Reviewer Rating Profile

Admiral Hav Antiel (#13020)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.4
Number of Battle Reviews: 109
Reviewed: 2020-09-28
Another very straightforward mission. It's frustrating when mission require you to fail, like Mission 1 hinging on the capture of Ronin. Aside from that, the missions are pretty quick and dirty and you're typically assigned an appropriate craft and armament.
Reviewed: 2020-09-28
Reviewed: 2020-09-28
This is my kind of TIE Corps custom battle: quick and dirty. I'm not sure why you have to fly different craft in each mission (or why the creator chose craft like the TIE Experimental Mk.I or the Preybird fighter), but that didn't detract from the simple nature of the missions.
Reviewed: 2020-09-28
That was perhaps the most confusing, challenging, and frustrating battles I've flown for the TIE Corps. I agree with the reviews that the story was interesting and thorough, but the design choices for gameplay were frustrating. I had difficulty completing the missions because I wasn't sure which hyper buoy to use, and the objectives are misleading and indirect. Mission 3 was borderline impossible because you can't target the probes in the Razor fighter. There were no bugs, but the design choices made the missions frustrating and forced me to restart several times once I learned the true mission objectives.
Reviewed: 2020-09-25
This battle was challenging and made frustrating by the objectives that don't point to the actual objectives. 'Terrorize the population' means wait for your ISD to arrive. Wait times are long for arbitrary reasons and the false/misleading objectives mean you could end up spending significant time on a target that wasn't actually mission critical.
Reviewed: 2020-09-25
Reviewed: 2020-09-25
This battle had several signs of an immature designer. 'Captain Stupid' was the cargo of one craft (although that might have been a decoy), and like Lo Mar said in his review, the interesting premise was dropped after two missions.
Reviewed: 2020-09-25
I don't like it when mission creators insert classic Star Wars ships, characters, and events into their custom missions. For me, that puts their choices up against everything I know about the canon. For example, T/Is weren't flying around before Vader captured the Tantive IV, and there weren't shielded T/Is at that time. The missions themselves were OK (although I wonder why they sent T/Is to take out cap ships), but the inclusion of classic SW ships nearly ruined it for me.
Reviewed: 2020-09-25
Reviewed: 2020-09-25
This is a great battle. The first mission was a little gimmicky (and I'm not sure how it ties to the other missions), but the rest were fun and challenging. In the last mission, I had to refly it because one of the friendly ISDs destroyed the base just before the 10 minute mark, but I'm not sure if it's a bug. The second time through it didn't happen.
Reviewed: 2020-09-25
Reviewed: 2020-09-25
I agree with the latest reviews that this battle has an interesting plot and solid briefings. I got lost in some of the missions with the number of hyperspace locations and no clear in-flight messages. That was used to good effect in Mission 3 where you get updates while you wait to hyper to a new location to 'help' the rebels, but it just confused me in the last three missions.
Reviewed: 2020-09-25
Reviewed: 2020-09-25
This battle was good, not great. The last mission featured a very long and unnecessary wait for a cap ship to arrive BEFORE it can begin its mission-critical docking, which was annoying. Flying the Skipray Blastboat was intersting, although I'm still skeptical of XWA craft. If it wasn't in TIE Fighter, I'm going to squint at it.
Reviewed: 2020-09-24
Reviewed: 2020-09-24
This is a confusing battle at times. Some missions are surprisingly simple (like Mission 1) and others are complex and require some planning. The last two missions felt very similar. I enjoyed when the CRV hypered in at the end of Mission 3 (I think?) and tried to block your exit.
Reviewed: 2020-09-24
Reviewed: 2020-09-24
This was a solid battle. No major issues with playthrough. The first mission was the most complex with some waiting around and protecting friendly cap ships. The rest was a bit of jump-in-and-destroy-everything, with the exception of the challenge of keeping the ATRs from destroying the T/As and T/Is in Mission 2.
Reviewed: 2020-09-24
Reviewed: 2020-09-24
This battle was very straightforward and simple. On the last two missions, I was able to step away for a moment and the friendly craft completed the missions for me. Granted, I'm flying with invulnerability on and easy for quick FCHG points, but it's nice that the friendly craft were assigned orders that can complete the missions.
Reviewed: 2020-09-24
Reviewed: 2020-09-24
The missions in this battle were largely the same: show up, blow up the cap ships/platforms/other big targets again and again. Sometimes you also had to destroy a certain amount of rebel fighters or make the rebel side withdraw. It was kind of fun with unlimited missiles, but the friendly craft were not much help with the big targets on some missions, so I can only assume this battle would be challenging or just frustrating with limited missiles.
Reviewed: 2020-09-24
Reviewed: 2020-09-24
This battle was straightforward and continues the plotline from the first set of XWA-TC missions. Like other reviewers, I enjoyed flying the TIE Interceptor, but I wondered why it had shields. The missiles came in handy in the last mission.
Reviewed: 2020-09-23
Reviewed: 2020-09-23
Like the most recent reviewers, I enjoyed this battle. Some things must have been changed, fixed, or upgraded over the years, because I did not have any issues completing the battle. Flying on easy, I found the missions fun and engaging.
Reviewed: 2020-09-23
Reviewed: 2020-09-23
This battle suffers from a strange change in objective after the first three missions. The last two become capture fests where you have to capture separate categories of craft. On easy, it means lots of time waiting for slow TRNs and ATRs to clean up. There's the usual fare of pirate fighters to shoot at and then more waiting made worse when the player craft doesn't have ions to help with the multiple, multiple craft you need to disable.
Reviewed: 2020-09-23
Reviewed: 2020-09-23
This was basically my first XWA mission, and I couldn't tell what the heck was going on. I flew it with invulnerability and unlimited ammo, so taking out multiple cap ships was no problem (thank you TIE SPAM!). However, the last mission completely confused me. The objective says to disable the visiting VSD, but then I get a mission victory if my own INT is destroyed... even though that gives me a negative score? Strange and confusing and not a good way to start my XWA binge.
Reviewed: 2020-09-22
Reviewed: 2020-09-22
This was a frustrating battle at times. Ships that you destroy in one mission show up in the next, and if you destroy it in the next mission, you fail. There were needlessly long wait times and a lot of flying around waiting. I'm not sure why you have to switch from TIE Phantom to Gun Boat to T/I to T/A to TIE Praetor in this battle, but you do.
Reviewed: 2020-09-22
This was indeed a great battle. Flying the A-9 Vigilance Interceptor was a lot of fun and took some getting used to. The A-9 has a very fast turning rate, and it got dizzy in the first mission from turning so quickly. I'm thankful that I got to fly the A-9 in every mission (instead of switching to other craft) because by the last mission, I had gotten the hang of the craft and its quirks (like the unified laser system). I'm not sure why the A-9 was unshielded in some missions, but that made the missions all the more complex.
Reviewed: 2020-09-21
The battle really isn't that bad. The dogfights were fun if a little improbable, and I can't really comment on the storyline (I'm a SPAM pilot), but the missions worked well and there were only the usual amount of frustrating moments I have come to expect from XvT.
Reviewed: 2020-09-21
Reviewed: 2020-09-21
This was an average battle based on an overused plotline. It wouldn't be so bad if I hadn't just flown a similar mission for XvT-FMC 1 this week. The dogfights were fun, especially flying the unshielded TIE/IN against T/As.
Reviewed: 2020-09-21
Reviewed: 2020-09-21
I agree with the other reviews that this is a great battle with some nice variety. The 10-minute wait in mission 5 was pointless and frustrating. The rest of the missions were fun, even if the story wasn't very present in the missions.
Reviewed: 2020-09-20
Reviewed: 2020-09-20
This is a super fun, well-designed battle. I was great for SP and must have been great for 4v4 back in the day. I can't vouch for the goals being balanced for the teams, but the missions felt better than the stock scenarios that come with XvT.
Reviewed: 2020-09-19
Reviewed: 2020-09-19
This was a complex and long battle. I couldn't quite follow the plot, but I'm playing it for the FCHG points, so I might not be the best judge. There's something going on with clones and a cloaking device, but the plot wasn't essential for completing the missions.
Reviewed: 2020-09-19
Reviewed: 2020-09-19
This battle isn't as bad as the reviews make is seem. There are some strange mission win conditions that take some trial and error to understand, but it's playable and beatable.

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