Reviewer Rating Profile

General Mark Schueler (#4182)

Reviewer Average Rating: 2.1
Number of Battle Reviews: 114
Reviewed: 2017-06-08
Simple enough but far too long a wait.
Reviewed: 2017-06-08
Reviewed: 2017-06-08
Shockingly poor design and lack of testing with this one.
Reviewed: 2017-06-06
Reviewed: 2017-06-06
Not sure what it has to do with the EH?
Reviewed: 2017-06-06
Long waits, missions that pit a single flight against enemy fleets.

Yeah, this is poor quality.
Reviewed: 2017-06-05
Clearly unfinished. Some ships don't have orders, and nobody appears to have warheads.
Reviewed: 2017-06-05
The reason this mission is so damn hard is that it was designed for the elite Omega squadron as part of a series of trials. I will admit that I went a little overboard, though!
Reviewed: 2017-05-23
Reviewed: 2017-05-23
Long winded, boring mission. As usual the light hearted story doesn't distract from the poor mission design.
Reviewed: 2017-03-25
Reviewed: 2017-03-25
Awful mission. You start way too close to capital ships that have attack orders and you don't have anything like enough firepower to easily destroy the enemy.
Reviewed: 2016-06-27
Reviewed: 2016-06-27
A good story, but feels like a poor man's TIE-FCHG #2 at times.
Reviewed: 2016-06-10
Reviewed: 2016-06-10
According to one of the in-flight messages, it's 'fun and insane'. I'm guessing the fun was the laughing the maker had at our expense, whilst the insanity is from the complete failure to provide any warheads.
Reviewed: 2016-06-10
Reviewed: 2016-06-10
Why would you be in a TIE Advanced with no warheads?
Reviewed: 2016-06-09
Reviewed: 2016-06-09
A little different, but Ender made it work.
Reviewed: 2016-06-09
Reviewed: 2016-06-09
Incredibly easy to fly for the FCHG point. However lacks any real connection to the EH.
Reviewed: 2016-06-08
Reviewed: 2016-06-08
Too many fighter kill primary goals.
Reviewed: 2016-06-08
Reviewed: 2016-06-08
One of those missions where the secondary goals are what apply, it's really not that difficult as you can completely ignore the ships you're told to protect!
Reviewed: 2016-06-06
Reviewed: 2016-06-06
Gets a 1 because it's playable, but otherwise a pretty good example of how not to set goals. You're supposed to destroy the Containers, but for no good reason the primary goals also require you to kill waves of fighters that continue to show up long after there's any good reason to keep on fighting.
Reviewed: 2016-02-08
Reviewed: 2016-02-08
Not a fan of this one. Lacks testing in some areas and craft/warhead choice is a little off at times.
Reviewed: 2015-06-17
Reviewed: 2015-06-17
As usual, a 'funny' battle that tries to hide unreasonably hard missions behind humour. Trying to inspect an ISD whilst being chased by missile armed A-Wings will never be funny.
Reviewed: 2013-10-22
This battle, along with the early CABs, proves that bigger doesn't mean better. Beef spent too much time on the plotline and the fancy bases, and made missions that suck in all kinds of ways. Avoid if you don't like having to capture fighters, protect fighters and generally not understand what's going on.
Reviewed: 2011-09-20
Tries to disguise the fact it's badly made with humour. In reality the only joke is the battle itself - which isn't funny.
Reviewed: 2010-12-19
Reviewed: 2010-12-19
I've played this battle before - it is a copy of something else in the compendium
Reviewed: 2010-07-05
Reviewed: 2010-07-05
Awful. Obsessed with capturing ships, craft limits frequently topped due to virtually the whole EH being present, and requires things like disabling containers.
Reviewed: 2010-07-02
I have to disagree with the others here. Ender reproduced the mission in as close to the original format as he could manage - the TIE demo was in fact an upgraded version of X-Wing, lacking many features in the original TIE game. He's done a great job with what he had available.
Reviewed: 2008-06-11
Reviewed: 2008-06-11
Automatic 0 for the ion bug existing.
Reviewed: 2008-05-23
Reviewed: 2008-05-23
Very bad. You're (pointlessly) meant to destroy a CRS, but nothing comes to destroy it, you're in a T/A with Adv. Missiles, and it hypers out. How NOT to make a mission, avoid at all costs.

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