Reviewer Rating Profile

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Colonel TheBlackxRanger (#56022)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.6
Number of Battle Reviews: 106
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
this mission was okay, you cant direct your fighters to attack anything so you have to kill everything yourself without help. i had to play this on easy without unlimited waves since that feature was disabled, im not sure why. if you use unlimited waves the enemies either dont spawn or nothing happens.
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
this was a decent battle, i played this as part of rtf 21 with unlimited waves. the lack of being able to have wingmates target my attacker really hurt, i wasnt able to use shift A to have them attack. but otherwise i was able to complete this battle without any major bugs
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
pretty good battle, i liked this one becausr you had to rescue the princess and prevent her from dying, nice and easy but not a lot of reinforcements or wingman to utilize so you pretty much are on youre own while you fly this one to save the princess
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
Pretty decent battle, this one has you primarily dogfighting and a few frigate attacks. this one is good for practicing dogfighting and theres only 4 missions that are like this. i played this as part of rtf 21 and used unlimited waves. would try this again to practice more
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
pretty good battle, i played this as part of rtf 21 with unlimited waves. a few missions the transport kept getting killed and after a few restarts the transport had no problem capturing the ISD. im not too sure what happened but im glad i finished the battle
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
This was a good battle, a few issues here or there but easily fixed by following a certain order. I played this as part of rtf 21 with unlimited waves. at one point the platform killed it self or all my wingmates attacked it. i had to send everyone home in order to complete the objective
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
pretty good battle, no issues with bugs or anything. i played this as part of rtf 21 with unlimited waves. i liked the last missions where all of the star destroyers showed up. i shot out the shield generators and by the time i finished the mission was over
Reviewed: 2021-10-29
Reviewed: 2021-10-29
really really good battle, plenty of ammo, plenty of warheads, and a GUN BOAT! not too difficult on easy and thats just the way i like it. very fun, and very enjoyable to play. i played this part of rtf 21, WITHOUT cheats this time
Reviewed: 2021-10-29
Reviewed: 2021-10-29
I really really enjoyed this battle, 4th wall breaking battles are the best thing i've seen here. the mine mission not so much, i hate mines! lol, especially the ion mines

my favorite part was the use of all the ships in the ship patcher. very funny.

congratulations! you died.
Reviewed: 2021-10-28
Reviewed: 2021-10-28
pretty good battles, a quickish 5 missions. i played this on easy with cheats on, the last battle was hard if you dont pick the right loadouts. otherwise it made quick work of those factories. played this as part of rtf 21
Reviewed: 2021-10-28
Reviewed: 2021-10-28
I played this on easy with unlimited waves. Even with cheats this one was long and hard, but its really well done. no bugs or issues that prevent you from finishing this. the last mission is a long dogfight while you escort an xwing out
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
pretty good battle, i played this as part of rtf 21. i played on easy with cheats. mission 3 nearly completed it self and mission 4 was a good endless star fighter battle. took a while for me to get 75% of the fighters destroyed
Reviewed: 2021-10-25
pretty easy and straightforward mission. i kind of assumed the platform was the hostile so i went for that with the heavy rockets and finished it off with lasers. played this one as part of rtf 21
Reviewed: 2021-10-25
Reviewed: 2021-10-25
this missions literally finished in 14 seconds by targetting the container in front of you. im not sure what the purpose of this was, the missions was over before it began.

if it was a needle in the hay stack with your targeting disabled, it would have made a little more sense
Reviewed: 2021-10-25
Reviewed: 2021-10-25
pretty simple mission on easy, i was attacking the capital ship and the missions seemed to finish itself after awhile. good one for a quick mission and if you want to practice shooting capital ships
Reviewed: 2021-10-25
this was a nice and easy mission, just inspect all the things and dont crash. i made that mistake and had to start over but good thing i had unlimited waves on!
Reviewed: 2021-10-25
Reviewed: 2021-10-25
i played this as part of rtf 2021. this mission was pretty quick and i played with unlimited waves. i got diabled half way through the missions just as the capital ship was destroyed narrowly completing the mission. recommend this for a quick mission
Reviewed: 2021-10-25
pretty quick mission, maybe less than a minute to complete. take out the station with the help of your wingmates and you can take down the station. i used unlimited waves in this one but i actually didnt need it.
Reviewed: 2021-10-25
Reviewed: 2021-10-25
This battle was part of rtf 21, i played this with unlimited waves.

The platform's aim is pretty brutal, one good hit and you're dead. used torps and use your wingmen to pass this one
Reviewed: 2021-10-24
Reviewed: 2021-10-24
Pretty good and well thought battle, played this during a bonus competition in rtf 2021, few days left to go.

i played this on easy, the last mission was really good, i want to see more battles that have your wingmen carrying ion lasers to help disable fighters. this lets you clean up after them and its a really good 1-2 combo. the correllian ship kept escaping from me and i was taking alot of damage from its rear lasers. for some reason it felt like my wingmates werent obeying the order to disable just this ship
Reviewed: 2021-10-24
Reviewed: 2021-10-24
pretty good set up battles, i played on easy with cheats on for rtf 21. killed a bunch of ships attacking our shuttles to save them and let them make its way to the star destroyer. no major bugs or game breaking issues
Reviewed: 2021-10-24
Reviewed: 2021-10-24
I played this with cheats and 4x for rtf 21. i mostly just attacked the same platform and capital ship in each battle so there wasnt much variety between the missions.
Reviewed: 2021-10-24
Reviewed: 2021-10-24
Pretty decent free mission, i played this one with cheats on and on easy. you take out a couple waves of fighters one at a time and once you finishing killing them the battle is over
Reviewed: 2021-10-24
Reviewed: 2021-10-24
I played this on easy with cheats on, i liked the star trek references. pretty easy to cheese with cheats on, unlimited protons on the platform and the mission is over before it began
Reviewed: 2021-10-24
Reviewed: 2021-10-24
my version of this review is for cheats and 4x. you can cheese the mission by ignoring the fighters and dumping infinite missiles onto the capital ship. if you can manage to kill the ship before it hyperspaces, you win automatically and avoid the endless fighter spam

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