This was a series of free missions designed for a Sov comp. Beware of Mission 3 if you're flying in high-score mode; it can take close to an hour to fly for a top score, though just completing the mission can be much quicker. It's got the right files in the zip now-- the bug report should be removed.
Author's Notes: Another Mission Creation Wars battle. Hopefully it's humorous. Also, the RebelFlyAll patch is OPTIONAL, not required-- you can complete the battle without the patch by flying on the "Easy" difficulty level for missions 4,5, and 6.
Author's Notes: Written for Mission Creation Wars Competition, Round 1. In story and spirit, probably more an ID battle than a TC one. Possibly the first in a series.
One of the most fun story-driven battles I've played. Yes, it's long, and tricky in places, but nearly every mission tells an integral part of the story. Tons of new technical tricks that worked very well for me. A fitting (hopefully temporary) farewell from COL Beef.
So close to being a very good battle! A bit of tweaking (like giving the cap ships orders other that Hold Steady, for example), and this could be much better. And there's no reason for the TC officer to be there, except to keep the Primary and Secondary goals straight. Still a lot of fun, though, and some of the Secondary Goals are HARD to achieve. A good challenge.
Made me feel like I was in the movie! Too bad the movie was "Groundhog Day". Repetitive, poorly designed and technical glitches galore, even for an early battle.
Fun little free mission, though too easily made unwinnable (by disabling the CARG before it docks). Probably more fun if you know Kawolski and Callista.
Moderately interesting battle, but some considerable technical glitches: starships with starfighter orders, cap ship waypoints set too close (collisions galore!). Standard-issue plot.
OK battle, probably more enjoyable if you're familiar with the source it's based on. A few technical glitches (unusually stupid AI, uncompletable Bonus Goal), but fun nonetheless.
I agree with the other reviews-- the A-wings on Mission 3 are a challenge for all the wrong reasons. As an added bonus, they're designated as your squadron's command ship, so if you hit "space" to target an incoming missile, you may end up ending the mission prematurely. (Though it was great fun to watch my wingmen disappear into one of the disabled A-Wings).
Author's Notes: 1) The first mission in this battle was entered in the Sov's "Mascot Power Battles" TIE Mission design competition, and won first place. From there, it just kept on going. 2) This is part of the "My First Battle" (TM) series, so I'd love to hear more reviews of it. 3) It's intended to be humorous. I hope it succeeded. At any rate, be prepared for allusions to movies, plays, etc.
In keeping with the "Author's Notes" tradition: 1) This battle was conceived, designed, and playtested in one week, and I'm afraid it shows. For example, you may as well play it on Hard mode, as there are no optional waves of craft for the various difficulty levels. Having said that, the plot was adapted from a story I wrote, which I spent considerably more time on. 2) There are a few "I wonder if I can get that to work in TIE" technical experiments here. Hopefully they're at least as enjoyable to play as they were to implement.