XvT-DB 16: Heading for Pyrath

Battle Information

Game platform: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
Missions: 4
Release date: 2005-08-01
Last updated: 2009-02-22

HA Frodo March

Average rating 3.9
Reviews: 10
Bug reports: 0
Times completed: 64
Patches used

EH Ship Patch for XvT

Battle Medal: Pyrathian Medal of Haste

Battle Reviews

Good set of missions, which had clear objectives. I didn't notice any many problems during my play though, and this is a quick battle to complete either for competitions or for general flying. The usual advice stands though, make sure you take out any bombers trying to kill of your capital ships before concentrating on your other goals.

It's another battle that has multiple versions across different platforms (XWA and TIE). I prefer the TIE one above the rest, but that may just be because that's my favorite platform. It's still an enjoyable fly on XvT, well worth doing (even if you've done it once or twice before...)

Very enjoyable. The first three missions are a healthy challenge for an unshielded TIE Interceptor, the final one is a lovely brawl between two capital fleets.

My ninety-ninth battle in the TIE Corps.

Simple but very much fun to play. Follow your House against a series of new enemies, of course flying the unmistakable T/I. Bombing, dogfighting, protection, inspection, you name it. Everything is possible in the old Space Shoe. If you hate unshieldeds, avoid this like the plague Worth a try.

This was a short, simple mission, though that isn't a bad thing; it had a fleshed-out storyline, some interesting dogfighting, and capital engagements. Overall, a pretty solid mission that's worth playing.

I played on Easy. These missions had some cool fights between capital ships, but also every mission had identical objectives. The missions go fairly quick and there's not much dead time. Nothing really stands out one way or the other, they're pretty decent.

Solid Frodo mission. Nothing too crazy, but not easy either. Good mixture put together and that's why Frodo is one of the best mission makers. Not really inclusive of his crazier battles, but still very enjoyable to play. I would recommend this to others.

I liked this battle, including the blockade idea. Did Frodo make this battle before he went mad? :) As always he has some nice ideas and he has perfected container placements. :D

This is a great battle. Not too complex, not too easy. It builds nicely and gives you some seat time in unshielded Interceptors. However, I'm still not sure why the DB keeps sending unshielded fighters without warheads to take out enemy cap ships and fortifications.

I don't usualy give 5 for any battle, because it's hard to make something perfect, but this time, I am shocked. This battle is outstanding, it's ultra-hyper challenging (I hate when the do), but it's not also very easy. Balanced, I would say. Missions are well made, and follow the plotline. Player is not one-man squadron, however in some missions it may seem you have to do everything on your own. Now I only wait for IA and this battle for IA. It will rock even more :D Great work Frodo, more battles like this one!

Battle Bug Reports

There are currently no open bug reports for this battle.

High Scores

Battle Total: 254,189 CM Vanguard88 2023-09-12
Mission 1: 56,980 MAJ Michael
Mission 2: 96,380 HA Daniel Bonini
Mission 3: 51,580 CM Vanguard88 2023-09-12
Mission 4: 56,735 CM Vanguard88 2023-09-12

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 254,189 CM Vanguard88 2023-09-12
2 127,670 LCM Lo Mar 2020-08-30
3 119,302 HA Anahorn Dempsey 2013-11-07
4 107,888 CM Benji Tandor 2023-07-01
5 102,714 CM Vanguard88 2024-06-29
6 102,686 GN Dunta Polo 2009-03-16
7 99,204 HA Anahorn Dempsey 2010-05-04
8 96,729 MAJ KEBLAOMEGA 2024-06-30
9 95,649 VA Locke Setzer 2024-06-25
10 94,569 RA Genie 2021-10-17

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 51 pilots a total of 62 times.

GN Abel Malik

HA Anahorn Dempsey - 5 times, last on 2021-03-28

COL Angel

CM Benji Tandor - 2023-07-01

LCM Blenheim

RA Colo Delste - 2021-10-14

HA Daniel Bonini

GN Dax Corrin

GN Dunta Polo - 2009-03-16

LT Eifel


MAJ Fink

RA Genie - 2021-10-17

FA Giovanni Palermo

COL Gyssler - 2015-05-22

AD Hav Antiel - 2020-09-16

LCM Hera Storm - 2024-06-16

MAJ Hermann - 2 times, last on 2021-10-18

LCM J'Stin Wakerj

ACO JetMech - 2020-08-27

MAJ KEBLAOMEGA - 4 times, last on 2024-06-30

LCM Lo Mar - 2020-08-30

VA Locke Setzer - 2 times, last on 2024-06-25

LCM Ludovicus Gallorum - 2024-07-04

FA Marcin Szydlowski

TITLE: Heading for Pyrath
MEDAL: Pyrathian Medal of Haste 
GAME PLATFORM: X-wing Vs. TIE Fighter
Created by: TAC-PROF/AD Frodo March/CS-3/SSSD Sovereign

Required patches
* EH Ship Patch for XvT

Installation instructions
1] Make sure you have the EH Ship Patch for XvT installed
4] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle
5] Check the Misc folder in your XvT one for additional material like patches, sounds etc.
6] Press the X-wing vs TIE Fighter button on the EHBL to start the game
7] Create a new pilot and fly the Imperial training missions