Certificate in Flight Operations

An overview of Flight Operations within the Emperor's Hammer, this certificate provides members with the basic skills needed to fly and fight effectively in the TIE Corps.

Qualification Administrative Data
Status: Active
Program Level: Certificate
Number of Personnel Awarded: 19

To earn the Certificate in Flight Operations qualification, complete all of the following requirements:

Member Date
CM Odin Strongheart 2024-06-13
CM Matt Brass 2024-04-10
CPT Jagged Fell III 2023-09-25
CM Habu 2023-08-08
CPT Blaster72 2023-08-08
COL Miles Prower 2023-06-20
LC SkyShadow 2023-06-05
VA Locke Setzer 2023-05-26
LC andr3 2023-05-11
CPT Matu Vonnegut 2023-03-27
LC Vapen Van’an 2023-03-20
CM Rui Borges 2023-03-18
GN Triji Boliv 2023-03-11
LCM Jaquel Rainrix 2023-02-23
GN Elwood the Brave 2023-01-20
LC Honsou 2023-01-19
COL Aardvark 2023-01-18
COL TheBlackxRanger 2023-01-18
VA Robert Hogan 2023-01-18