XWA-TC 50: Evacuation of Zanica

Battle Information

Game platform: X-Wing Alliance
Missions: 4
Release date: 2005-08-08
Last updated: 2012-11-02

AD Gidda

Average rating 3.4
Reviews: 5
Bug reports: 2
Times completed: 43

Battle Reviews

I really enjoyed the story and the missions are well made. And that TIE V38 is a power trip to fly.

What a coincidence, this battle got a 0 which is the same number of custom missions created by the guy who rated the mission so badly. Ok, so this battle is the worst piece of crap because...mission #1 is a nightmare if it is flown on hard. First off, if the battle is too hard you can try Medium or Easy difficulty levels. Second off, if you define the mission as a nightmare maybe it is indeed a test for a pilot's skill. Maybe your problem is that this is not the usual "T/D with a crapload of adv.missiles Vs a bunch of stupid AI controlled craft" mission that can be beaten by simply unloading your unlimited ammos on anything with a enemy IFF code. It requires good timing and situational awarness. Anyhow, I completed all missions on hard during beta-test, without cheats and it wasn't that hard. Why? Because I followed the given orders. Of course if you send home all your wingmen (or other stupid things like that) to get a perfect HS, the mission will become very very very hard and it is not my fault if odds will be monstrously stacked against you.

Mission 1 on "hard" is a nightmare. It's not even interesting as a test of pilot's skills.

Excellent battle with an original plot - I liked the last mission particularly.

This isn't a bad battle overall & it had a decent plot-line, even if it does feature Avenger squadron (sorry I just prefer the T/Pr);p. I liked the timed final mission best though.

Battle Bug Reports

GN Dunta Polo


Battle requires Modified Strike Cruiser, Task Force Cruiser and TIE Sentinel patches, but this is not mentioned on the compendium.

FA Pickled Yoda


Mission 1. If some freighters are disabled then other things will crash into them when they're hypering out. Causes mission failure.

High Scores

Battle Total: 58,662 COL Deimos
Mission 1: 10,246 COL Deimos
Mission 2: 22,994 COL Deimos
Mission 3: 12,072 COL Deimos
Mission 4: 13,350 COL Deimos

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 10,936 HA Anahorn Dempsey 2014-08-28
2 10,095 CPT Jagged Fell III 2023-11-11
3 10,079 GN Dunta Polo 2009-11-30
4 9,244 LCM Nylan 2014-08-10
5 705 MAJ Tuba 2010-09-09
6 367 HA Pete Mitchell 2017-03-19
7 362 HA Anahorn Dempsey 2009-08-21
8 283 MAJ KEBLAOMEGA 2022-10-29
9 226 COL Gyssler 2010-10-23
10 215 FA Howlader 2010-02-17

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 40 pilots a total of 42 times.

Title: Evacuation of Zanica
Missions: 4
Game Platform: Xwing Alliance
Author: COM-TCT-TCS/VA Gidda/ISD Intrepid
email: ehgidda@tiscalinet.it

This battle requires the TIE Sentinel, Task Froce Cruiser, Modified Strike Cruiser and EH Crest patches. Download them from the SCO homepage.

**Installation Instructions**

1) Install the patches (available from SCO Office).

2) Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle.

3) Check the Misc folder in your XWA for additional material like patches, emails or sounds. 

4) In EHBL click on "Game" -> "XWA Options" -> "Pilot Options" and create a new pilot making sure that "Prepare for EH Battle" is checked.

5) Press the X-Wing Alliance button to start XWA and fly the battle.


COM-TCT-TCS/VA Gidda/ISD Intrepid - #3978
CON/DA Gidda/Clan Scholae Palatinae - #7