GO WHOEVER MADE THE BATTLE!
Reviewed: 2001-10-26
Reviewed: 2001-10-26
SWEEEEEEEET! That was a GREAT battle:) I love the TIE Preator and the story line was GREAT! Every thing was so well done and the way every thing fited together so well with teh SW time line... exelent! The only way I can think to improve it would be to eskort the GA to the Sov at teh end but it was still sweet:)I wish more battles were like that:)
Reviewed: 2001-10-16
THAT WAS A GREAT BATTLE! Though mission 2 was extremly hard, most missions were fun, inventive and though you didn't always need to kill stuff the plot was extremly well done! GO FA STRIKER! GREAT BATTLE!
Reviewed: 2001-10-16
Reviewed: 2001-10-16
Most of the missions were good but god mission 3 was hard!! I had invulnerability and infinate amo on and I had to play about 30 times before I could beat the stupid thing!
Reviewed: 2001-09-22
Reviewed: 2001-09-22
Ok that was an interesting mission... It could have used a breifing so you know exactly what your role in this attack is! Also butting a single T/D against a CRS and teh mellenium falcon is NOT a good idea! Though I love destroying the rebels moral and two of the most important ships in there fleet I could use some suport! once the fighters are dead the rest of the fighters leave you to die! I had to make about 20 strafing runs on teh freeking Defiance just to get the shields down!
Reviewed: 2001-09-15
Reviewed: 2001-09-15
Grrrrrrr! This battle was so anoying!!! Why did I hate it you might ask? Well first of all I HATE the Y/W, your "allies" kill the mission critical craft, I hate teh Y/W, there is no way you should be stuck in a mission being shot at by gunships and a Golan battle stationin a TIE with no back up and only 2 misiles and oh yeah did I meantion I lothe teh Y/W! If we need to disable a ship give us a T/D! the IFF dosn't help you if you are shooting at them and in a T/D at least you can RUN! I was going 45k/h for god sakes! I hate reble fighters!
Reviewed: 2001-09-13
Reviewed: 2001-09-13
It was a good battle with a good story line(though I find it hard to belive that a military group that can maintain an SSSD can't get enough missiles) The reason I'm giving it a 3 is that in mission 5 you need to wait along side a ship for almost 10 mins beofre it is captured and you are given the Hyper-B out of the area and that is EXTREMLY anoing:<
Reviewed: 2001-09-09
Reviewed: 2001-09-09
It was a realy good battle but some parts were to easy like the mission where you need to inspect the shipyards where if you chose to do your objective your wing men take out all teh enymys for you so you can't get many points:<
Reviewed: 2001-09-05
It waasn't as good as teh history of the Imortal. Not as much insight, and the breifings/debreifings wern't nearly as good. It was a good battle though.
Reviewed: 2001-07-24
Reviewed: 2001-07-24
Another GREAT battle! I couldn't find any bugs in this one but in the first mission you need to send your wing men ahead and make the jump once they have inspected 61% and that way inspecting the rest is a peice of cake! The Story line was good and I loved the e-mail that gave you the backround info. Can't wait for the 3rd intallment :)
Reviewed: 2001-07-19
Reviewed: 2001-07-19
Holy ewok poodoo that was easy! It wasn't bad and I do like easy missions but that one was the easyest I have done.
Reviewed: 2001-07-17
Reviewed: 2001-07-17
It was ok I guesse but there are a few things I didn't like. For instance, there is no way an ISD could get that far through hyper space in shuch a short time and not have its Hyperdrive blow it self to pieces. Also the putting a pilot agaings a Station thing is almost imposible! Oh and I did like the help from a friendly impirial faction though if they are trying to destroy the Asult group when it gets there why don't they have a large fleet already there? And why were they using non-impirial fighters? But over all not a bad battle.
Reviewed: 2001-07-16
This battle was great! The history leson was good and the debrefings and missions were realy intersting. I only gave this a 4 because the last 2 or 3 missions were completly insane! Putting an unshielded fighter against an A/FRG is unfair! And for some reason I couldn't destroy any components on enemy cap ships ie. Shield Gens. and turbo lasers, So I had to come up from behind and blow out the engines till the ships were destroyed or let the Imortal try to take them on!
Reviewed: 2001-05-20
I found the battle was good except for the last mission that was confusing cause you don't know who you must atack to save the Warspite.

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