Reviewer's rating profile
I think I had a nightmare like this once. It's not bad conceptually, and the battle had me laughing, up until the final question. Two CRTs? Really? With lasers? OK, it's not that bad, but when you've just done math you haven't needed to do since the invention of wolfram alpha, it's a little bop on the nose. Still, very refreshing to have something different to do. Played on easy, hope those CRTs don't turn in to something worse on hard.
RA Genie
Reviewer's rating profile
This would be an excellent tool for schools. Stryker if you ever see this review, perhaps you can push it through. Kids can play the game and having to find the right answers.
COL Phalk Sturm
Reviewer's rating profile
Not so entertaining, this one. I like a lot whenever there is some puzzle mission out there, but this one was a bit too simple for my taste. Yet, an easy point for the FCHG accounting.
FA John T. Clark
Reviewer's rating profile
Overall this is a simple destroy mission, that's not extraordinarily entertaining.
I give it an additional point for trying something different.
HA Anahorn Dempsey
Reviewer's rating profile
Nice and original. Too bad the game told you exactly which ships to destroy...
COL Rau Aznable
Reviewer's rating profile
It's original and worth flying.
GN Master
Reviewer's rating profile
Hey i liked it even if it is flawed. It's one of a kind and a lot of fun. Not a great comp mission though.
FA Brukhar
Reviewer's rating profile
Meh, its something different. Was more of a test of something that didn't quite work, but it turned out ok anyway.
There are currently no open bug reports for this battle.
Mission: | 56,480 | CPT Vanguard88 | 2023-09-27 |
(of available records)
1 | 56,480 | CPT Vanguard88 | 2023-09-27 |
2 | 54,180 | GN Golbez Harvey | 2015-05-23 |
3 | 26,390 | FA Pickled Yoda | 2015-05-23 |
4 | 12,020 | FA John T. Clark | 2015-05-22 |
5 | 11,660 | COL Phalk Sturm | 2021-10-21 |
6 | 11,660 | RA Genie | 2021-10-26 |
7 | 11,660 | MAJ Xye | 2021-10-27 |
This battle has been flown by 20 pilots a total of 21 times.
COL Phalk Sturm - 2021-10-21
FA Pickled Yoda - 2 times, last on 2015-05-23
CPT Vanguard88 - 2023-09-27
MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana - 2022-10-11
MAJ Xye - 2021-10-27
TITLE: Mathematics MISSIONS: 1 GAME PLATFORM: X-Wing vs TIE Fighter Created by: FL-TCT-TCS-PROF/CM Brukhar/Kappa 2-1/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign How to install: Locate your XvT directory and install the following files into your train folder: Mathematics.tie Imperial.lst THIS LEVEL IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY.