Reviewer Rating Profile

Captain Nova Discordia (#56371)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.1
Number of Battle Reviews: 314
Reviewed: 2024-07-08
Simple and fun mission about a classic convoy attack - on easy, you have plenty of help and very little opposition - as other reviews have stated - its good to see your wing-men actually earning their pay for once! Give this one a go!
Reviewed: 2024-07-08
Reviewed: 2024-07-08
Simple mission, and easier than I expected - at least to complete the primary goals. Well worth another play-through in the future to see how much this mission will throw at you. For me, killed off some Y-Wings, then concentrated on the listed cap ship enemies, and the mission was quick to complete.
Reviewed: 2024-07-08
Average mission for me - ended up getting blown up a couple times trying to fly the sluggish Gunboat, which is never one of my favorites - apart from that, a straightforward mission.
Reviewed: 2024-07-08
Enjoyable and very easy mission - simple goals to complete, topped off with some dog-fighting.
Reviewed: 2024-07-07
Reviewed: 2024-07-07
I enjoyed these missions - they were simple and easy to complete, with clear goals. In Mission 4 though, the cap ship I was helping starting firing at me for some reason, which was weird, so I just kept out of the way. Some longer wait times than needed, but nothing to major. Worth a play through.
Reviewed: 2024-06-24
Reviewed: 2024-06-24
Very easy mission, with a silly Christmas plot (a very thin plot at that) - although as it summer currently when I played this, and its been hot day out there, thinking about christmas did have an ironic twist to it!
Reviewed: 2024-06-24
Reviewed: 2024-06-24
Average mission, the humour of which didn't really work for me - a simple primary goal though, which I always approve of!
Reviewed: 2024-06-23
Reviewed: 2024-06-23
Quick to complete, for the most part, although Mission 4 was longerand a bit of a grind to take down two cap ships with limited advanced missiles - did have some wing-men to help though, so got there in the end. Goals were very clear, but this missions felt unpolished and essentially were the same 'Protect Int Shire' - not at all bad, just didn't stand out for me as a battle.
Reviewed: 2024-06-23
Reviewed: 2024-06-23
Yep, as other reviewers have said - first three missions are okay, a challenge even on easy, but mission 4 is brutal. There is some great advice in the reviews here about how to do it, but if you have limited time for gaming, then unlimited waves may save your sanity, although obviously you won't be getting any points for that mission!
Reviewed: 2024-06-23
Reviewed: 2024-06-23
Whilst I'll give this a three, I didn't really enjoy this one. It seemed disjointed to me, and the first mission was a grind fest against A Wings, which really wasn't doing it for me. For some reason as well, the rebel cap ship could do a one shot missile kill on me, without warning, during Mission 3, even on the easy setting, so in the end, just flew away to my ISD as it warped out and completed the mission. I big of a 'blerg' mission really - totally doable though.
Reviewed: 2024-06-23
Reviewed: 2024-06-23
Enjoyable and quick series of missions - I didn't really worry about the storyline, as the goals were very clear. Missions all complete in under 5 minutes, and this is another good competition sort of battle. Certainly will be playing again, on a harder setting next time.
Reviewed: 2024-06-22
Reviewed: 2024-06-22
Fun series of missions, which were really quick to complete - at least on the easy setting you have lots of wing-man support, and as other reviews have stated, your critical craft don't really seem to be in danger. Worth a play-through, and I'll certainly be playing this one again on a higher setting next time to explore this battle more!
Reviewed: 2024-06-22
Quick and simple series of missions, which I enjoyed playing - this felt like a potential 'competition' battle to me, as there were obviously some scoring/points you could gain by hanging about and killing more stuff after the primary goals had been completed. Well work a fly through!
Reviewed: 2024-06-22
Reviewed: 2024-06-22
Okay mission - on easy its more of a grind with limited ordinance to kills of cap ships as usual. Not much fires back at you, but as other reviews have said - as all the targets are coded red, it can be a little confusing finding out who the 'bad guys' are in this one!
Reviewed: 2024-06-22
Reviewed: 2024-06-22
An enjoyable, and short mission - easy to complete in under five minutes if you concentrate on your primary goals etc - certainly be interesting to play this on a harder setting to see how this mission scales up.
Reviewed: 2024-06-22
Reviewed: 2024-06-22
An average series of missions. There is a variety of things to do and achieve, but the distances in Mission 3 between your targets was annoying. I wouldn't say these were 'easy' to complete for a new player, but okay on the easy setting as you get plenty of ordinance in the later missions to take down your capital ship targets etc,
Reviewed: 2024-06-17
Reviewed: 2024-06-17
Very average mission, with not much complexity - disable the shuttle before its jumps to hyperspace, fight off A Wings - you might try the disable one A Level to stop the rest warping in trick, although I've not play-tested that idea yet with this mission :)
Reviewed: 2024-06-17
Poor set of missions. On easy, they are not really easy, and are frankly somewhat of a chore to do, and not very inspiring. Make sure you read through the bug reports about mission 1, which is still a problem. It would also of helped if in some of the missions you had the option to take some missiles.
Reviewed: 2024-06-16
Reviewed: 2024-06-16
An average set of missions, most of which were the same plot, which was kinda good, because they are easy to complete, but very much lacked imagination I felt. One mission I didn't fire a shot in, just inspected a bunch of containers, whilst the last mission is...odd - watch out for the possible bug with your wingman destroying your primary goal (and therefore failing the mission) - I ended up killing him to save the platform, which in my successful playthrough had only 2% hul left....eeeK! The last mission gets even more weird, when a bunch of ISD turn up, and don't shot you back while you and your squadron kill them off.... Play for points or a competition I feel.
Reviewed: 2024-06-16
Reviewed: 2024-06-16
Fun and enjoyable mission. Pretty standard mission, which you can complete quite quickly. Will be worth replaying again on hard, just see how hard it could be!
Reviewed: 2024-06-16
Reviewed: 2024-06-16
Good set of missions, which had clear objectives. I didn't notice any many problems during my play though, and this is a quick battle to complete either for competitions or for general flying. The usual advice stands though, make sure you take out any bombers trying to kill of your capital ships before concentrating on your other goals.
Reviewed: 2024-06-08
Reviewed: 2024-06-08
An enjoyable little mission, which was pretty easy to complete in under 5 minutes (at least on easy) - its worth going for the enemy cargo ships by the way, for some nice extra points!
Reviewed: 2024-06-02
Reviewed: 2024-06-02
On easy, at least, I didn't experience any major bugs, and was able to complete this mission quicker than expected - the Mon Cal seemed pretty passive when I was attacking it at close range, although the corvettes packed some punches.
Reviewed: 2024-06-02
Reviewed: 2024-06-02
Pretty standard mission, but enjoyable - you have lots of wingman support, which is always rather handy! Always nice as well to have the choice of different ships (and therefore different battle roles) to choose from.
Reviewed: 2024-06-02
Lovely set of missions, which you can complete quickly. The plotline was okay, and made sense. In mission3 however, it took me a couple of tries, as the disabled Xwing kept getting blown up, before it was captured...not sure if this is a small bug, or I was just unlucky....

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