Reviewer Rating Profile

Sub-Lieutenant Zekk Terrik (#5118)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.4
Number of Battle Reviews: 38
Reviewed: 2020-03-26
I see that there are a lot of complaints about this battle but I particularly enjoyed it. I thought it was pretty fun. I found the missions engaging. I had played this one last year but honestly I think I was drunk when I did it because I do a lot of drunk’s on my combat record but I don’t remember it. I found a few things odd – how exactly do they know I’m an Imperial if I’m flying an X Wing? Wasn’t that the whole idea behind the Infiltrator Wing? Also, the third mission was quite dull. You essentially hyper to three separate zones, inspect some asteroids, and wait for an ETR to install a listening device. This takes over 10 minutes with very little action. I also noticed that in one mission, some craft enter pointing the wrong way and nearly crash into each other. I think it was mission two. Otherwise I found it fun! It’s blowing up Rebels...who can complain about that?
Reviewed: 2020-03-23
Reviewed: 2020-03-23
Well I will be honest, I chose this mission for the Sin On Patrol competition and it was incredibly difficult. I did it on Hard mode to start (you will all probably know by now that I am a terrible pilot) and your wingmen aren’t exactly helping you out. I liked the premise of the mission – blow up every Rebel in sight – but quite literally each and every single other craft flying with you dies within the first minute, and so it’s just you against 30 other fighters – TIE Interceptors, TIE Fighters, A Wings, and X wings. Not to mention that you have to take down a Strike Cruiser by yourself. By and large your wingmates are pretty useless, even if you try to manage them. I can usually take down about five before there is literally nowhere for me to dodge or juke – lasers are coming at you from all directions. Extremely difficult even on the lowest difficulty setting. Wasn’t a fan.
Reviewed: 2020-03-22
I thought this battle was quite fun! It’s an interesting change of pace to fly Rebel craft for a change. You fly the A Wing for all missions in this battle and, considering that the A wing is the one Rebel craft that I absolutely hate to dog fight, it’s nice to turn the tables for once. I also appreciate the fact that it was rather realistic, as a naval engagement typically starts with a whole hell of a lot of recon followed by multiple small skirmishes, then one huge one that typically decides a battle, and that’s exactly what this was. I know a lot of people hate on it but I love the blow everything to pieces missions, especially when you are in a fast attack craft like an A-wing that is just made for dogfighting. Overall I can find very little to complain about in this battle...job well done by the creator!
Reviewed: 2020-03-21
Reviewed: 2020-03-21
I really liked this battle! I know a lot of people hate on the simple “blow everything to pieces” battles but it was quite fun. And, to be fair, I really like those battles as it allows you to test your mettle as a pilot. Plus, you do get to mix it up with a mission where you just do a bunch of recon. I appreciate being able to continually fly a TIE Advanced...even though I am more of a TIE Defender pilot I appreciate the continuity. I appreciate it sticking it to the EU canon a bit, where Corellia is under Imperial control for a long time even after the Battle of Endor. But like I said, simply the sheer amount of fighters results in some epic dogfighting that makes the battle quite fun. This was my kind of battle! Lots of Rebel deaths and explosions...what more could a true Imperial ask for?
Reviewed: 2020-03-19
I thought that this battle was pretty fun but I will not lie that the English is pretty horrendous. Sometimes I had to scroll back a bit to understand what was said. However, the story was very good! Without giving any spoilers, there are a few dramatic plot twists that had you on the edge of your seat. The only real issue I had with the battle – other than of course the confusing English – was during the middle of mission 3 (I think that was the one? The one where you inspect a Rebel base?), you have to blow up a couple of probes. For some reason I could not get a decent laser lock on them and had to make probably around ten passes on each one. I did finally get them but it took a few minutes. Also, some of the repetitive hyperspace jumps felt unnecessary. But nonetheless it was very fun and I strongly recommend!
Reviewed: 2020-03-12
Reviewed: 2020-03-12
I found this free mission to be very fun! Even on the hardest difficulty I was able to complete it without the difficulty level being completely absurd. Being in a shielded TIE Bomber is definitely different. You go up against a contingent of Y-wings, X-wings, Z-95s, and some larger craft like assault transports, escort transports, and Carrack cruisers. It is pretty easy to complete the primary mission objectives in a reasonable amount of time – after that, you should concentrate your fire on the fighters (especially the Z-95 Headhunters), as they will quickly become your biggest pain. It helps to know how to manage your squadmates, because it can be a major pain to get blasted at in a TIE Bomber. You are super slow, and need to keep your cannon charge up so you can continuously dump it into your shields, which is faster than charging your shields on their own.
Reviewed: 2020-03-12
I only did this battle because it was part of the TIE Corps On Battle Competition, and I already want the past hour of my life back. The first mission was dreadful – all the opponents spawn between 40-50 klicks away from you because it is, ideally, a deep space “recon” mission. Even if you dump all your lasers into your throttle it’s a good 10 minutes before any action starts in the first mission. That is simply unacceptable. The third mission was not a whole lot better – the objectives are unclear. The E/S that flies in has to dock with a specific container that is not listed in your primary objectives, so you could very well blow it up without realizing it. If you do, the E/S just sits there without completing its mission. It took me a couple go throughs on that mission to figure out what was going on. I was honestly relieved for the 4th mission, which was just to blow up everything in sight.
Reviewed: 2020-03-10
Reviewed: 2020-03-10
This battle was not bad, but it still commits a lot of the cardinal sins of custom battle design. First off, just don’t place invincible ships in your game. Don’t do it. Especially if I have no idea that the ship is supposed to be invincible and sit there blasting away at it and wondering what is going on. Secondly, the map briefings were absolutely awful. They made no sense, and often times I began the mission with no idea what I was supposed to be doing. Usually reading the objectives will help clear that up but the objectives made no sense on any of the missions either.
However, that being said, it was still kind of fun. It can be fun to just launch into a battle with no idea what the hell is going on, and you are definitely doing that here. The premise of the battle itself was funny.
Reviewed: 2020-02-23
Reviewed: 2020-02-23
I decided to fly this battle just for the heck of it. I prefer X Wing Alliance, honestly, but I am running out of battles to play on it. I thought this was pretty fun. Without spoiling too much, it was fun to see the New Republic and the Hutts join up against me...and still fail. I really enjoyed the large scale capital ship battles and the dogfights honestly get pretty intense. I almost died several times yet did not find the difficulty too ridiculous. My only serious knock on it was the very last mission; once I had blown everyone and everything away, the craft that were supposed to dock with the platform were only just showing up. I ended up heading off to take a shower and get some food while those craft went about their business, so who knows how long it took. Other than that, found this battle very fun!
Reviewed: 2020-02-23
We did this mission for the Sin Squadron Sin On Patrol competition and it was quite fun. Lots of opportunities to blow things away and get extra points, and a huge variability in easy and hard modes that, you know, actually make them easy and hard. Those Supa Bombers and Razor Fighters can really take a beating, so the trick is to use torpedoes on them as they do not even bother to engage you. I’m not the most skilled pilot in the world so I found the hard mode challenging but was still able to beat it. I would have gotten a better score, I think, as I was about 10 minutes deep into it until one of my idiot wingmen blew me up. At the same time the battle feels very balanced between you and the enemy, as you’re only in a TIE Advanced against some pretty respectable fighters. Overall, I really liked it and would play it again.
Reviewed: 2020-02-12
Reviewed: 2020-02-12
Eh, I will not lie, I just thought this battle was okay. The fact that I got to fly one of those experimental TIEs definitely kicks it up a notch – the cannons on that thing are brutally strong when you blast away a B-wing in about 8 hits. Mission 4 was insanely hard to the point that I had to turn cheats on and I find missions where I have to fly around and hyper from point to point and essentially just drag around for 5+ minutes to be quite boring.
Also, your wingmates are idiots. Most of them were destroyed within the first few minutes, and the rest of them are killed when you blow up the stations, again because most of them are idiots. I didn’t use the custom wav files, mostly out of laziness, so I can’t really comment on any of those. Use the chaff countermeasures when getting attacked from behind! It helped.
Reviewed: 2020-02-09
Reviewed: 2020-02-09
I guess this mission was just okay...I found it a bit unoriginal. Spot enemies, blow up enemies. Don’t get me wrong, I find as much joy as the next guy in blowing up Rebels, but it never hurts to throw something new at me. There was a fair amount of R-41 Starchasers in this battle (especially the last one) and I take some sort of sick satisfaction in parking behind them and blasting away at them in a TIE Defender. They have no hope. I have played a lot of Ender’s missions at this point and this is not really one of the more memorable ones (plus I remember those guys on the Colossus as being a bunch of bums). I’m not a particularly skilled pilot but found it very easy considering that it’s you – a fleet full of missile boats and TIE Defenders – versus crappy X-wings, R-41s, T-wings, and the like. A solid 3 stars.
Reviewed: 2020-02-09
Reviewed: 2020-02-09
I’ll definitely give this four stars. It was fun, but the first two missions are dreadfully boring. Mission 1 is about 30 seconds of dogfighting Z-95’s before they decide to hyper out, and mission 2 is a good 7 minutes of flying around while waiting for the two shuttles to dock. For someone who is not even remotely a good pilot I found it fairly easy. Your wingman in the last mission is an utter moron, unfortunately, who hypered out when I told him to evade. I guess that’s one way to evade. However, your craft in the final mission is a missile boat armed with a double load of rockets and concussion missiles, plus you have assault gunboats backing you up. It’s definitely doable – I was able to smoke an ISD with little effort. Here’s a bit of a tip – if you dump your lasers and tractor beams and fly at an angle to the Star Destroyer, the turbolasers are unable to track you because you’re moving too fast. The story was interesting and fun – I love ambushing arrogant enemies who dare invade EH space!

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