Reviewer Rating Profile

General Abel Malik (#6939)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.6
Number of Battle Reviews: 128
Reviewed: 2006-08-08
I found this to be an enjoyable battle to fly, it's worth tking the effort to play.
Reviewed: 2006-08-07
Same as the others, the last mission is a pain. Would've been nice to have a T/D at least for the last mission...
Reviewed: 2006-07-18
This is a free mission from last years Tactical Office Iron Mission creation competition (one of the missions creaed during the final rounds). Keep in mind the creator only had a short time to put the mission togeather where the TAC & TCBG vied over the possesion of Locke's abilities. It's a fairly quick mission to complete, even though dogfighting in a GUN isn't my cup of tea;p.
Reviewed: 2006-06-25
I liked the battle especially the mission with the endless waves of a-wings to rack up the score with:P.
Reviewed: 2006-06-06
Reviewed: 2006-06-06
not a bad first TIE creation at all Frodo although the plot premise could have been more enjoyable as a assasination mission rather than a rescue/retrieval attempt;p.
Reviewed: 2006-06-03
Reviewed: 2006-06-03
An interesting Free mission if you have the time to fly.
Reviewed: 2006-05-31
Reviewed: 2006-05-31
A interesting battle by our hobbit; however, dogfighting a-wings in a Gunboat wasn't all that ammusing to me:P.
Reviewed: 2006-04-12
Oh battle where art thou? Sign, Brukhar beat me to the punch with his earlier comment:P.
Reviewed: 2006-04-11
Reviewed: 2006-04-11
definately worth the time to fly, and its a few fchg points for us FCHG hounds. :P.
Reviewed: 2006-04-10
A nice one in the Prae series Ric, keep up your efforts!
Reviewed: 2006-03-25
Reviewed: 2006-03-25
well done, though it would have been more interesting if the DREAD would have stuck around long enough to kill it:P.
Reviewed: 2006-03-24
Reviewed: 2006-03-24
This ones a interesting mission to fly, just be careful at the end with the Dreadnaught:P.
Reviewed: 2006-03-21
Reviewed: 2006-03-21
A unique story with many opportunities for bonus points:P.
Reviewed: 2006-03-20
Reviewed: 2006-03-20
Nice battle Kate!
Reviewed: 2006-03-05
A decent mission by our former TAC now Cyclone pilot, definately worth flying:P.
Reviewed: 2006-03-05
A nice mission featuring Cyclone squadron, well worth flying.
Reviewed: 2006-02-23
A Prae battle without the T/Pr isn't much fun, besides the battle was pointless after all Prae already has a home on the DGN Lichtor V.
Reviewed: 2006-02-23
Same as the previous battle no T/Pr equals an unhappy Prae CMDR.
Reviewed: 2006-01-27
Reviewed: 2006-01-27
Nice work Kate, this ones a fun combat exercise!
Reviewed: 2006-01-27
Reviewed: 2006-01-27
A nice mission honoring two of the EH's fallen heroes & it has some nice combat as well- what's not too like? :P.
Reviewed: 2005-11-20
definately not worth the hype, not awfull but not that good either...
Reviewed: 2005-11-18
Reviewed: 2005-11-18
Well it's worth a few FCHG points and other than your wingmen in the final mission it's not that bad- just not as good as the hype the others typed:P.
Reviewed: 2005-11-14
Reviewed: 2005-11-14
Gotta agree with Masters pov here, I ended up watching several tv shows while waiting on all the docking:P. This is definately a hurry up & wait battle & a bit buggy as well- but at least now it's completable (unlike when it was first released for beta testing).
Reviewed: 2005-10-30
This is a nice mission with a target rich environment- a DREAD, Z-95's, Y-wings, small transports, and CNVYR's. Basicaly pirates attack the 4 civilian CNVYR's in the area and Cyclone has to deal with the pirates (former TAC Mike hypers in too- so watch his 6- if he dies your mission fails). Bonus points are available for destroying the DREAD, all the Z-95's, Y-wings, and pirate transports. Don't waste your time ID'ing the CNVYR's- they're not worth any bonus points:P. My only complaint is Mike won't follow orders, but does he ever? :P.
Reviewed: 2005-10-23
A great FCHG battle by Kate with a decent plot and features the IW Black squadron, Praetorian, and the DB & rDB:p.

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