Reviewer Rating Profile

Captain Dujhod (#7443)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.1
Number of Battle Reviews: 60
Reviewed: 2002-06-02
Reviewed: 2002-06-02
Too easy and simplistic, but entertaining nonetheless.
Reviewed: 2002-05-30
Reviewed: 2002-05-30
Too easy, and several minor design issues, but pretty fun nonetheless.
Reviewed: 2002-05-27
Reviewed: 2002-05-27
Fun and mildly amusing mission, even if it does say "expandable" whenever it means "expendable." :P
Reviewed: 2002-05-27
Reviewed: 2002-05-27
Very fun and engaging mission with very few technical errors and an interesting plotline.
Reviewed: 2002-04-20
Reviewed: 2002-04-20
Although this is a classic "kill everything" mission, it's rather challenging and a lot of fun. It's a nice mix of easy starfighters (T-Ws, R-41s, and Z-95s) and turreted craft (MUTRs and E/Ss), and you also have plenty of rockets to shoot down the CRVs and the factory.
Reviewed: 2002-03-20
Reviewed: 2002-03-20
Quick, easy, and not complex.
Reviewed: 2002-03-11
Reviewed: 2002-03-11
I agree with Beef's comments on the plot. I also thought the mission itself was a little too basic. Just take out a few flights of A-wings and X-wings and you're done. There's no real danger to yourself or your command ship.
Reviewed: 2002-03-11
Reviewed: 2002-03-11
Well-balanced and fun, with minimal bugs. Could be a bit more challenging on the higher difficulty settings, though.
Reviewed: 2002-03-10
Reviewed: 2002-03-10
Although the mission had a few bugs (see below), I enjoyed it. It was well-balanced and mildly challenging.
Reviewed: 2002-03-10
Reviewed: 2002-03-10
Good briefing questions. The briefing map was not of professional quality, but it sufficed. Well-balanced mission—long but not tedious. Starfighter orders on the Mon Calamari cruiser.
Reviewed: 2002-03-09
Reviewed: 2002-03-09
Mildly amusing briefings, but the mission itself leaves something to be desired. First of all, there's practically no danger to the player. Second, once you get the shuttles to safety, this is basically a kill-all-the-enemies type of mission—not very interesting. The mission design is simplistic and not very interesting—just killing a few waves of A-wings and B-wings and blasting away at larger craft.
Reviewed: 2002-03-08
Reviewed: 2002-03-08
A little too simplistic for my taste. Just killing a few flights of TIEs (not too tough) and blasting a platform for a while. The storyline was interesting, though.
Reviewed: 2002-01-17
Reviewed: 2002-01-17
Fun mission, and a reasonably complex plot for a free mission. Could be a bit more challenging though; I didn't have any trouble beating it even on hard mode.
Reviewed: 2002-01-04
Reviewed: 2002-01-04
Fun, funny, and not too hard.
Reviewed: 2002-01-02
Reviewed: 2002-01-02
Excellent, well-developed plotline. Could use a bit more variation in starfighters, though. One gets tired of always flying a T/D against Toscans (with a few Avengers and Rebel fighters thrown in) after a while.
Reviewed: 2001-11-23
Reviewed: 2001-11-23
Only marginally better than Dorja #1. Kill a few TRNs and a PLT (which isn't armed with missiles), along with a SPC that doesn't shoot back if you're feeling particularly ambitious.
Reviewed: 2001-11-23
Buggy, not particularly creative, VERY limited briefings, typos and grammatical errors...need I say more?
Reviewed: 2001-11-18
Reviewed: 2001-11-18
Hmm...starts out OK, if a bit boring. You're in a T/I attacking assorted enemy craft. When you see an E/S, you realize you're in trouble. The mission is practically impossible to complete without invincibility (although it looks like Callista managed it somehow), because the E/S is followed by an ATR, ETR, and later CRVs, M/CRVs, and a frigate.
Reviewed: 2001-11-17
Reviewed: 2001-11-17
Every mission is exactly the same, except the player flies a different starfighter. This would be far better suited to a single TIE-FREE mission. I gave it a 1 because the mission itself isn't that bad—it just gets old by the fourth time through.
Reviewed: 2001-11-16
Reviewed: 2001-11-16
Good plot and fun missions, but too easy for my taste (even on the hardest setting).
Reviewed: 2001-11-16
Reviewed: 2001-11-16
Not as abysmal as some people are saying. Sure, it's relationship to the BHG is a little questionable, the plot is sketchy, and there are linguistic errors everywhere. But it's clear that author put a fair amount of time into making the battle. Craft collisions are infrequent, the layout of the missions tends to be pretty nice, and the orders of the craft are usually reasonably appropriate.
Reviewed: 2001-11-08
Reviewed: 2001-11-08
Your mission: bravely pilot your TIE Defender to disable an enemy TIE Defender. Then inspect a Rebel CRL (which, by the way, doesn't shoot at you when you fly near it). For bonus points, destroy the TIE Fighters in the area (which don't shoot back). And if you're really daring, you can even take out the two Missile Boats (which don't actually have any missiles) that show up when you destroy all the other starfighters.
Reviewed: 2001-10-30
Reviewed: 2001-10-30
Reviewed: 2001-10-23
Reviewed: 2001-10-23
Fairly standard mission (disable the capital ship, destroy the starfighters). My only real objection is that it lacks balance. Five TIE Defenders and an ATR against a Rebel CRL with a complement of forty starfighters and a sizeable minefield is not a balanced mission. The other problem is that the mission has practically no plot. We never really find out why we're attacking this CRS, except for a vague sentence in the post-mission officer briefing.
Reviewed: 2001-10-17
Fun mission with a nice briefing. Not very challenging (though I only played it on normal difficulty), but fun nonetheless. A little more variety in the enemies would be nice. (There are only X-wings, B-wings, mines, and a couple of CRVs.)

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