The Imperial University

Imperial Weapons and Tactics School (IWATS) logo

The Imperial Weapons and Tactics School (IWATS) is the premiere starfighter pilot training institution for the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet, and is operated by the TIE Corps. IWATS classes are held on Sif in the Phare System and conduct starfighter training exercises near Baldyr, a moon of Ullyr, as well as on the Modified Platform Daedalus and on capital ships throughout the fleet. There are multiple courses available for EH members to take including Fighter Identification, X-Wing vs TIE Fighter tactics, EH singleplayer mission design, as well as technology courses. The courses included in the IWATS training program are highly recommended for all EH members. Also note that successful completion of the TIE Corps Core training is required for rank advancement within the TIE Corps.

Imperial Weapons and Tactics School Courses

From these listings you can access any course and its exam by clicking on its course name. Links to course notes, current graduates, and assigned Professors (PROF) are also available. Active courses with no Professor assigned will be graded directly by the Training Officer.

Name Abbr. Academy # Graduates Professor
A-Wing Advanced Knowledge AWAK IWATS 38 GN Triji Boliv
Advanced Multiplayer Tactics AMP IWATS 59 None
An Introduction to X-Wing Alliance XWAI IWATS 118 None
B-Wing Advanced Knowledge BWAK IWATS 34 GN Triji Boliv
Basic Flight Maneuvers BFM IWATS 127 None
Capital Ships for X-Wing Alliance XWAC IWATS 88 None
Combat Operations Exam 2 COE/2 IWATS 35 ST Legion Ordo
E-Wing Advanced Knowledge EWAK IWATS 15 VA Locke Setzer
Enemy Starfighter Engineering and Technology ESET IWATS 43 LC Honsou
Forward Air Controller FAC IWATS 14 VA Robert Hogan
Graduate of Starfighter Operations Capstone Thesis CAP/GSO IWATS 3 AD Sylas Pitt
History of Imperial Officers HIO IWATS 17 MAJ Maston Dane
Imperial Naval Organization INO IWATS 57 CM Therj'en'nuruodo
Imperial Starfighter Engineering and Technology ISET IWATS 52 LC Honsou
Mission Creation and Beta Testing Standards MCBS IWATS 115 FA Pickled Yoda
Multiplayer 3 MP/3 IWATS 6 ACO JetMech
Squadron Management 6 SM/6 IWATS 25 AD Sylas Pitt
Star Conflict SC IWATS 54 GN Aardvark
Starfighter Maneuvers SFT IWATS 41 None
Starfighter Weapons SFW IWATS 84 LC Honsou
TIE Corps Core TCCORE IWATS 3322 AD Sylas Pitt
TIE Fighter Mission Creation 3 TM/3 IWATS 26 FA Pickled Yoda
TIE Fighter Tactics TT IWATS 595 None
TIE Fighter Total Conversion Mission Design TFTC IWATS 3 CPT Jagged Fell III
Wiki Editing for Dummies WIKI IWATS 81 CPT Atashi Rain
X-Wing Advanced Knowledge XWAK IWATS 24 GN Triji Boliv
X-Wing Alliance Mission Design XAM IWATS 175 FA Pickled Yoda
X-Wing Mission Design XMD IWATS 29 FA Pickled Yoda
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Mission Design 1 XTM/1 IWATS 311 FA Pickled Yoda
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Tactics XTT IWATS 373 None
Y-Wing Advanced Knowledge YWAK IWATS 34 GN Triji Boliv
Combat Operations Exam COE IWATS 31 N/A
Graduate of Naval Studies Capstone Thesis CAP/GNS IWATS 0 N/A
Multiplayer 1 MP/1 IWATS 147 N/A
Multiplayer 2 MP/2 IWATS 89 N/A
Squadron Management 1 SM/1 IWATS 27 N/A
Squadron Management 2 SM/2 IWATS 730 N/A
Squadron Management 3 SM/3 IWATS 509 N/A
Squadron Management 4 SM/4 IWATS 56 N/A
Squadron Management 5 SM/5 IWATS 89 N/A
Tactical Staff Course TACS IWATS 30 N/A
TIE Fighter Mission Creation 1 TM/1 IWATS 327 N/A
TIE Fighter Mission Creation 2 TM/2 IWATS 11 N/A
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Mission Design 2 XTM/2 IWATS 113 N/A