Reviewer Rating Profile

Lieutenant Mirei Seppen (#9992)

Reviewer Average Rating: 2.1
Number of Battle Reviews: 21
Reviewed: 2020-06-11
Reviewed: 2020-06-11
Two Words: Missle Spam.

I did not enjoy it. Missle spam missions can make a wonderful mission bad.
Reviewed: 2020-05-30
Reviewed: 2020-05-30
I didn't have too much issue with the mission, it wasn't too hard but the majority of the mission had me trying to reach the Espionage and it jumping out quickly, after the third time it dawned on me and I focused on the other ships that spawned and got the inspect almost by accident. Not that bad a mission.
Reviewed: 2020-04-12
Reviewed: 2020-04-12
Rather monotonous but not badly done, the main problem I had is no fault of the creator. Do to my vision issues when there is two types of the same craft, bad guys flying X-Wings and Good guys flying X-Wings it tends to cause me fits. Luckily theres the target next button. Over all though a solid early mission, the only issue is it tends to spawn you within crashing range often.
Reviewed: 2020-04-12
Reviewed: 2020-04-12
Mission three and four were nearly identical in my opinion with the exception of the immortal escort shuttle in one of the missions. We had the lemming starfighters that would launch and fly in a straight line while being shot to pieces. Over all it faces the issues of many early missions but it wasn't terrible.
Reviewed: 2020-04-08
Reviewed: 2020-04-08
Lemmings. Most often the R-41's and for most part the Y-Wings would just fly in a straight line while I shot them in the exhaust. Early mission from pre 2000 so can't gripe too much.
Reviewed: 2020-04-08
Reviewed: 2020-04-08
A bare bones skirmish encounter with a vessel that could be used easily for training. The inclusion of the Millenium Falcon was a addition common to early EH missions, but with the time period it is still a valid thing. I just do not perfer such being added. Over all with the exception of a submitted bug report the mission was fine.
Reviewed: 2020-03-27
Reviewed: 2020-03-27
I do not know why, it felt longer then six missions. Might have been do to being sick. One of the missions toward the middle however, the decoys freighters was tedious until I remembered the goal was the Corellian Corvette's not the fighters. Otherwise a fine enough middle range mission.
Reviewed: 2020-03-24
Decent enough map, lots of space but the bots tend to use the upper observation to evade and run for you at times making you have to chance them needlessly.
Reviewed: 2020-03-22
Reviewed: 2020-03-22
The waiting extremely long times for the hypering out needs to be tweaked, I don't mine 2-3 minutes after a battle but this seemed far far too long. I think upward of ten after the battle?
Reviewed: 2020-03-22
Reviewed: 2020-03-22
Not a bad starter mission, while it flowed well for the narrative I believe it could have been trimmed down by one mission and done better. While it incorporated the things I do not like, delicate escorts and mines... it wasn't bad.
Reviewed: 2020-03-17
Reviewed: 2020-03-17
Mission: Balance of Power Free - 10 |
Reporting: LCM Mirei Seppen |
Vessel: - TIE/Int |
Personal Tally: - X-Wing x5, A-Wing x1 |
Debriefing: - We were sent to take out a rebel base. There was a lot of defenses but after much effort we were able to handle and win. Still unsure where this deployment was however. |
OOC: The included read me says this is Earth, the briefing says its Thrae, so which one?
Reviewed: 2020-03-17
Reviewed: 2020-03-17
Mission: Balance of Power Free - 9 |
Reporting: LCM Mirei Seppen |
Vessel: - Gunboat |
Personal Tally: - A-Wing x3, Mines Type A x16, R-41 x5, Z-95 x6, Medium Heavy Transports x3 |
Debriefing: - We were sent to kill a musician and dodge mines. |
OOC: Do not make missions where you kill Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake, etc? It's bad taste. Also I hate mines.
Reviewed: 2020-03-17
Reviewed: 2020-03-17
Mission: Balance of Power Free - 7 |
Reporting: LCM Mirei Seppen |
Vessel: - TIE/Adv |
Personal Tally: - X-Wing x1, Y-Wing x2 |
Debriefing: - The Rebels decided they wanted to capture our Newsletter. |
OOC: I hate escort several cargo vessels and if a single one is destroyed by unending waves of missle spam then you loose. This is a good example of this. Also why do they want our newsletter?
Reviewed: 2020-03-17
Reviewed: 2020-03-17
Mission: Balance of Power Free - 8 |
Reporting: LCM Mirei Seppen |
Vessel: - TIE/Adv |
Personal Tally: - Y-Wing x1, A-Wing x2, B-Wing x3 |
Debriefing: - We are to retrieve an Admiral from the Training Officer? Hey man I just work here, don't ask me. |
OOC: This is the worst mission I have ever played in my life. First I made it unwinnable twice do to the missions said to stop the ship from being disabled. But no we are to let it be disabled, let it be boarded, sit on our thumbs, then fight a ton of waves. Communication?
Reviewed: 2020-03-17
Reviewed: 2020-03-17
Mission: Balance of Power Free 5 |
Reporting: LCM Mirei Seppen |
Vessel: TIE/Adv |
Personal Tally: X-Wing x1 |
Debriefing: The VSD Unmasked has been stolen, so we were sent in to destroy it. This seemed to me to be a waste of resources but I'm just a pilot, not intel or anything. Definitely not intel. |
OOC: It was a mess of a cluster in this. I do not understand logically how a entire VSD like this could be stolen but that aside I would say there was adequate opponents and while the A-Wings seemed too missle happy it wasn't too bad a mission. I was a bit concerned during it however that I would have to run it a few times but over all it went out well. One thing and it may be nothing but both capital ships seemed to drop there hull strength very very quickly and it just seemed... off?
Reviewed: 2020-02-12
Reviewed: 2020-02-12
Mission: Balance of Power Free 4 |
Reporting: LCM Mirei Seppen |
Vessel: TIE/Adv |
Personal Tally: M/CRV x1, R-41 x1, T-Wing x1 |
Debriefing: We were sent to stop an invasion force that was attempting to take out a space station in preparation for a invasion of planet Lears. We were able to stop them but with considerable effort. |
OOC: First, I am not sure if Lears is the home planet for our Dark Brotherhood. I don't remember it from my Directorate days. That aside I wish to say the mission was a bit white knuckled and rough at times but there was adequate loadouts and did not feel impossible in the least. I saw a wide variety of vessels and other then as before stated Balance of Powers habit of not giving proper credit to kills, I cannot say anything bad about this mission in the least. Also this is a Dark Brotherhood Free Mission.
Reviewed: 2020-02-12
Mission: Balance of Power Free 3 |
Reporting: LCM Mirei Seppen |
Vessel: TIE/Adv |
Personal Tally: B-Wing x2 |
Debriefing: We intercepted the Rebels we received the report of on the long range scanners. No trouble at all was had. |
OOC: Not every piece of fiction must be War and Peace or remake the wheel. Some missions can be simple without trouble. This was just that. Some people would scoff at the rather simple plot that was had with no twists, just a we see Rebels on our long range scanners lets take them out. Sometimes these missions are needed. Call them a palate cleanser for more complicated missions down the road. This was a perfectly fine mission with a large number of enemies. However as always with Balance of Power it can be a bit wonky on if you get credit or not for the actual kill. So don't be discouraged. Also this is a Dark Brotherhood Free Mission.
Reviewed: 2020-02-12
Reviewed: 2020-02-12
Mission: Balance of Power Free 2 |
Reporting: LCM Mirei Seppen |
Vessel: TIE/sa |
Personal Tally: T-Wing x1, Dreadnaught x1 |
Debriefing: Assassin's captured Grand Admiral Ronin and tortured him, we are to stop them. We stopped them but I do not remember seeing the Grand Admiral? |
OOC: My grammar is atrocious and I cannot use homonyms right. That being said the formatting for the briefing is wildly misspelled and formatted poorly and can be easily tweaked to look better. In addition I find that the choice of vessels was moot to the mission and felt hampering. Yes a TIE Bomber was appropriate but poorly loaded. So I just think this felt poorly checked. A bug report will be added as well and otherwise it was solid without anything game breaking. I just felt the introduction and the loadouts took away from the potential enjoyment of the mission as a whole. Also this is a Dark Brotherhood Free Mission
Reviewed: 2020-02-12
Reviewed: 2020-02-12
Mission: Balance of Power Free 1 |
Reporting: LCM Mirei Seppen |
Vessel: TIE/Adv |
Personal Tally: YT-1300 x1, Z-95 x9 |
Plot: Intercept Rebel Cargo Purchase and Transfer. |
Debriefing: A rather rough flight, the enemies were endless and relentless however we did fine and came out victorious. |
OOC: This came across as a proof of concept mission for new Balance of Power content. Everything that could be placed on the map was and in a variety of unit types. It seemed very much 'can it handle this much'. Otherwise it flew fine and didn't seem too unmanageable. Some players may however have issues do to the sheer bulk of on screen enemies but I feel it isn't too bad in that sense. It is a nice litmus test to see if you can handle the improvements of Balance of Power over X-Wing vs TIE Fighter. Also this is a Dark Brotherhood Free Mission.
Reviewed: 2020-01-14
Reviewed: 2020-01-14
Well first incident in the short time I played the mission that I had to say is I personally do not like mines. So clearing the minefield in mission one was not the best fun I ever had but it was done well, not too aggressive but very dense. So I guess you can say it wasn't too bad in that sense with the station not shooting also. The second incident I will point out is the diversion with the transports in the beginning of mission two. Natural instinct would be to leave the escort and go save it which is the wrong thing to do. I failed twice to this. The third incident I will point out is that one unshielded, unmissled TIE escorting a large group of TIE's did not seem realistic with all the constant attacks going on. There should have been a wingman or at least some form of help. This is the type of battle I dislike. I play these for fun, not to have a horrid meat grinder so I can consider myself l33t. I will say mission two was therapeutic in a way that I will not list here.
Reviewed: 2020-01-04
I have been saying for decades that this needs to be removed, remade, or released. Each time I bring it up, 'it will be out soon'. This was an example of Marcin's abuse of his role as TAC.

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