Reviewer Rating Profile

Lieutenant Colonel Gen Es'mith (#589)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.4
Number of Battle Reviews: 69
Reviewed: 2003-02-02
Reviewed: 2003-02-02
I loved this battle, it was great to fly it.The story was really interesting and the flying was awesome! Good job on it!
Reviewed: 2002-12-14
Reviewed: 2002-12-14
A difficult and challenging mission. Lots of stuff going on. Good job.
Reviewed: 2002-12-13
I really like this as well. Talk about souping up a TB! The only downer is the glitch when you jump from fighter to fighter, not the creator's fault though!!
Reviewed: 2002-12-13
Reviewed: 2002-12-13
Achieveable on medium for this mediocre pilot. Hard is impossible. Interesting plot, some juicy targets but guys with missiles who know how to use them protecting.
Reviewed: 2002-12-09
Very Nice Battle Mike! Easy in some spots but hard in others, the right combinamtion. I really enjoyed it, whens the next one coming out?
Reviewed: 2002-12-03
Reviewed: 2002-12-03
Straight Forward, challenging. Straight out of the books, illustrating that the TIE Interceptor can do what it was created to do, defeated a shielded starfighter such as the X-Wing.
Reviewed: 2002-12-02
Reviewed: 2002-12-02
So the briefing is lackluster etc. When compared to #129 this thing is great. You go out do what you're told and come back. No jokes or tricks.
Reviewed: 2002-11-24
Reviewed: 2002-11-24
TI in shields, brings back memories of my time as Quaestor. Such a poisonous crew and now the names have changed anyway.
Reviewed: 2002-11-24
Endless waves of X-Wings and who cares if you can get to the goals....they keep coming until they kill your ISD....pure garbage.
Reviewed: 2002-06-24
Reviewed: 2002-06-24
Although One shouldn't be suprised when "allies" send their ships screaming into your cap ship, this mission managed to do just that. The mission may not have been entirely original, but the playability and layout exceeded my expectation and I was well pleased. Good work!
Reviewed: 2002-06-24
Reviewed: 2002-06-24
This mission was not created for normal pilots, and therefore rates a big fat zero, in this pilot's book.
Reviewed: 2002-06-14
Probably the most boring battle I ever flew. Especially the first mission made me think of new definitions to the word 'boring'. The last missions aren't that fun either. Going up against capital ships and installations time after time with just lasers isn't quite my idea of fun. I don't have any comments on the technical part of the battle however, that's why I still gave it a 2.
Reviewed: 2002-04-09
Reviewed: 2002-04-09
Great battle! I thouroughly enjoyed flying this one! One (very) minor remark though: it wasn't very clear in mission 3 that ATR Falcon only appeared to fetch the parts when the Shipyard's shields are down.
Reviewed: 2002-02-10
Reviewed: 2002-02-10
Maybe it's just me, but this is not an eminently flyable/winnable game for the average stick jock.
Reviewed: 2002-02-09
Challenging goals in some, but achievable by most. I'd say an excellent comp battle.
Reviewed: 2002-02-04
Reviewed: 2002-02-04
Not bad...though it seems the ferries are harder to kill in this mission than most others..... It does take a keen tactical sense to feel comfortable with this mission though.
Reviewed: 2002-01-16
Reviewed: 2002-01-16
Well balanced, joy to fly! (yeah, perhaps easier than FCHG-1, but hooray!!)
Reviewed: 2002-01-16
Reviewed: 2002-01-16
A good battle, kudos on not overextending the capabilities of the assigned fighters.
Reviewed: 2002-01-15
Reviewed: 2002-01-15
The missions were fairly creative, but not created for the avg or above avg pilot.
Reviewed: 2001-11-11
Reviewed: 2001-11-11
It's not that this mission is so hard, its just that your wingmen are stupid. You need to be EXTREMELY aware of what's going on, making my annoyance rating for this mission 6.
Reviewed: 2001-06-14
Reviewed: 2001-06-14
Pretty Good battle, I had the same problem with the M/FRG being destroyed, so I ran through the Rebel sector first.
Reviewed: 2001-05-12
Reviewed: 2001-05-12
This is just the same mission five times in a row. Destorying wave after wave of X-Wings, A-Wings and Z-95's gets really boring after about three minutes. Also, if you hate avoiding missiles dont fly this battle.
Reviewed: 2001-05-10
Reviewed: 2001-05-10
I really liked this battle. Good job.
Reviewed: 2001-05-03
Reviewed: 2001-05-03
Excellent briefings. Nice touch adding the threat assessment. I still HATE fighting T/A and T/Ds, but the variety of overall missions and duties more than made up for ages of flying against top fighters types. Great Work Drake!!!
Reviewed: 2001-04-25
I like the historical plot line, but not all of us are God's gift to the Empire. I consider this unrealistic mission goals with insufficient craft and much to limited time constraints.

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